Baby for the Boss Read online Victoria Snow (The Office Affairs #1)

Categories Genre: Romance Tags Authors: Series: The Office Affairs Series by Victoria Snow

Total pages in book: 83
Estimated words: 75553 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 378(@200wpm)___ 302(@250wpm)___ 252(@300wpm)

This is bad, I thought with a frown.

Not wanting to face his ire, I tiptoed as quietly as I could toward his desk and set down his lunch order on the mahogany surface. I turned and headed for the door. The only sound in the office behind me was the click of my heels. That is, until I reached for the door handle and Griff finally spoke.

“Remy, wait,” he said in his usual domineering tone.

On instinct, I stopped what I was doing straight away and I turned. He was facing me now with an unreadable expression on his face, but still, he was as handsome as ever. A light spray of stubble adorned his chin and I couldn’t help but think about what it might feel like rubbing against my skin as he kissed me. He was wearing a dark suit like usual and his stature demanded attention and oozed power from every inch of him. I couldn’t look away even if I wanted to.

If Shelley could see me now, she’d have far more material to tease me with than I would ever live down, I told myself with a small smile.

“Remy, I have to ask,” Griff began as he took a step in my direction. “Do you enjoy working in my office?”

The question surprised me. I never thought in a million years that he might ask me something about my feelings. I thought he might ask me for a coffee or to copy something. We didn’t have much of a personal relationship, so why did he care how I felt?

Before I could overthink it, I smiled and told him the truth. “It’s the best job I’ve ever had,” I said with a bright, wide smile. “Although, I’m only twenty-six. I’ve not had many jobs before this one.”

Griff nodded like he accepted my response and I still felt totally confused about the question. I didn’t think he’d ever asked something so strange before. That is, until he opened his mouth once more. “Are you single?”

I have to admit that my knees wobbled a little when he asked. Scenarios and fantasies were quick to push to the forefront of my mind. I imagined him fucking me right here and now while everyone else was on the other side of such a thin wall…

Stop it, I chastised myself with a shake of my head.

Griff’s eyebrows raised and I realized he might have mistaken that for my answer. “Yes, I’m single,” I admitted finally as my cheeks began to warm. Is it hot in here?

I was anxious for Griff to follow up with some kind of an explanation for the bizarre questions, but I didn’t get it. Instead, he stayed silent for a long time—long enough to make me nervous. My hands began to shake a little and my palms grew sweaty. I thought this might be the longest time we’d had a conversation alone together. Why did that excite me so much?

When he finally lifted his hand and motioned me to come join him near the desk, I swear my legs had never moved so quickly before. The heel of my right shoe gave way and I stumbled, almost falling face first on the floor. The only thing that saved me was that I was already almost at the desk and I grabbed it to stop my fall. I took a deep breath and tried to calm down my fluttering heart, but it was pointless.

Griff leaned in closer and I shuddered. His breath was ghosting across my ear and I thought I might actually faint.

“The company has been sold, Remy,” he said and yanked me out of my fever dream.

My whole face must have betrayed my surprise because I never thought that was what Griff wanted to talk to me about. I mean, I’d heard a few rumors circulating about the company being sold off to new owners, but I’d just disregarded it as watercooler gossip. That’s what most rumors ended up being at the office anyway.

Griff leaned back and ran a hand through his thick, lush brown hair. “I have reason to believe that some major changes could be headed our way…” he stated with a worried furrow of his eyebrows.

I wanted to ask him what the changes were. Were they going to affect Griff? Were they going to affect me? My head was whirling with potential issues and I could tell Griff was feeling a similar way with how concerned he looked, but before I could bring anything up, Griff was already dismissing me.

“Thanks for the lunch, Remy,” he remarked with a curt nod before turning and looking back out of the window again.

For a moment, I considered pressing him further for more information, but I didn’t want to risk souring his mood anymore. So, I turned and left as quietly as I could and returned to my desk. I felt slightly shaken as I walked and my mind was muddled with thoughts of Griff and the company’s sale. Very little ever bothered Griff, so I knew whatever changes were coming that they must’ve been big. I hated seeing him like that too. I missed the usual confident Griff who knew what he wanted and just how to get it. Right now, he just looked… defeated.


