Baby for the Boss Read online Victoria Snow (The Office Affairs #1)

Categories Genre: Romance Tags Authors: Series: The Office Affairs Series by Victoria Snow

Total pages in book: 83
Estimated words: 75553 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 378(@200wpm)___ 302(@250wpm)___ 252(@300wpm)

Kelly shook her head. “Not tonight, I’m afraid! He was planning to originally, but something rather urgent came up and he’ll have to miss out. Such a shame.”

I groaned. “Well, just when am I going to meet him?” I asked in a bit of a frustrated voice. I was sure that Kelly knew how I was feeling since I wasn’t trying to hide it, but still, she just smiled and brushed off my questions.

“Be patient, Griff,” she replied with a laugh. “Good things come to those who wait, after all!” She directed me toward the counter where I could order food before finally turning and sauntering back the way we came.

I watched her go with a grimace and let out a sigh. Instead of easing my fears, Kelly had only exacerbated them and I began to think that my earlier anxiety was actually justified. After all, she had insisted we visit so urgently and now, I was getting the brush off. But what could I do? I was totally at her mercy during this trip, so I just had to grin and bear it. Hopefully, dinner would provide me with more answers.

I gave myself a reassuring nod before collecting some food for lunch. I sat down and began looking over my work e-mails to check on the Seattle office. I hope Kelly hasn’t really got anything up her sleeve, I thought to myself. My life is already complicated as it is. I’m not sure I could take much more.

Little did I know.

The rest of day passed by smoother than I’d expected. I continued to attend my scheduled meetings and I made a good number of contacts who could prove useful for projects in the future. At the very least, Kelly had managed to inadvertently set up a great opportunity for me to network with her colleagues. Once my last meeting was over and done with, I was more determined than ever to head back to the hotel and get ready as soon as possible to attend dinner. I thought it would prove a great opportunity to peddle Kelly with drinks and get some answers out of her.

Yet when I arrived back at the hotel room, Remy was nowhere to be seen. I sighed to myself and strode over to the closet to pull out my best suit and get ready myself. It was just my luck that Remy had gone off somewhere when I’d wanted us to get to dinner as soon as possible. Oh well, I’ll get ready and if Remy isn’t back by then, I’ll give her cell a call, I told myself and began to unbutton my shirt.

It wasn’t until I headed toward the bathroom to grab my cologne that I realized there was a faint noise coming from behind the door. On a second look, I noticed that the door was not only closed, but it appeared to be locked to. Remy had to be behind it. Curious, I pressed my ear up against the wood and tried to make out the sound coming from inside.

It was crying.

At least, that’s what it sounded like. I could hear faint sobs and sniffles alongside gasps for breath every now and again. My heart sank in my chest and I felt completely gutted. I hated hearing Remy this way and I was angry at myself for having missed the sound when I initially arrived in the room. Before I could rethink my decision, I lifted my hand and gently rapped my knuckles on the wood.

“Remy?” I called softly through the door. “Is everything okay in there?”

I heard some scuffling and the soft blow of Remy’s nose before she answered, “I’m fine honestly.” Her voice sounded weak and I didn’t really believe that she was okay, but I didn’t want to push her too much if she really was upset.

“Okay, well, dinner is soon if you’re still feeling up to coming?” I called.

The door opened suddenly and Remy appeared in front of me with her face pale and her eyes puffy and red. It was clear she had been crying. “Of course, I’m coming,” she replied. “I’m fine, I told you already.” She pushed past me and went to collect her evening clothes before heading back into the bathroom to change. It was clear that something was bothering her, but whatever it was, she didn’t want to talk about it with me.

I shrugged my shoulders to myself and told myself that she’d talk about it when she was ready.

After just a few minutes, Remy re-emerged looking beautiful as ever in a little black dress with scarlet heels. I was eager to get to the restaurant still, so I helped her out to the sidewalk and hailed a cab to get us there as quickly as possible. Remy hardly said a word to me and I tried my best to respect her space, but I didn’t like seeing her looking so low. I wished she’d let me know what was going on so I could help, but I didn’t think that would happen anytime soon.


