Bad Influence Read online Charleigh Rose (Bad Love #3)

Categories Genre: New Adult, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Bad Love Series by Charleigh Rose

Total pages in book: 81
Estimated words: 76710 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 384(@200wpm)___ 307(@250wpm)___ 256(@300wpm)

Wordlessly, he moves toward me, sliding his hand through my hair, gripping it at the nape of my neck. I peer up at him, smoothing my palms up his stomach, feeling his muscles tense under my touch.

“I have to leave,” he says, his voice gruff.

My hands fall away from his stomach. “Shocker.”

“I’ll be back before you even wake up tomorrow.” He leans down to kiss me, but I turn my cheek, denying him. “Don’t be a brat,” he says before pulling my earlobe between his teeth. His lips trail down my neck, sucking on the sensitive skin. Goosebumps break out along my arms and I squeeze my thighs together to ease the ache.

The buzzing sounds again, and he pulls away, glancing down at his screen, his features tight.

I’m going to find out what he’s hiding tonight.

* * *

“WHAT’S HE DOING HERE?” I snap at Halston.

“He overheard our conversation,” she says bitterly, shoving past me. “He threatened to tell Jess unless we let him come with us.”

“Yeah, I’m a real asshole for trying to keep you two safe as you drive to a random ass address in the middle of the night,” Sullivan deadpans.

“Wait, are you two a thing again?”

“No.” Halston scoffs at the same time Sullivan says, “Yep.”

My eyebrows shoot up. “Glad we cleared that up.”

“You ready to go?” Halston asks. I wring my hands in front of me, suddenly second-guessing my plan. It’s a little crazy to stalk the guy you’re seeing to an unknown location, but bringing two people along—one of which is his best friend? That’s full-blown bat shit.

“This is a bad idea.”

“Do not even start that shit with me, Allison Parrish. We are going to that address, and you’re going to get your answers.”

I shake my head, still torn. This is something my insane mother would do. Love makes you crazy, baby. No. I shake my mother’s voice out of my head. This isn’t love.

“This probably goes against guy code or some shit, but I agree with Hals.”

I don’t know if I’m more taken aback by the fact that he’s siding with her, or the fact that he just called her Hals.

“I think he might be in trouble.”

“What?” I shoot accusatory eyes at Halston who shrugs, conveying with her eyes that this is news to her, too. It’s one thing to suspect, but to have someone else validate your suspicions makes it all too real.

“Relax. I don’t know anything for sure. But you don’t know what you’re walking into. Shep’s already going to kick my ass. He’d kill me if I let you two go alone.”

“Guess we’ll find out in about two hours,” I say, showing them my phone screen with the directions and estimated travel time.

Approximately two hours and thirty-seven minutes later, we find ourselves in the parking lot of a sketchy, unmarked building. My stomach churns with nerves, and I think I might actually throw up right here and now.

“You ready for this, baby girl?” Halston asks, grabbing ahold of my hand. I suck in a breath, steeling myself for whatever we’re about to walk into.

“Yep.” My boots crunch against the loose gravel in the parking lot as we make our way toward the front of the building. At least, I think it’s the front. There’s nothing but a sliding steel door with three small rectangular windows.

The closer we get, the more nervous I get. My hands feel clammy, and my pulse pounds in my ears. I can hear something rumbling inside, something loud, but I can’t put my finger on it. Cheering, maybe?

Sullivan takes the lead, pressing his forehead into one of the glass windows. “Can’t see shit. They’re blacked out.”

Unease licks up my spine as he pulls up the metal door. My jaw drops when I take in the scene in front of me. The sound is unmistakable now. A mob of people is gathered around something in the middle as “The Way You Like It” by Adema blares from the speakers, competing to be heard over the crowd’s jeering.

“What the hell is this place?” Halston shouts, scanning our surroundings.

“Fuck if I know,” Sullivan says. “But I’m gonna go out on a limb here and say it’s not legal.”

“Quick, shut the door and blend in.” I have a feeling people aren’t supposed to just waltz into a place like this.

Sully grabs ahold of the handle, sliding it back down before we make our way toward the edge of the crowd.

“Stay close,” Sully says, reaching for mine and Halston’s hands. Halston quirks a brow at him, hesitating, but she relents, giving him her manicured hand. With me in the lead, we start to push through the crowd. I’m thankful I’m wearing my trusty Docs, because this mob of people rivals some mosh pits. The tangy scent of blood and smoke hangs in the air, and slowly, it all starts to click into place. The black eyes. The bruises. The secretive phone calls.


