Beautiful & Terrible Things Read Online Riley Hart

Categories Genre: Contemporary, Gay, GLBT, M-M Romance, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 87
Estimated words: 83394 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 417(@200wpm)___ 334(@250wpm)___ 278(@300wpm)

My hands fisted in a pillow, my hips moving back to meet him, then my cock thrusting forward on the bed for friction.

“I need to be better,” he whispered against my skin, and I felt…unworthy of this moment with him. I’d killed his father, broken his heart, and he needed to be better?

“Help me.” I hadn’t planned the words, didn’t know what they meant, but they were the ones that had come out. “Help me, Joey.”

“I’m here. Always here.”

I cried out when his fingers were gone, needing him inside me, missing the fullness and the stretch and knowing we were connected on that level.

Then I felt him there, the blunt head of his cock, and I turned to look over my shoulder. Joey was poised over me, and he rubbed me with his glans, then reached for the condom. “It’s okay,” I said. “I’m negative. I was tested when I got to LA, and haven’t been with anyone since.” It had been close to a year for me. “Unless you don’t want.”

“I was negative my last test…maybe six months ago? I’ve never gone bare, but are you sure?”

“Yes. Fuck me.” I grabbed the bottle of lube and tossed it at him.

With frenzied hands, Joey lubed himself and knelt over me again. I kept my legs spread, tried to push my ass higher. He lay over my back, his skin sweat slicked, and I loved the feel of it against mine.

Joey’s lips found my shoulder again as he began to push in.

“God, yesss,” he hissed as I breathed through the initial discomfort. When his groin was pressed against my ass, he turned my head, lay flat on top of me, and took my mouth as he began to fuck.

He worked me slow, with long strokes that made me tremble. This was Joey—Joey inside me, on me. The knowledge of it made me dizzy.

“More,” I pleaded.

“I said the same thing to you, do you remember? I couldn’t get enough of you, needed you so bad.” His thrusts sped up, rapid, sharp pumps into me. “I still do. Fuck, I’ll always need you.”

There would never be anyone else for me but him. “Me too.”

Our bodies slapped together, the friction on my cock good but not enough. As if reading my mind, Joey pulled me up, both of us on our knees. He fucked into me, held me, kissed me as his hand slid down my body and wrapped around my cock.

He jerked my dick as he took me, owned me in a way only he ever had and ever would. My balls drew tighter, my orgasm teetering on the edge. He inhaled, made the same sound he used to before he came. He twitched inside me, the hot spurt of his load filling me, becoming a part of me. His cock spasmed again, spurring on my own orgasm, making me shoot all over his hand, the bed, as my world spiraled out of control, with only Joey keeping me grounded, the way he always had.

We fell to the bed after, sweaty and come-y, but I didn’t care.

We were quiet for a long time, our truths weighing heavy on the moment. Time passed, how much I couldn’t say, before Joey nuzzled close to me, face in my neck. “I want to get better, Gage.”

“I know. You will. We both will.” Someone like Joey wasn’t meant to carry so much pain inside him. He deserved better, and something about being with him made me believe I deserved better too.



I felt needy, like if I let go of Gage, he would disappear, I would lose him, whether it was someone taking him away from me or him leaving me himself. Eventually, he moved to get out of the bed, and I clung to him, asked him not to go. Logically, I knew it was an overreaction, that I didn’t actually need him, but I wanted him. Where would he go anyway? It wasn’t as if he was going to walk out of his own house and leave me.

“It’s fine. I’m not going anywhere. I need to piss and turn off the lights, is all.”

I nodded, still reluctant. I lay there, this fragile thing I’d fought against ever being since I lost him, but I tried to tell myself I was safe with Gage. I was always safe with Gage. I could let my armor down, and he would do his best to take care of me the way…well, the way I took care of him too. It wasn’t something I’d seen when we were younger, the things I did for Gage. All I’d let myself see were the things he did for me.

My eyes tracked him as he walked naked to the bathroom. He left the door open as he took a leak. Even though I was raw and open, a wound I wasn’t sure could be healed, I smiled at getting to see him like this. It wasn’t something I shared much with other lovers, and we’d been young, so young and inexperienced before.


