Besieged Read Online L.P. Lovell (She Who Dares #1)

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Billionaire, Drama, Erotic, Romance Tags Authors: Series: She Who Dares Series by L.P. Lovell

Total pages in book: 107
Estimated words: 98418 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 492(@200wpm)___ 394(@250wpm)___ 328(@300wpm)

I walk him to the waiting car outside where his friend Tim is waiting to pick him up. Harry hugs me hard, promising to pop back in a couple of weeks before slipping into the passenger seat and pulling away.

With a sigh I turn and head back to George’s little red jeep, which he often lends me. The cool air makes me shiver and I realise that I don't have my scarf, I must have left it in the restaurant. I cross the street, dash back up the steps and walk over to the table where a waiter is clearing it.

"Sorry, I left my scarf." I explain as he gives me an odd look. I wrap it around my neck as I push through the door and catch the heel of my stiletto on the lip of the door, almost losing my shoe.

"Oh, shit." I curse as I stumble awkwardly. I lean against the iron railings lining the steps and readjust my shoe. I look up at the sound of an engine approaching.

A big black car pulls up at the curb, coming to a halt at the bottom of the steps. The back door opens and a man steps out. I know who it is before I even see him, my whole body hyper aware of him. He steps out of the car with his usual athletic grace and stands, a cocky grin already fixed on those perfect lips as his smouldering gaze renders me helpless.

He's wearing black jeans and a light grey shirt with the sleeves rolled up. My mouth goes dry as my eyes survey his gorgeous frame. He looks even more amazing than I last remember. His muscular shoulders strain against the material of his shirt which fits his narrow hips perfectly. His jeans hang from his hips but hint at his muscular thighs. Time seems to stand still in that moment as he stares at me and I stare back. As usual I am breathless at the sight of him. This is bad, I’m caught unawares and unprepared.

The door on the far side of the car slams shut and I’m aware of a woman walking around the back of the car. She comes to a halt at his side, but still he does not release me from his stare.

Suddenly flashbacks of Friday night burst through my mind and I have to remind myself to be embarrassed. I'm so overtaken by my body’s natural reaction to him that I had forgotten about the vomit and undressing incident. Shit, this is awkward. I take a deep breath and descend the steps, concentrating very hard on not going head first down them.

The woman is small and slim, she has a mane of dark hair that falls in loose waves down her back. Her big blue eyes compliment her smooth milky complexion. There is no question that she is beautiful. She's wearing black knee high boots that are very fitted and show off her slim calves. She has a grey fitted knee length cardigan on over a black shift dress. Another one of his willing vagina's I expect. Suddenly I feel an irrational pity for her, even though right at this moment I could easily give in and become all too willing myself. I pity the fact that she must have so little self-respect to allow herself to be used.

"Lilly." He greets me, whilst smiling like there's a private joke I’m missing out on.

"Mr Ellis." I greet him stiffly. I need to attempt to redefine some sort of lines between us.

I reach the bottom of the steps. The young woman nods and smiles at me, I return the smile politely.

I am stood barely a metre away from him now. I can feel that magnetic pull he always holds over me, as though I have a steel cable bolted to my chest and he's pulling the other end. My cautious resolve slowly starts to slip away under the weight of all that sexual prowess. My entire body thrums with anticipation and need. He raises one eyebrow as a cocky smirk pulls at his lips in his signature look, an invitation. I take a deep breath, summon some will power and slowly take a step back away from him.

"Goodnight Theo." I whisper breathlessly and begin to retreat.

"Until next time Lilly." He smirks knowingly at me. My body almost convulses at his voice, it's so masculine but so sensual. He offers such promise, but I must keep clear lines with him. He's a man for whom I would willingly blur the lines, but I mustn't. That is a whole world of shit just waiting to happen.

"The answer's still no Theo." I meet his gaze steadily and smile at him sweetly.

He shrugs. "For now..." His eyes darken, and just that look is enough to make my pulse race. Oh god. I turn and cross the road to the jeep, once inside I exhale in a gust. Deep down I know I’m in trouble. Each time I see him the sexual tension gets worse. That was almost unbearable, the next time I see him... I don't even care that he was with another woman. I want him.


