Boomtown Read Online Lani Lynn Vale (Freebirds #1)

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Biker, Contemporary, Funny, MC, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Freebirds Series by Lani Lynn Vale

Total pages in book: 82
Estimated words: 93284 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 466(@200wpm)___ 373(@250wpm)___ 311(@300wpm)

Breaking away from thoughts that would get me no where I went to the bathroom and did my business. This consisted of peeing, brushing my teeth, combing my hair, and pulling my hair up into a high pony tail.

Then, I headed to my dresser and grabbed the only pair of jeans that were left in the dresser. Apparently I needed to add doing laundry to my list of things to accomplish tonight when I got home. I lay down on the bed and shimmied and shook into a pair of silver jeans that were so tight I could barely breathe let alone bend over. Damn I needed to workout. Mentally I scratched that to my list today too. I pulled on my Nappa t-shirt and added a rhinestone belt and my tennis shoes and walked out of my bedroom to the kitchen.

Today was no different from any other day. Mom had Janie up and eating scrambled eggs in her high chair.

As soon as she saw me appear she gave me her itinerary for the next month.

"I start the new contract with the medical center in Lexington, Kentucky tomorrow. I am hopping a red eye tonight, and should be there in time to do the orientation by eight a.m. This contract is only for a month, because the nurses are on strike. They think a deal will be struck possibly sooner than that, but want to cover their bases, so they signed 12 nurses to 1 month contracts. "

I glanced at her as I got my chocolate pop-tart out of the pantry saying, "Sounds good. I’ll have the home fort covered. Don't worry about Janie and me. We will have loads of fun. Won't we Janie?

"Juice, juice, juice, peeze." She squealed.

Ahhhhh, to have the attention of a two year old. I grabbed her cup from under the table and filled it up with some V8 Splash from the refrigerator and handed it to her. She took the cup greedily and downed its contents in 4 seconds. Jesus.

She was just like James. If he had a glass in front of him that was full, it wouldn't be for long, and now he has taught those bad habits to Janie. I could sip on a drink for hours; it was amazing how different we were.

I ate my pop tart and watched Janie eat while mom went to her room to pack.

I thought about what I had to do today and was instantly tired. I had to be at school by 9. Classes let out at 1:30 and work started at two. Then I would work until 5:45 and go pick Janie up from daycare by six. Somehow I wanted to fit a workout in and doing the laundry. Also, if I was being truthful I really needed to find some time to clean up some around the house as well. Yes, today would be a full day. I was not looking forward to it.

When I got out to my truck I had that creepy feeling you get when you feel like someone is watching you. All of the hairs on the back of my neck were on end and I started looking around to see if I saw anyone. Yes, I knew this is what all the dumb girls in the scary movies did instead of the smart thing, which would be to get in the truck and lock it and drive away. But of course I didn't do that, and just looked around like the dork I was. Not seeing anyone,

I climbed into the truck and drove off to school. I kept a steady eye in the rear view mirror but didn't see anyone, so I chalked it up to my over active imagination.

Arriving at school, I went about my day never once thinking about being watched. What I did think about though was those stupid copper eyes, with that stupid black hair.

School went as suspected, lots and lots of memorization was in my future because I had a midterm in two of my four classes next week. Sighing I headed to my truck and got in. Hearing paper crinkly under my butt, I lifted up and pulled a white paper free. It was folded into fourths on white regular computer paper. Carefully opening it, I read and re read it not comprehending what I was seeing. What the hell. What did this even mean?

The paper only said a few words, “Tell the sniper he has a pretty baby."

What in the holy hell was this supposed to mean. And why was it on the seat of my locked truck?

Thinking that sitting in an empty parking lot all by myself wasn't the best of ideas, I headed to work.

All the way to work I wondered what the note meant, but brainstorming was racking up a big zero in my head. I would ask James next time he called. Pushing this out of my mind I pulled into my normal parking spot and walked inside.

After clocking in, I walked to the counter to see if any parts needed delivered. Caleb, who was working the counter today handed me a slip and went back to his phone call. I glanced down and my heartbeat sped a little. Score one for me! Parts to be delivered at Free!

I went out to the shop and had to have one of the hands to put the part in my truck since it was so heavy.

I drove to free in record time and parked my little truck as close to the bay doors as I could get. This part was seriously heavy and there was no point in carrying it any further than what was really necessary. Getting out of the truck, I looked around for someone (ok it was really me looking for Sam, but whatever) but didn't spot anyone.

"Hello?" I called out.

"Be right there, Chey." Max answered and so I waited.

Max came out of the very back a short time later and gave me a wide smile. He was too cute, a male version of Ember for sure. Both of them had carmel brown hair. Both of them were tall with long legs. Ember was the perfect build with nice sized boobs and lots of gorgeous curves that she knew how to work. Max was buff. There was no other word for it. He didn't have a soft spot on his body.


