Boyfriend 101 Read online Riley Hart, Devon McCormack (Fever Falls #6)

Categories Genre: Gay, GLBT, M-M Romance, Romance Tags Authors: , Series: Fever Falls Series by Devon McCormack
Series: Fever Falls Series by Riley Hart

Total pages in book: 85
Estimated words: 81426 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 407(@200wpm)___ 326(@250wpm)___ 271(@300wpm)

“Holy shit,” Lincoln said.

“I knew they had to be fucking!” Carter added.

Sawyer and Rush just stood there watching us, neither saying a word.

I didn’t give a shit that they caught me. What I cared about in that moment was Jude. “Jesus Christ. Close the fucking door and act like adults here. Give us some privacy.” I stood.

Sawyer reached for the door to do just that. “We weren’t trying to spy. They sent us because they needed extra chairs.”

“This is who you’re seeing?” Rush asked. “You know you could have told me that, right? That you’re dating Cam.”

Jude cursed, and this was super fucking new to me. I stood still in front of him, then turned to look at him. His eyes were wide and panicked.

“You’re dating Jude?” Sawyer asked me.

No…no, I wasn’t. At least not that I’d been aware of. Obviously, that wasn’t something I could say. But was he dating someone I didn’t know about? I wasn’t sure I believed that.

My eyes found his again, and his dilated pupils told me all I needed to know. He was freaking out. For some reason, he’d told Rush he was dating someone, and that damn protective instinct I’d always had took over. “Yeah, we are. It’s something we were trying to keep to ourselves, though.”

“Take it from me, blowjobs in supply rooms aren’t the way to do that,” Carter said, and Sawyer rolled his eyes.

Short Stuff looked at Jude, then back to Rush, and I wondered how much he knew about Jude’s feelings, and how that made him feel. I knew he trusted Rush. Lincoln knew he was the only person for Rush Alexander, but I had this nagging feeling they were both sort of unsure what to think about Jude, which had to be shitty for Jude.

“Jude?” Rush asked, and I saw their eyes hold each other.

“Yeah…yeah, I’m seeing Cam. Just a few weeks now and, um…it just sort of happened.”

A smile pulled at Rush’s lips, big and so fucking bright. He was happy for his friend, but also relieved.

“Good for you,” Rush replied. “I’m happy for you both. I can’t believe you didn’t tell me.”

“It’s just…like Cam said, we were trying to keep it to ourselves for now. It’s, uh, new for me.”

“Well, I mean, we turned Ash, Jace, and Owen. It only made sense you were next,” Linc teased, and I could tell he was trying to make light of it, to make everyone, Jude especially, comfortable.

“We should get the chairs,” Carter said, going into PA mode. They all began going for the folded stack against the wall, but Sawyer, he stared at me, and I knew he didn’t believe I was dating Jude. Fucking around? Yeah. Dating? No, if only because I didn’t date and Sawyer knew me so well. He knew when I was lying and when I wasn’t.

“Come on,” I told Jude, nodding toward the door, and he gave me a small smile.

When everyone walked out, I whispered, “I think we need to have a conversation tonight. You didn’t even officially ask me to go steady.”

He chuckled, which was exactly what I hoped for. “Thank you for that, and maybe I was going to officially ask you tonight.”

Jude winked and walked away, leaving me dumbfounded…and maybe a little happier than I should be.



Lost Man befriends Awkward Boy. ~ Theo’s comic

It was a hell of a day.

Between the wedding, witnessing what passed between Lincoln and Rush, and my own growing desire for Cam…oh, and then attacking him in a supply closet like a teenager, almost getting my first blowjob from a guy, only to have it interrupted by friends who now thought we were dating. Yeah, one could say it was a hell of a day.

The rest of the wedding was slightly awkward. Sawyer was eyeing Cam, who was eyeing me, coupled with Rush and Linc, who were obviously relieved I wasn’t sitting around pining for Rush. I both understood it and hated it.

Luckily, Ashton and Beau were too wrapped up in each other to realize anything else was going on, as they should have been. The last thing I wanted was to be a distraction on their day.

We ate cake, and Kenny, Lincoln, Wyatt, and Rush all spoke about Beau and Ash, how much they meant to them, and they spoke of Ash’s bravery and love and Beau’s loyalty and kindness.

It wasn’t long before they were heading out on their honeymoon to New Zealand and Camden and I were in his truck, silently riding home.

“So…” I started. Fuck, this was embarrassing. How in the hell had I found myself in this position? Especially after knowing Linc and Rush had done something similar, but at least they hadn’t been lying to their friends.

“Not now. We’ll talk at home, Beautiful. Oh, hey, Beautiful Boyfriend—BB.” Cam paused. “Never mind. That’s weird as fuck since I call Sawyer BB.” It came from Baby Burke since Sawyer was younger.


