Broken Fate (To Be Claimed #4) Read Online W. Winters, Willow Winters

Categories Genre: Action, Alpha Male, Dark, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Paranormal, Suspense, Vampires Tags Authors: , Series: To Be Claimed Series by W. Winters
Series: Willow Winters

Total pages in book: 56
Estimated words: 51151 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 256(@200wpm)___ 205(@250wpm)___ 171(@300wpm)

The absolute truth of what’s happened is that I don’t know what to think or believe and I’m terrified of what’s to come because it’s out of my control.

I’m momentarily shocked as I hear Addy’s laugh over the pads of my feet smacking along the wooden hall floor. I slow my steps and listen.

“So how old are you?” I think that’s Grace’s voice.

“Two, silly.” Addy giggles again. Her little voice is full of joy.

“Two! Two!” Reece squeals and shrieks with laughter. Emotions make my throat dry and tears prick. They’re laughing. It’s been so long since I’ve heard them laugh.

My inhale stutters and I try to contain myself.

“No Reece. No!” Even on the verge of tears, I have to stifle a laugh at Addy scolding Reece. “You one.” I peek my head around the corner. Wearing nothing but a diaper, Reece is seated on the tabletop playing with orange slices. He shoves one in his mouth and smiles. Lizzie puts her hands up and hides behind them before poking her head around the side and quickly hiding again. Reece shrieks with delight.

“So you’re the oldest then?” Grace talks to Addy and Addy nods her head dramatically.

Her chin nearly bounces off her chest. “Yea.” She finally gets out a word before snagging one of Reece’s orange slices. “Mo’ please!” She holds the orange in front of Grace as though she’s offering it, but quickly shoves it into her mouth and giggles at Grace’s playful, offended reaction.

“I didn’t get any oranges! Could I have one? Please?” Grace holds her finger up and pleads with Addy.

Reece shrieks something unrecognizable and tries to push an orange into Grace’s mouth. The room fills with genuine laughter and it’s nearly too much. It’s hard to believe it’s real, like there isn’t an ulterior motive I haven’t seen. Like we aren’t being used. I gently pat my son’s bottom and rock him in my arms to soothe him as I watch the women take care of my family. I remember what Lizzie said to calm me when my baby was coming. I remember that bond, and soothing energy overwhelms me. I’m so grateful I have the help. Tears form in my eyes. I’m overwhelmed with the intense emotions riding through me.

I want nothing more than for this to be real.

As I hear Jude’s loud steps come from behind me, I still. I’d planned to go back. I didn’t want to upset him again. Air freezes in my lungs, and my hands tighten on my son. I hold him close to my chest and swallow the lump growing in my throat. He won’t be pleased. I should have gone back immediately.

With a deep rumble behind me, his hands wrap around my hips, and he pulls my back into his hard chest. A calming wave flows through me at his firm but loving touch. His soft lips plant a kiss on my neck and I tilt my head to offer him more. “There you are.” My body involuntarily pushes into him, and I arch my back, nuzzling my ass into him. My eyes widen. I have no idea why I did that. Or why my body heats from head to toe at the feel of him hardening against my ass. I’m gifted a rumble of approval that vibrates through his hard chest as he kisses my hair and runs his fingers along the sides of my stomach.

It feels…different.

“Did you just get up?” His question reminds me of my disobedience; I stiffen slightly and part my lips to apologize, but he interrupts me. “I want to make pancakes for the kiddos. They can eat pancakes right?”

My shoulders relax as I chance a look at him, peeking over my shoulder. His eyes shine with devotion and love as I nod. “They haven’t had them before, but they can eat them.” He grins and kisses my cheek before leaving me and heading toward the kitchen. He glances over his shoulder. “You want some too, baby? You’ve got to be hungry after last night.” He smirks at me as he walks ahead and that feeling comes back. Just an ounce of it…of something I haven’t felt before.


She’s denied me but I think she’s coming around. I’ll show her what being a true mate means. She’s jaded from the shit Shadow put her through. At least that’s what I’ve gathered from the little bits and pieces she’s told me over the last few hours. She’s kept to her word, giving me little bits of what happened to help me understand and letting me ask questions. She’s jaded from more than just Shadow… there’re also the fucking seers.

Seers keep screwing me over. First they play my father against me and my brothers. And now my mate has yet another reason to question my claim to her all because of something a seer once told her. The seers are wrong. I’ve no intention of going back to my father’s pack and never will. Life is good with Devin. I trust him to make the right decisions, so I don’t have to worry about anything other than my mate and her happiness. I glance at Lena, grateful to be outside under the warmth of the afternoon sun. This morning has been easy going so far, little conversations kept light, and small moments where I swear she must feel something.


