#BURN Read Online Devon McCormack (Fever Falls #2)

Categories Genre: Gay, GLBT, M-M Romance, Romance Tags Authors: , Series: Fever Falls Series by Devon McCormack
Series: Fever Falls Series by Riley Hart

Total pages in book: 101
Estimated words: 96922 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 485(@200wpm)___ 388(@250wpm)___ 323(@300wpm)

It irritated me how excited that made me. Considering I had to be out there next week to handle our first major publicity project, I knew it wouldn’t be too long before I was back in his sights once again.

There was something refreshing about Jace still being the same guy I’d met out in Fever Falls. A part of me had been worried, and was still worried, about losing him to those things I knew poisoned so many others, and while it was too early to be sure whether or not that would happen, I was rooting for Jace. I wanted him to prove me wrong about what I’d come to expect from guys who fell prey to deals like this.

* * *

For the next few days, the Hacksmore account was our number-one priority as we prepared for the early stages of the campaign, trying to get the maximum amount of exposure for our new golden boy.

Carter, Elliot, and I headed to Fever Falls the following week.

“I’ve got Lena Hermosa’s flight and hotel arranged for this Thursday,” Carter noted as he and I sat in the back of the Tesla the car service had sent to transport us to the hotel. Elliott had booked a slightly later flight than us, so we’d have to meet up with him later and discuss some of the details we were arranging.

A YouTube influencer, Lena Hermosa would be our first major interview. While Elliott had encouraged us to go with a bigger network, not only would she maintain Jace’s small-town, good-ol’-boy image, but her reach would create an immediate social-media frenzy in the same vein as so much of what Jace had managed to accomplish already.

Carter added, “I’m assuming you already saw that Burberry and Dolce & Gabbana are vying for a new social-media police hunk.” Carter knew me well enough to know I stayed abreast of the hot topics of our industry.

“Of course I saw. Figured copycats would start crawling out of the woodwork. I’m sure Freyda Inc. will be managing their accounts. Maybe if they’d just tried a little harder to woo Jace Kruse…”

“Not sure they could physically accomplish the sort of harder we’re talking about.”

“Jace had already made up his mind before any of that, so it was my impressive PR skills that made that happen.”

Carter glowed, as though he was so pleased with himself for knowing about the secret little tryst between Jace and me. And as I checked my phone in my pocket and saw a message from Jace, I decided to wait until I reached the hotel to respond, since I didn’t need Carter giving me hell over our innocent fun.

When we made it to the hotel, the moment I was safe inside my room, I checked Jace’s message: Let me know if you want to meet up once you’re all settled in.

I was a little tired from the flight, but my desire to see Jace again far outweighed my grogginess.



“Dax Munro,” I said as I approached the bar at Fever Pitch.

Dax spun around on his stool, a grin spreading across that sexy mug of his. It was that charming Dax Munro smile I’d found myself missing over the past few weeks, nearly a fucking month.

Too fucking long, that’s what it was.

He pushed to his feet, and we hugged. Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed a family approaching us. “Excuse me,” a young girl said as she came closer.

I turned to Dax, who motioned to her. “You have fans now. This is how it goes.”

It’d gotten a lot worse since the announcement of my deal with Hacksmore, to a degree I didn’t expect, considering I hadn’t even had my first photoshoot yet. It was all based on the hype of the deal itself and the video I’d posted online.

I did my best to acclimate to my new status, though. Lord knew, when I ran into MVP star quarterback Ash Carmichael a few months prior, I hadn’t hesitated to ask for his autograph, and if he’d said no or brushed me off, I would have been so fucking disappointed.

I signed Fever Pitch napkins for the girl and then for her dad, who seemed as excited to chat me up as she was.

“That happening a lot lately?” Dax asked as he sat back down, sipping on his martini, simpering.

“Hey, buddy,” Dallas said with a bright smile as he approached and set a napkin on the bar before me, along with my usual beer. He would have done that even before all the attention began, but it was annoying to have yet another interruption from the whole reason I was there.

“Thanks, Dallas,” I said, and then to Dax, “Yeah, but I can manage it.” I slid onto the stool beside him.

“I’m glad you’re good now, because trust me, this is just the beginning. What’s been the worst so far? Have you had people snapping pictures of you randomly or unfavorable write-ups in the local paper?”


