Carnal Secrets Read online Suzanne Wright (Phoenix Pack #3)

Categories Genre: Action, Alpha Male, Bad Boy, Erotic, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Funny, Paranormal, Romance Tags Authors: Series: The Phoenix Pack Series by Suzanne Wright

Total pages in book: 139
Estimated words: 131137 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 656(@200wpm)___ 525(@250wpm)___ 437(@300wpm)

She ran a hand through her hair. “I didn’t know.”

“Would it have made any difference to you?” His tone communicated that he believed the answer was no.

Exasperated with both herself and Derren, she met his gaze unflinchingly—not caring that he’d find it odd for a submissive wolf to face the brunt of his anger. “I know you’re pissed at me, but you can’t judge me when you haven’t found your own mate. You don’t know what it’s like to finally find the person who’s so important to you that he’s supposed to make every bad thing that happened before not hurt as much. You don’t know what it’s like to have that person who’s made just for you completely reject you and cold-shoulder you. You can’t know how being abandoned by your mate makes you feel dead inside.”

Derren’s expression and tone softened. “So can we agree that you’ve both suffered enough?”

She exhaled heavily. “Yes.”

“If you’re too hurt to accept him in your life, you need to tell him that, Shaya. Yes, I know you’ve been saying that to him since he got here, but you haven’t totally meant it, and he sensed that. If you really want him gone, tell him, and this time mean it.” Hearing movement in the bedroom, Derren said, “Here’s your chance. I’ll take a walk, give you both some privacy.”

Shaya got to her feet, waiting anxiously. Seconds later, Nick came out of the bedroom with Bruce by his side. Relieved that he wasn’t staggering weakly, her wolf settled slightly. Spotting her, he double-blinked.

“Shay? What are you doing here?” Of course Nick had picked up her scent, but as he’d fallen asleep with the scent of her and of her arousal on his hand, it hadn’t occurred to him that she was there.

A sigh of utter relief left her—he’d called her Shay, which meant his anger had lessened to some degree and he hadn’t frozen her out. Also, although he sounded startled to see her, his tone wasn’t unwelcoming. “Why didn’t you tell me about the headaches?”

Confused, Nick began, “How did you—” Quickly understanding, he sighed. “Derren.” Discomfort rolled through him as he wondered just how much Derren had told her. “I get headaches at times of stress.” He shrugged as if it was nothing. That clearly annoyed her.

“Don’t bother trying to play it down in that typical alpha male way. Derren told me how bad and frequent they are.”

Wanting to leave this topic of conversation, he said, “We’ll talk about it later. Come on, I need to get you to work before you’re late.”

“I’m not going to work.” She cleared her throat. “I came here to speak to you.” When he simply looked at her blankly, she added, “I wanted to apologize.”

Nick felt his brows fly up. It wasn’t just her words that had surprised him; it was the guilt and concern on her face. “Apologize for what?”

“Last night. And for trampling over your feelings and pride during the past three weeks. I can’t say I’m sorry for telling you to leave and for being reluctant to believe the things you said. When you didn’t claim me, it devastated me. Then I built you up to be this big, bad prick in my head…so when you started doing nice stuff and making a real effort, it didn’t fit with the image I’d had of you—an image that had made it possible for me to try to hate you. I convinced myself you were fake and full of shit. I tried to keep you at a distance. But you made it impossible, you asshole.”

He slowly went to her and tucked a curl behind her ear. “I’m not sorry that my efforts are paying off. But I am sorry that I hurt you.”

“If it’s been so simple for you to step down from Alpha, you would have done it back then. There has to be more to it.” An emotion she didn’t recognize flickered across his face. “There is more, isn’t there?”

It was at times like this that he wished his mate wasn’t so perceptive. “Sit down,” he told her gently, gesturing to the sofa. Without invading her personal space, he sat beside her and twisted so that he was facing her; she mirrored the move. Moment of truth. After a long moment, he began. “I was five when my wolf surfaced for the first time.”

Completely taken aback, Shaya gaped. “Five? But…why did your wolf surface that early?”

“There was a car accident. Only my parents and I were there. My dad died instantly. My mom was unconscious, but someone in a passing car stopped and managed to drag her out. That was when the car went up in flames. I was trapped in the rear passenger seat, and I couldn’t get out. My wolf panicked, just as I did. But I’d hit my head really hard—everything was blurry, and my limbs felt heavy—so I wasn’t putting up as much of a fight to get out as I otherwise would have done. So my wolf burst to the surface in an effort to protect me. Then he squeezed through the gap in the seats and got out through my mom’s door, jumping through the flames. He’s had a thing about fire ever since.”


