Christmas Stalking Read Online Ella Goode

Categories Genre: Contemporary, Drama, Erotic, Funny, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 30
Estimated words: 27808 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 139(@200wpm)___ 111(@250wpm)___ 93(@300wpm)

“Will you make me one?”

“I already did.” I search through the ones I’d set aside to dry and find the one I’d made her that has a chicken on it with an egg popping out of its ass. She bursts into laughter when I hand it to her.

“I see why my brother is in love with you.” My breath hitches.

Jackson and I have made some offhanded comments in the heat of passion. Ones about being together forever, and I can’t forget the whole baby one, but saying I love you isn’t one that’s come out. I’m not sure why.

I know on my part, the word scares me a bit. I lost my parents five years ago. That time period was really rough for me. Nina swears that’s when my art started to take on a whole new aspect. I knew she meant it as a weird compliment, but if that was the trade-off, it was far from worth it.

My mom would be thrilled to see that I was actually able to make a living off my art. Neither of my parents ever tried to talk me out of it as a career choice or said I’d end up a starving artist living in their basement. Which would never be true because when they were alive, they never would have let that happen. Mom would have kept me fed, and my bedroom was on the second floor of the house.

“I don’t know if he loves me,” I say as I pretend to be very invested in the current ornament I’m painting.

“If you want details about my brother, you only have to ask. You don’t have to fish. As his younger sister, it’s my job to embarrass him or help him land the girl he’s clearly in love with.”

“Clearly in love with?” I peek over at her. I know what I feel for Jackson is love. It’s unlike anything I’ve felt in my whole life. It’s consuming. So much so that I often forget that I’m supposed to be in hiding, which hasn’t been happening much.

Jackson takes me out somewhere at least once a day. Right now, he’s had to run out to some call, but I’m locked up tightly in the house with the security system on. There is even a camera in the living room where I’m painting right now. It might weird some people out that their boyfriend can open their phone and see them on camera, but I find comfort in it. Hopefully, it doesn’t have audio, though.

“I see the way he looks at you. He’s never been this way before. It’s actually really adorable. My brother has always been a good man, but with you it’s something else altogether. You’re actually the only girl I’ve ever known him to be with.”

“Really?” I bite the inside of my cheek to keep from smiling. I guess Marly doesn’t know her brother was a virgin.

Not that it mattered. I might not have a past to go off, but Jackson knows how to light up my world with orgasms. One night he kept his face buried between my thighs for over an hour. I had to beg him to stop because I didn’t think I could handle another one. He said he was perfecting his own art. The art of eating my pussy.

“Why did your face just go so red? Oh God, you’re thinking about sex and my brother, aren’t you?” Marly pretends to gag.

Over the last week since Jackson has moved into my place, Marly and I have become close. She’s unlike any friend I’ve ever had, and I don’t think I’ve laughed more in my life than I have with her. It’s been nice having a girl to talk to and confide in.

“Maybe we don’t talk about Jackson’s and my sex life since you’re his sister.”

“So, what you’re saying is that there is one. I mean the new mattress and the shit-eating grin on his face is a big giveaway but damn. Oh God, do you guys like use protection?” I close my eyes. Is she really asking me that? “Wow, I did not think your face could get redder.”

“Marly.” I hush her as if that’s ever worked.

“I’m going to be an aunt soon, aren’t I? I don’t know if I’m ready for this. I mean, my chickens are still not laying eggs as they should, and I’ve never changed a diaper before, and you know I love to fucking curse,” she teases me.

“No, I didn’t know you love to fucking curse.” I laugh.

“I mean, I like to have the option.” She stands. “This is a lot to take in.”

“You know you’re not having a baby, right?” I point out.

“But I’d be like the godmother, right?” She puts her hand over her heart, ready to be offended if I say no. She’s so dramatic, but I love it.


