Coach Long Read Online K. Webster

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, BDSM, Erotic, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 33
Estimated words: 31730 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 159(@200wpm)___ 127(@250wpm)___ 106(@300wpm)

“Are you trying to get detention?” he snaps, his gaze raking crudely over my chest.

I bite my lip and shake my head. “I didn’t do anything wrong.”

He lowers his voice and steps close to me. “Not yet, baby. But after school you’re going to suck my aching cock to make up for this fucking boner you gave me.”

My gaze darts past him but nobody is in the hallway with us. “I don’t think I can fit it in my mouth.”

He glowers at me. “You’re going to fucking try, Emo. I don’t care if you have to dislocate your jaw to do it. You’re going to put my dick in your pretty mouth.”

I rub my thighs together because every mean word that comes out of his mouth turns me on. “I don’t want to. You can’t make me,” I challenge, my pussy throbbing with need.

A door creaks open from behind him. “Detention,” he practically yells in my face. Whoever joined us in the hall snorts.

“Fuck off,” I holler and shoot the bird at the spectator.

“That’s it,” he snaps. “Detention after school and all next week too. Now get back to class before I call your parents.”

I know he’s bluffing, and it’s all for the benefit of the kid in the hallway, but it still irks me that he had to bring my parents into this.

“Whatever,” I hiss and stalk back to the classroom.

“That mouth is going to get you into so much trouble,” he calls out after me.

“This office is cold,” I complain as I sit in the chair across from his desk. Instead of letting me carry out detention in his regular classroom, he said he had things he needed to work on in his gym office. I’d really expected to give him a blow job but he’s actually working like he said. After ten minutes of boredom, I let myself out to use the bathroom and to change into my running clothes. I’m just lacing up my shoes when Olivia rounds the corner.

“Why are you in here?” she asks as she runs her fingers through her smooth brown hair.

“Detention,” I say with a groan. “Why are you in the boys’ locker room?”

“I was talking to Caleb before he left. So, detention, huh? With Coach Long?”

“Yep. All week.”

She regards me curiously. We’re not exactly chummy yet. “Caleb invited me to a party at his house next Friday. I didn’t want it to seem like a date. I mean, I like him okay but he’s not really my type. I wanted to see if you would come with me. Maybe you could even sleep over at my house.”

“I think that would be fun,” I tell her with a genuine smile. “Thank you.”

Relief flashes in her green eyes. “Cool.” She looks over her shoulder and then whispers. “Are you totally crushing over Coach?”

I tense and stare at her, wide-eyed. “N-No. What d-do you mean?”

She laughs and playfully swats me. “Your face gives it away. But don’t worry. Every girl in this school has had naughty thoughts about him. One time, he wore some fitted shorts and I swear you could see the outline of his cock through them. My friend Lacy took a picture and made it her screensaver on her phone.”

A flare of jealousy surges through me. I’ll have to find that stupid girl and take care of that little problem on her phone. His cock is mine now.

Of course I can’t exactly say that.

“He’s okay,” I lie. “But he’s kind of an asshole.”

She snorts. “Kind of? He’s such a douchebag ever since his fiancée left him.” Then, she shudders. “For Mr. Polk, of all people.”

It pains me to know that Mr. Polk is the cause of Everett’s broken engagement. Mr. Polk is a perverted man who made me feel dirty, especially when he spanked me like a child. The fact that any woman would willingly choose Mr. Polk over Everett is beyond me.

“I didn’t sleep with Mr. Polk,” she says with her chin lifted. “I know you probably pegged me for the school skank but I held my ground. Lacy had sex with him a few weeks ago before school started back up. She said she’d ran into him at the mall. He’d been shopping for jewelry for his girlfriend and asked for her help. They ended up fucking in a dressing room at Dillard’s. Poor Lacy thinks they had a shot. She still refuses to tell the authorities or any teachers about it. It makes you wonder how many other girls he’s slept with aside from the ones who came forward though. I wonder if there are more girls who haven’t said anything to the cops.”

My face sours at having to talk about him. “I didn’t think you had sex with him. At least not willingly. He’s gross.”

She leans forward and whispers into my ear. “This is weird but I kind of fantasized about him forcing me. Like, I didn’t want to have sex with him but I was turned on by the idea of it.” She gasps and then groans. “Sorry. TMI. I didn’t mean to say that out loud.”


