Coldhearted Boss Read online R.S. Grey

Categories Genre: New Adult, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 101
Estimated words: 96077 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 480(@200wpm)___ 384(@250wpm)___ 320(@300wpm)

Her gaze is aimed on the ground as he leans in to talk to her. What the fuck is so important he has to whisper it to her? He looks desperate for her to hear him out. His hands clasp together and I swear I see him say, “I’m sorry.”

It’s one thing for her to eat with her friends, but I’m not going to sit around watching her have an intimate conversation with Max. I push to stand. Taylor looks over, finds me, and I glance pointedly toward the path that leads to our cabin. The invitation is obvious and I don’t wait around to see if she accepts, tossing a farewell to the guys and setting off down the path. Taylor arrives fifteen minutes later, after I’ve showered, just as the first round of thunder sounds in the distance.

We’ve been lucky with rain so far on this project, and I hope it stays that way. I don’t want any delays.

I’m in the bathroom, brushing my teeth when she strolls in. I watch her in the reflection of the fogged mirror, aware of the tension she brought in with her. Maybe it’s just the storm brewing outside, or maybe we’re not done fighting. I spit and rinse my mouth then walk out to lean my shoulder against the post of the bunk bed. She’s opening and slamming drawers, grabbing an oversized t-shirt.

I’ve calmed down a lot since this afternoon, but apparently, Taylor’s even more worked up.

“Seems like you’ve got something on your mind,” I say, unable to keep the amusement out of my voice.

I should have. It pisses her off.

She slams another drawer. “Yup.”

“Want to talk about it?”

Her eyes narrow on me. “Not really.”

Then she turns and locks herself in the bathroom while she showers.

I know I need to wipe the arrogant smirk off my face by the time she’s done. She’s upset, and I should be too, but I can’t seem to fake the feeling. Taylor riles me up. This feisty side of her is just as compelling as the sweet, soft version she’s shown me in recent weeks.

When that bathroom door opens again, I’m reading on the bottom bunk. I let the book fall on my chest and take her in: dark hair framing her alluring features as she walks over to the desk and grabs a bottle of lotion. Camille or Isla must have left it here, but she’s using it now, moisturizing one leg and then the other. I watch her, mesmerized—imagining those long legs wrapped around my waist.

Last night, at this time, I was kissing my way down her body. Now, she won’t even look at me. It’s fine. I enjoy a challenge.

“Would you mind turning the lamp off when you’re done? I’m going to bed early.”

She shoots daggers at me over her shoulder.

Then, as quickly as she can, she yanks that lantern toward her and turns it off. We’re plunged into darkness.

It was slightly premature on her part considering she hasn’t finished getting ready for bed. That only makes her angrier—the fact that she has to tote that lantern with her into the bathroom so she can brush her teeth. When she walks back out, she slams it onto the desk, turns it off, and then walks toward the bunk, stubbing her toe in the process.

She curses under her breath and I ask if she’s all right.

“Fine,” she bites out.

She’s about to pass me by to climb up the ladder, but I reach for her wrist and tug her closer.

“Sure you don’t want to talk about today?”


“All right. Then, good night,” I say, sitting up so my face is almost level with hers in the shallow darkness.

I want a goodnight kiss and she knows it, but even that small gesture is a concession on her part. She leans down quickly and kisses my cheek. I grin and keep my hand on her wrist as she tries to pull it away.


“You’re pushing your luck,” she warns.

Ah, I’m learning so much about her. When she angry, she’s even more stubborn than usual. She didn’t have a good day and maybe she feels like I had something to do with that, or maybe she just wants to use me as a punching bag. Either way, I’m happy to push my luck.

I reach up to curve my other hand behind her neck, up under her hair. She shivers as I tug her down toward me and press a kiss to her lips. It’s a kiss that says, You can be mad at me all you want, but we’re still in this together.

She sighs and I release her so she can scale the ladder quickly and burrow under her covers.

Neither one of us goes to sleep easily.

The thunder picks up, and eventually, the rain starts.

I don’t know how long I’ve been asleep when I hear rustling in the cabin. I blink my eyes open and there’s Taylor, making a pallet for herself on the ground.


