Compel Read Online Rachel Van Dyken

Categories Genre: Fantasy/Sci-fi, Forbidden, Paranormal, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 86
Estimated words: 84072 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 420(@200wpm)___ 336(@250wpm)___ 280(@300wpm)

And even though I couldn’t remember the middle…

The end showed me that no matter what, her blood was on my hands after all those stolen kisses.

And yet the thought of my brother even breathing near her had me ready to burn the world and damn us both.

It was a problem.

“Hey, Hath!” Luna shoved her free hand in her pocket and walked over with a huge grin on her face. “I can’t wait to try the soup.”

Hath shot me a warning glare, then smiled warmly at Luna. “Well, I brought extra just in case you had a big appetite. Left some bread and a bottle of wine too, just in case. You never know with a Wells; drunkenness might be preferable to his company.”

I rolled my eyes and took the tray. “Thanks, Hath, have a good night—”

“Call me if you need me; I’m just downstairs!” Hath yelled before I shut the door in her face and carried the tray over to the small table.

Luna’s eyes lit up at the sight of the food.

And I was instantly jealous.

Of fucking clam chowder.


I set out her soup and a piece of bread, then opened the bottle of wine and poured two glasses while she dug in.

I didn’t eat.

Not because I wasn’t hungry but because her body actually needed as many calories as it could get; it would help her heal faster.

Which in turn would make me feel less guilty about the broken arm and the reason behind it.

I cleared my throat and took a sip of wine while she ate, enjoying the silence and the fact that she wasn’t one of those women who picked at her food but ate with a joy that made my chest hurt.

Her dark hair cascaded over one shoulder in waves that begged to be tugged, but I kept my hands pinned in my lap.

Her tongue peeked out with each bite, and my body responded in eagerness to the point that I was dizzy with lust.

She looked up. “Are you okay?”

Hell no. I’m hard as a rock. Take off your shirt. Just kidding because you’ll be addicted to me while I slowly kill you. Next question. “Fine.”

She set her spoon down. “I’m okay, you know. I’m sure you’re busy.”

“I’m right where I want to be.” Where I need to be, where I can’t help but exist, just inside your personal space, breathing you in.

Shit, I was turning into a romantic ass, and I was what, two days in? Three?

I was tempted between running out of that room screaming or pinning her to the bed.

There was no in-between.

So, I sat because my hands itched to touch her, my tongue still tasted her, and my body wanted to claim what was mine in such a violent way that I was afraid to even breathe.

She yawned. “Sorry, it was a long day.”

It had been a long few centuries. I knew all about long days. “Yes, it was.” I nodded to the books she’d moved. “Anything interesting?”

Her eyes lit up like I knew they would, but as she reached for the worn one, she closed her eyes and picked. I’d thought it strange the way the light flickered overhead and how she didn’t even notice that the store seemed to rumble before she chose the book.

I’d seen the phenomenon before in my own library. Never outside my own home, though, so while I was staying because I wanted to be by her side, I was undergoing all this temptation to take her in an effort to learn what sort of book had triggered the bookstore to act that way.

“You’re going to think I’m crazy.” She licked her lips and then bit down on the bottom one as she held out the book. “But it spoke to me.”

I said nothing because confessing to her what she really was and who she really came from was a conversation for a different time when she didn’t have a broken arm and when I wasn’t trying to keep myself from mauling her with my mouth first, body second.

“It’s not strange to feel drawn to something,” I cleared my throat. “Or to feel things speak to you.”

She averted her gaze to the book. “It’s just a silly book on curses and hexes.” She held it out to me.

My gaze froze on the title as an icy coldness swept through me. I pushed my lips into a smile. “Mind if I take a look?”

Shrugging, she handed it over.

The minute my fingertips touched the book, they burned from the inside out. I clenched my teeth, ignoring the pain—pain I was used to—and opened up to the first page… it was blank.

“What’s that?” She smiled and then gasped and pulled the book from my hands. “What a cool spell!”

“You see something?” I pointed.

She laughed. “Um yeah, the entire page has a tree painted on it with a snow spell beneath it—it says that only those who wield the power of Winter can create snow.”


