Compel Read Online Rachel Van Dyken

Categories Genre: Fantasy/Sci-fi, Forbidden, Paranormal, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 86
Estimated words: 84072 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 420(@200wpm)___ 336(@250wpm)___ 280(@300wpm)

“I know.” I put a hand on her arm. “I just want to make sure, you know, just in case your mom never had that talk.” Because she was an evil whore. Wait, did I say that out loud?

“She didn’t.”

“Figures.” I snorted.

“Malcom’s different, Luna. He’s… not like other high school boys. He’s sweet and gentle but dominant when he needs to be. He doesn’t look at me like a trophy he can line his wall with. He looks at me.” She released a dreamy sigh. “Like he wants to pick me first for kickball, and as dumb as that sounds, it’s all I’ve ever wanted.” Her eyes lit up. “To be wanted on someone’s team.”

It was my turn to get emotional. “That sounds nice.”

“He’s nice.”

“He can hear you,” Malcom said loudly before looking up from his book. “And I’ll always pick you first, Sarah. Always.” His smile would have melted every female heart in the room, but it didn’t matter, did it? He only had eyes for one.

Sarah grinned. “Ugh, you guys are ruining my makeup. I’ll be right back.”

Malcom’s face grew serious when she walked out of the room. “I love her.”

His eyes flashed ice blue as tiny icicles started crawling across the book he was holding.

His jaw clenched and unclenched as he let out an exhale that had his breath appearing right in front of his face.

“Winter Court,” I breathed, then reached out to touch the icicles; they were so pretty, iridescent, and vibrant.

I was at his side in an instant, touching the book.

And then it tumbled to the floor as a dizzying amount of frost appeared on his face. His eyes widened in confusion. “How are you doing that?”

I shook my head. “Malcom, I’m not doing this. You are.”

“The hell?” He jumped to his feet. “No, I was just thinking about proposing. You know, like after high school, during Christmas because it’s her favorite and—” He started pacing. “I’m not a freak!”

“I didn’t say you were.” I held out my hands. “First, calm down. Second, I think it’s best if Benjamin explains everything.”

“Benjamin?” he shrieked. “How is Benjamin going to fix this?”

“Yes, how is Benjamin going to fix this?” Aengus’s voice came from the door. “Sorry, I was eavesdropping, and it looks like you’ve found him. Good, we’ve been searching ever since your death.” He waved his hand. “You know, your first one.”

I clenched my teeth. “Sarah’s going to be out here any minute! Fix this.”

“Fix what? It’s a bit of frost, hardly noticeable.” He winced. “I mean, his lashes are coated with the stuff, but that’s normal when—ohhhhhh!” He snapped his fingers. “You had sex for the first time, and you’re in love…” He nodded. “Happens every time with a youngling Fae.” He snapped his fingers. “Kind of reminds me of my first time.” He smiled to himself while I threw my hands up in frustration.

“Fae.” Malcom clenched his teeth. “I’m a fucking fairy!”

“Not helping, Aengus,” I said under my breath. “Just do something before he has a nervous breakdown at seventeen!”

“He’s probably not really seventeen—and by that look on your face, I’m going to get a swift kick to the balls, so I’m just going to fix this.”

“Thank you.”

He snapped his fingers, and immediately the ice disappeared, both off the book and off Malcom’s face. “You know I expected more tears.”

“Huh?” Malcom and I said in unison.

“Not you.” He rolled his eyes at Malcom. “Well, I mean, maybe one or two tiny frozen ones. But you, Luna, I’m shocked!”

“Why would I cry?” I shook my head. Aengus was mentally exhausting, poor Ben.

Aengus looked between us, frowning. “You can’t sense it?”

“Sense what?” I was ready to strangle him if he didn’t get there faster.

“Luna…” Aengus’s expression sobered completely, which, to be honest, was a bit more terrifying than I would have expected. “Malcom’s your son.”

“No more tears!” Sarah announced. “What’d I miss— Oh, hello there. Luna, what’s going on?”

And right on cue, as expected. I burst into gut-wrenching sobs.

Chapter Twenty-Eight


Something was wrong.

I no sooner thought it than the door to the library burst open, revealing a crying Luna, a shocked Malcom, and a tense-appearing Aengus.

“What the hell?” I was at Luna’s side in an instant, thankful we’d slept together because all I wanted to do was pull her into my arms.

She sobbed against my chest while I held her tight, looking over her head at Aengus and waiting for an explanation.

I was ready to yell when I felt it.

The tiny flicker in my chest.

Like someone had lit a match and fanned the small flame until it demanded to be recognized by someone familiar.

Frowning, I slowly looked from Aengus to Malcom, and on his left thumb, a tiny blue flame flared to life.

“Gods,” I whispered. “He’s—”

“Yours.” Aengus crossed his arms. “I’m aware. I just didn’t know neither of you were aware. We’ve been searching for him for… well, a very long time. The only question is, who the hell suppressed his power and brought him here?”


