Controlled Burn Read Online Lani Lynn Vale (Kilgore Fire #4)

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, BDSM, Biker, Erotic, MC, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Kilgore Fire Series by Lani Lynn Vale

Total pages in book: 78
Estimated words: 77422 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 387(@200wpm)___ 310(@250wpm)___ 258(@300wpm)

Alexa made a noncommittal sound.

“Went out to call her in, and she wasn’t there,” Alexa repeated again, her voice firmer than usual. “I tried calling her on the number you checked her in under last night, but her phone went straight to voicemail.”

I narrowed my eyes at the windshield of my truck.

“Thanks,” I muttered darkly. “I’ll talk to you at breakfast tomorrow morning.”

Alexa had become my rock since I’d ended things with July, and I had to admit, I knew I was using her. She thought if she was patient enough, she’d be able to get in there with me. She’d admitted as much one night when she was drunker than a skunk.

I’d backed off since then, and I could tell it was bothering her.

Alexa and I nearly had nearly gone all the way once, and it was one of the biggest mistakes of my life.

I should’ve never, ever let it get that far, but I’d been so caught up in my pity party, drunk and trying to forget July ever existed, that I had not realized what I was doing until it was too late.

I’d gotten as far as kissing her on the bed in a sleazy hotel room when I came to my senses.

I’d apologized, and then left, never speaking of it again. Although, not for the lack of trying on Alexa’s part.

Which was why I was an asshole.

I should’ve let her go. Should’ve told her that she’d never be anything more to me than a friend, but I liked the companionship.

I liked that she would talk to me, watch movies with me when I had time. She was like Able, only with a vagina. She helped me take my mind off of the one woman that it wanted to be on.

“I…I can’t do breakfast in the morning,” she said softly. Hesitantly. “I’m busy. I have a date tonight, and if it works out, I doubt breakfast will be on the menu.”

My mouth widened into a grin.

“That’s wonderful, Alexa!” I said. “Who is it with?”

Something that sounded like a growl came over the line between us, and I pulled the phone away to stare at it in confusion.

“What was that?” I asked her.

“Nothing,” she muttered softly. “And you don’t know him.”

“Well that’s the best news I’ve heard all week,” I told her. “I hope you get you some.”

I did, too. I really hoped she moved on and stopped thinking that there would ever be a possibility for a her and me.

It just wasn’t going to happen.

Firstly, because I was still hung up on July, despite my desire not to be.

Secondly, because I would railroad over Alexa. I needed someone that would challenge me, not roll over for my every whim.

She was a good girl, but the perfectly good woman didn’t appeal to me. The brats did. I wanted a challenge. Someone that would let me fuck her like an animal, fighting the entire time.

“Yeah,” she said sadly. “Me, too.”

A boom of thunder had me looking up at the sky just in time to catch a streak of lightning lighting it up, splitting off into about twenty different smaller streaks.

A fat raindrop fell onto the windshield, followed by another, and another.

Then the sky opened up, and I was glad I was already in my truck instead of walking to it like my neighbor was in the process of doing.

I waved at Lola as she waved her three kids into the car like a baggage crew did when they were directing a plane on the runway.

I laughed slightly to myself when the youngest, a cute little two-year-old with ringlets and dimples, stopped to jump into a puddle.

Lola caught her before she could get her feet down, and then practically jumped into the open van before closing the door behind her.

I looked at the clock in the dash of my truck, then decided to go ahead and run over to the house Able, Bowe and I were working on.

“Well, you have a good day, Alexa. Thank you for trying to take care of July. I know she can be a pain in the ass,” I hoped that pain in the ass was at her project house so I could tear her a new one for leaving and not taking care of herself.

When I arrived twenty minutes later, I watched in horror as July got back up on the roof, not to tear shingles off this time, but to repair them.

It’d literally been half a day since I’d seen her get hurt yesterday. Why the hell was she working? On the mother fucking roof at that?

She was dragging a tarp behind her, and she was crawling on her hands and knees up the steep incline of the roof.

Stopping my truck in the middle of the road, I sprinted across the waterlogged yard of July’s project house and practically knocked over the ladder in my haste to get up there to her.


