Cruel King – Cruel Read Online K.A. Linde

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Billionaire, Contemporary, Erotic Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 88
Estimated words: 85608 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 428(@200wpm)___ 342(@250wpm)___ 285(@300wpm)

“Anyone who makes Whitley happy is welcome here,” he said easily. “Shall we? Mom? Dad?”

They both nodded, and as a family, we headed into the bustling festival. We ate funnel cake and caramel apples. I convinced Whitley to ride a spinning ride that made us both very nearly sick. At the end, I played the ring toss until I won Whitley a fluffy pink teddy bear. She held it tight to her chest as we meandered the grounds together.

My heart soared as I saw her anxiety about the afternoon dissolve away. She took my hand and rested her head on my shoulder.

“This has been fun,” she admitted. “I wasn’t expecting it to be fun. No one has been horrible to me.”

“Just wait … there’s still time.”

She snorted. “Fine. Fine. I do need to find my mom. She said that some of the ladies at the country club wanted to give me something.” She wrinkled her nose. “I want to tell her no, but I just …”


“They did me wrong so many times. Maybe they don’t even deserve all of this from me, but I don’t want to live my life with regrets. And I’d regret not seeing this through for my dad. No matter what our history is.”

“That’s very mature of you.”

She poked me in the side. “Don’t make fun of me.”

I snatched up her hand and brought it to my mouth. “I’m not. I’m serious. It’s good that you’re reconciling as much as you can right now. There’s not a lot of time. Just because you don’t have what I have with my family doesn’t mean you can’t have something.”

She sighed. “I just feel like … like I’m letting Safia down by being okay with them.”

My heart skipped at the mention of her ex-girlfriend. I’d known they were serious, but we hadn’t talked about the relationship much. With Whitley, when something was over, it was dead and buried. To have her mention it … she must have been very vulnerable.

“Your father is dying. I never knew Safia, obviously, but I can’t imagine you dating someone who wouldn’t acknowledge the importance of that.”

“Yeah. She had a kinder heart than me.”

“I very much doubt that. Look at all you’re doing here.”

“But I can’t put the past behind me.”

“You don’t have to. You don’t have to forgive and forget. You have to move forward.”

She nodded once and leaned up onto her tiptoes to steal a kiss. “Thanks, Gavin.”

My heart leaped at the look in her eyes. I wanted to tell her how I felt. I wanted to tell her right then and there. To pour my heart out to this little pixie. She was mine. All mine. And I couldn’t stand another second without her knowing.

But then she pulled back, and the moment passed.

I buried the words that I’d almost spoken. The words I wanted to say, but I refused to frighten her. And I watched her walk away to find her family once more.



I tromped up the hill toward the country club. Night was falling rapidly as the sun began to set on the horizon. Soon, we’d have to find our seats on the hill to watch the fireworks, but for now, I was supposed to meet my mom.

I was halfway there when footsteps sounded behind me. I jerked around. My New York instincts taking over. But all I found was my brother jogging toward me.

“Jesus, you scared me. What are you doing?” I asked, falling into step beside him.

“Sorry about that. You should watch taking the Lord’s name in vain here. Someone might go apoplectic.”

I rolled my eyes. “We’re way past that for me.”

He laughed. And suddenly, we were kids again. My big brother, the perfect model older brother, who did everything right, and his wayward little sister. It felt right in its own way, even if the dichotomy was unfair.

“I’m surprised you came back,” he said.

“You and me both.”

“Especially with a King at your side.”

“Wasn’t exactly planned.”

“That’s not how Mom is spinning it.”

I groaned. “What is she saying?”

“You know. The same old, same old. It’s why I couldn’t believe you were here. And that you’ve kept your mouth shut so far.”

I arched an eyebrow. “Should I be pitching a fit?”

He shot me an even look. “After what happened in LA, I wouldn’t blame you.”

I stopped at the top of the hill and looked out across the festival below. “I’m still not happy with them. What they did was horrible, and I’ve never gotten an apology.” I sighed. “I really don’t expect one either. And if Dad wasn’t dying, I probably wouldn’t be standing here right now.”

But I didn’t have to forgive and forget what had happened. I didn’t have to do anything but live through this moment. I couldn’t change what had happened with Safia, but I couldn’t change that my dad was sick either.


