Damaged Vows – A Fake Marriage Mafia Read Online B.B. Hamel

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Billionaire, Crime, Dark, Mafia Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 90
Estimated words: 88263 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 441(@200wpm)___ 353(@250wpm)___ 294(@300wpm)

These halls, these rooms, they were our prison and our playground. I have a dozen stories for each corner in every hallway in every wing of this massive monstrosity.

It feels so distant now with Father gone and Carson in charge. Mother’s been keeping to herself, hiding out in her private wing. I need to visit her later, but for now, I have to get this discussion over with.

Carson’s in his office. Still strange to call it his. I may never get used to that. I find him hunched over his desk, looking through a ledger, probably checking the books of his various captains and lieutenants. I pour myself a drink until he looks up, leans back, and sighs. “Brother. Where have you been?”

“Took a trip to Vegas.”

“I heard you used the family jet. What were you doing there?”

His face is carefully neutral. Which means he already knows. “I got married,” I say, taking a drink of whiskey.

His expression doesn’t change. “I hope to someone smart.”

“Keely seems very intelligent.”

“That’s not what I meant.”

“I know.” I shrug, keeping my temper in check.

“You did it then?” His face twitches. The mask cracks. “You really married Keely?”

“We have an arrangement, yes.” I sit down and take another drink. “A mutually beneficial arrangement.”

“One that involves marrying my wife’s friend.” His voice is a snarl. “I told you not to do this.”

“And I told you I’d do what I wanted.”

“The family—”

“Isn’t about you either, Carson, though you might think it is.”

He bristles. “It’s about harmony in our house. If you marry Keely, and you end up hurting her—”

“That’s my business, not yours.”

“It’ll become mine. When you hurt Keely, it’ll hurt Ash. And if you hurt my wife—”

“Stop with the bluster.” I finish my whiskey. “I know you think everything I do reflects back on you, but for once in my life, this has nothing to do with the Crowley family. I married Keely because I wanted to.”

He takes two deep breaths before responding. “I will give you a week to change your mind.”

“That’s not going to happen.”

“If it doesn’t, there will be consequences.”

“Like what kind, brother?” I stand up, dropping the empty glass on the edge of his desk. He grimaces, looking even more pissed. “Are you going to cut off my soldiers? Refuse to pay their wages?”

“I’ll do that and more.” He’s speaking softly now. The bastard really thinks he means it. He’s willing to rip the family apart to protect his wife from a little emotional discomfort. It’s insane. “This is the new reality. I run the family, which means you listen to what I tell you, even if you don’t want to.”

I shake my head, turning away. “I marry who I want.”

“That’s not how these things work.”

“They do now.” I glance at him. “Did you have this same conversation with Father? Back when you wanted to marry Ash? How did that go?”

He doesn’t take the bait, but we both know he’s a damn hypocrite. “End things with Keely. Do your best to minimize the damage.”

“I came here out of respect for you, but that isn’t going to happen.” I walk to the door. “I hope you change your mind.”

“I hope you do too.”

I leave him there, storming away. Already my head’s slipping to bad places, wondering how fast and how hot this fire’s going to burn. If Carson can’t let it go, if he can’t stop himself from making a mess—

My brother and I share certain characteristics. His obsession runs even deeper than mine does—though that doesn’t seem possible—while my temper burns brighter and faster.

If it comes down to a fight, I don’t know who will win, but the Crowley family will lose. There’s no doubt in my mind that an internal conflict will draw our enemies to our bloodied corpse like carrion birds.

Leaving Keely before our time is up isn’t an option. I won’t do it, not for any reason. If I have to cut ties with my brother, leave the family, then I’ll do it. Despite everything, I don’t want the Crowley family to suffer for my choices, and I’ll do the hard thing if that’s what it takes.

But Keely is mine.

I find myself drifting into Mother’s wing. There was a time when I’d come here first, when it would’ve been unimaginable to get married without telling her right away. But those days are long past. Mother’s not the force she used to be.

I pause near her bedroom door, ready to turn back and leave, too angry and too ashamed to face her, when it opens suddenly and her private maid steps out. She’s an older woman named Martha. “Oh, Nolan, you startled me.” She smiles kindly and pats her gray hair. “How are you?”

“I’m fine,” I say, glancing past her. “Is my mother in?”

“Just settling down to eat something. You should go inside and speak with her.” Martha hesitates, clearly wanting to say more, but only smiles and walks past me.


