Debase Read online Rachel Van Dyken (Elite Bratva Brotherhood #1)

Categories Genre: Contemporary, Dark, New Adult, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Elite Bratva Brotherhood Series by Rachel Van Dyken

Total pages in book: 106
Estimated words: 108119 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 541(@200wpm)___ 432(@250wpm)___ 360(@300wpm)

I bucked against his hand. “Y-yes.”

“All of you.” He spoke in Russian again. I whimpered my release as my mouth crashed against his in a kiss that felt just as good as what he’d just done.

“Marry me, dorogaya… marry me tomorrow.”

“I’ll marry you right now.” I moaned digging my hands into his hair, careful not to hit any bandaged or stitched part of him.

“Yes.” He moaned my name. “Yes.”

A knock sounded on the door.

We both froze.

Andrei’s eyes narrowed as the door knob turned. “I’m killing whoever’s on the other side of that door.”

Naturally, it was Phoenix.

“Typically you wait for the person to respond after you knock.” Andrei bit back a curse and kept me close to him. “What do you need?”

“You’re injured, take it easy.” Phoenix sighed. “And I thought I’d give you an early wedding present.”

He dropped two black folders down on the mattress.

“Wait?” I glared at Phoenix. “You said—”

Phoenix burst out laughing. “I was the one who brought the ring to him. I just thought he deserved to be seduced a bit after last night.”

Andrei started to shake.

“What?” I was ready to check every bandage. “What’s wrong?”

“You found them,” he whispered. “They’re alive?”

“Who?” I looked between them.

“The twins. My brother and sister. They’re… alive.”




They were alive.

The raw guilt that I’d done nothing while they were taken away had come back when I was getting tortured, delirious from bleeding. I remembered things I’d forcefully kept under lock and key and now I couldn’t stop remembering, her bright blond hair and chocolate eyes or the way he always had a smile for me.

I felt heavy.


And every nerve ending was on fire each time Alice fussed over a bandage or touched a scar or pressed her palm to my skin.

I was ready to lose my fucking mind and risk broken bones and stitches just so I could have her naked beneath me.

I told her that.

She laughed and then abandoned me to sleep.

Like I could actually sleep when I could still smell her.

I clutched the folders in my hand and slowly rose out of bed. My jeans hung low on my hips as I made my way out of the bedroom and down the hall into the noisy living room.

“We having a party that I lived or a party planning my death?” I grumbled, leaning against the wall.

“You’re supposed to be in bed.” Alice charged toward me.

I smirked at her strength. “You really think you could make me?”

She rose up on her tiptoes and pressed a heated kiss to my mouth in front of everyone, one that had my body burning for more, and then she pulled back as I leaned in seeking just that.

“Nice.” Tex chuckled.

“Shhh,” Chase whispered. “She’s training him.”

I gave them a middle finger behind Alice’s back and dragged another kiss from her mouth. “Five minutes then I’m locking you in my room.”

“Five minutes and you’re taking a nap,” she said, gritting her teeth.

I choked out a laugh. “Sure.” I winked and made air quotes with my fingers. “I’ll… nap.”

She scowled as a blush lit up her cheeks like fire.

The guys all chuckled while the girls seemed to simultaneously roll their eyes at me.

“You’re hurt.” Alice reached for my hand and squeezed.

I tensed when I saw the bloodied whip mark across her forearm. I’d put it there, I’d done that.

“I’m sorry.” I traced the angry red skin with my fingertip. “I’m so sorry.”

Alice just shrugged and whispered. “Worth it.”

I had no words.

I wanted to devour her next sentence and throw her against the wall. I wanted all of her right then. In that moment.

“We’re getting married,” I decided to announce awkwardly, and then she beamed up at me. I was smiling way too much with her in my presence.

“Dibs!” Mo shot to her feet. “As Tex’s wife, I get to plan, right?”

Alice scrunched up her nose. “We were thinking something really small, and soon.”

“You pregnant?” Tex said with a completely straight face.

Mo smacked him on the back of his head. “What the hell is wrong with you?”

He burst out laughing. “Look how pale Drei got. Shit, that may be my favorite moment.”

“Bastard,” I said under my breath. “I actually like kids, unlike some people.”

We all turned to Dante.

He glared. “I love kids, I’m still young, El’s still young, plus we have enough nieces and nephews as it is. Imagine if all of us popped out kids at once.”

Nixon groaned out, “Chaos.”

Phoenix eyed the folders in my hands. “So, what do you want to do?”

“About this?” I tossed the folders onto the counter. “I want to get married. I want to lock Alice in a room for at least thirty days.”

“Damn.” This from Chase. “Better set out protein bars and Gatorade.”

I ignored him. “And then I want to find them, bring them here, well not here, not the club… I want them in Chicago.”


