Deception Read Online Free Book by Jordan Silver

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 29
Estimated words: 25728 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 129(@200wpm)___ 103(@250wpm)___ 86(@300wpm)

Our first night on the island I approached her to finally fall on my sword so to speak. It was amazing having her with me again sharing the same bed spending our days tending our son.

I needed to have her close at all times, never letting her out of my sight. The two of them became my whole world. I'd taken her body numerous times in the last few days, when we weren't playing with the baby I was buried inside her. I'd introduced her to anal play, taught her how to take me into her throat without gagging. We still needed to work on that one but it was fun trying. I don't know if she realized it or not but I was doing everything in my power to breed her again. To finally tie her to me completely for all time.

That night after we put the baby to bed together which was fast becoming one of my favorite things in the world to do, I took her out to the lanai. And with the cool sea breeze blowing over us I poured my heart out to her, nothing hidden.

"I can't even begin to ask for your forgiveness princess, there aren't enough words in this language or the next. I will do whatever it takes to make it up to you. I have no excuses for what I wanted to do to you. Too much misplaced anger, the things I said and did, I can't..."

"It's okay now I understand we were both taken in both lied to. Just promise me that it'll never happen again, that we'll be happy again."

How honorable could this one woman be when she had been treated so dishonorably? How big must her heart be that she could hold me to her bosom to offer comfort when I had done nothing but threaten? I didn't deserve her forgiveness as much as I wanted it. I think it would've been easier on me if she had railed at me, if she exacted her pound of flesh. But this blind acceptance was more than I deserved.

"When I thought that you had deceived me, that you were just using me until you married someone else, I think something inside me died. But you know what was telling about the whole thing? I never once hated you. Now I know it's because I couldn't reconcile the man who would do such a thing with the man I fell in love. I don't know how or why but I never hated you or regretted our time together not even when your son was making me sick as a dog." She tried to joke about it but I could find no humor in her pain.

"I'm so sorry I wasn't there, that you had to face that alone, I'm sure you must've been scared."

"Out of my no." She rushed to reassure me when she saw the crestfallen look on my face at her simple admission.

"It wasn't that bad really Carmen, that's Melissa's aunt, she was really nice to me. The only reason we were at that cabin, which belonged to her husband's family by the way, is because her complex has some type of clause that doesn't allow children. I wouldn't have been there much longer, in fact Melissa and I were making plans to get a place together."

"What did you tell them about me?"

"Nothing much, I just told them it didn't work out, of course they all threatened to hunt you down like a rabid dog." There she goes again trying to make light of her pain and suffering so she could ease mine. She was everything I had first believed her to be. My sweet gentle girl.

"So, what do I have to do to gain your forgiveness and your trust again?"

"You didn't hear me, I never stopped loving you of course I forgive you."

"But what about the things I said to you after I found you? How can you forgive such unwarranted cruelty?"

"Do you still feel the same way?"

"Of course not; how can you even think such a thing? I told you I've only ever loved one woman and that's you, even when I hated you I loved you."

"Well then, that's all that matters, if we let them keep us apart then they win, and we can't let them win. I do wish you would give up this idea of revenge against them though."

"Not gonna happen, this isn't only about us, this is about my son and what they almost cost me and him. No way will I let that slide. When I thought you were guilty I was willing to tear you apart I can do no less against the ones who really share the blame."

"Do what you must then, but know that I'm okay, as long as I have you and our son I'm very okay."


