Desolation Road – Torpedo Ink Read online Christine Feehan

Categories Genre: Fantasy/Sci-fi, Paranormal, Romance, Suspense Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 173
Estimated words: 158191 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 791(@200wpm)___ 633(@250wpm)___ 527(@300wpm)

He simply collapsed over the top of her, letting her take his weight, burying his face in her shoulder, her soft breasts pressing into his chest. The movement sent ripples through her body as another orgasm rushed through her. He got the benefits as her body clamped down on him again and they rode the wave out together.

He turned his head into her neck and nuzzled, then bit gently, suckled, deliberately leaving a light strawberry like some ridiculous schoolboy. Just that little action sent a rush of liquid heat surrounding his cock. She was that responsive to him. He could imagine the fun they would have together, the days and nights of play. The times they would be at the parties and he would be able to command her. Just thinking about it had his well-sated cock twitching in her.

Scarlet began to breathe very shallowly so he rolled over onto his back and trapped her before she could escape, simply by pulling her half onto him, positioning her body so she lay with her head on his shoulder and one leg over his thighs. He took her arm and wrapped it around his waist, threading his fingers through hers with one hand.

She ducked her head, clearly uncomfortable. “I should clean up and we should maybe get dressed. It’s getting a little dark.”

It was a little late, and dark fell faster in the forest, but it wasn’t that late. “Don’t hide from me, Scarlet. I just had the best fucking sex of my life. Tell me what you’re feeling. No one can hear you but me. Just say what you want to say.”

She didn’t look at him, but her head stayed pillowed on his shoulder. She turned her head to stare up at the gently swaying canopy hundreds of feet above their heads. “I’m so fucked up, Absinthe. I’m really sorry. It’s just that I prefer that the man takes the lead when we’re having sex. It isn’t because I’m not into you. I really am.”

“Where the hell did that come from? Did I in any way imply or make you think that I wasn’t happy with what just happened between us? Seriously, babe.” With his free hand, he tangled his fingers in her silky hair. He loved the feel of her hair. “You can see I like to play, woman. Don’t tell me you’re fucked up because you like a man to take the lead. I want the lead. I have to be in control. I like to tell my woman what to do. More, that’s something I need. Telling me you’re fucked up because you want a man to take the lead when it comes to sex means you think I’m seriously fucked up.” He was, but he wasn’t admitting that to her—not yet. She’d find that out soon enough. He was hooking her all the way first.

She was still uncomfortable, he could tell. She shifted just a little away from him, although she didn’t try to get away. He kept his hand in her hair, on the pretense of playing with the silky strands, but all the better to hang on to her if need be.

“You aren’t understanding what I’m saying,” Scarlet said. “I’m trying to be really honest with you, Absinthe, because you’ve indicated to me that you want me to be in a relationship with you, not just have a hookup every now and then …” She trailed off, and this time she did turn her head to look at him.

“No, damn it, not a hookup, so you can stop looking at me so fucking hopefully. You said you would try to have a relationship and I took you at your word.”

She turned her face away again to stare up at the trees. “I thought maybe you said all that in the heat of the moment so you could … you know …” She swirled her finger in the air.

“Hmm, let me see. Fuck you once? Or claim the hottest little pussy in the world as my own? For myself? All to myself? Or just fuck you? Why once when it can be always? Just me. Exclusively. And on top of that, have moya literaturnaya ledi all to myself as well. Brains, beauty and a scorching-hot pussy. You tell me how stupid I’d be to pass all that up.”

She sighed. “I’ve been told that men like a woman to be very eager and show how much they want to be all over a man, that it’s important they make all the moves, or at least as equally as the man does. Otherwise, he doesn’t feel wanted.”

“Is that what you were told?” He had to work at keeping the amusement out of his voice.

“Yes,” she said in a small voice.

“All men are different. I’m different. I’m the only man you need to please, Scarlet. I like to give my woman instructions; I get off on it. I use crude language, and I get off on that. I like to play, to take my time building anticipation, but always knowing that when we get there, she trusts me to know it’s going to be spectacular. I don’t do any of those things to degrade my woman, but some women find it that way. I worried that you might. I don’t want you ever to find anything I do to you humiliating or degrading. I want you to find it all exciting and sexy. I hope you believe I’m the perfect partner for you, Scarlet, because I believe I’m that man for you. I know you’re that woman for me. Each time we’re together, that feeling grows stronger. I don’t know what else to say to persuade you.”


