Distorted Love Read Online T.L. Smith (Dark Intentions Duet #1)

Categories Genre: Dark, New Adult, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Dark Intentions Duet Series by T.L. Smith

Total pages in book: 67
Estimated words: 64628 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 323(@200wpm)___ 259(@250wpm)___ 215(@300wpm)

Taking bits of me, piece by piece.

Chapter 27


Saskia’s there, blonde hair splayed out, and she’s lying on the bed. I can’t take my eyes off of her, she’s so much more... than everything.

My eyes tell me to look away. But I’ve just had her, and I want her again. Before she falls back into that place she likes to visit.

It’s her illness. One I’ve come to accept, even if it’s gotten us in trouble, even if we shouldn’t be. She’s done more harm than good. Yet, here I am, heart in hand, cock hard as ever as I look at her. Her sweet round ass that I want to slap, which I know turns a shade of pink when I hit it, begs for me to do so.

But we’re fucked, beyond repair.

She tells me so.

I know so.

There’s no saving us, even if I wanted to save her. It’s next to impossible without risking every other person I care for. That list has grown small over the years, but Livia doesn’t deserve to be dragged into this shit. Picking Saskia, staying away from her, is next to impossible. I always come back, always find my way back to her. Crawling back onto the bed, my fingers trail up her legs to her perfect ass. She’s a mirror of perfection.

About to be collected.

Never to return the same person.

Maybe she’ll hate me when she returns? I’m hoping she will. It’ll be easier to stay away from her if she does.

Livia is safe.

It’s what I keep telling myself, over and over again.

Saskia’s skin is soft as soft can be, and it reminds me of porcelain. It looks so smooth but could shatter with the wrong touch. She groans and stretches on her stomach, her ass in the air. Then she locks and freezes. My hand feels the goosebumps that spread over her skin, and I know she’s seconds from realizing what’s about to happen.

Soon she will hate me with every fiber of her being, and everything that involves me.

At least I had one last night.

It’s all I need.

Or not.

“Barbie...” She turns sitting up, my hand falling from her ass. She pulls the cover up and looks around.

“How much longer do I have?”

I look at my cell phone that I’ve been avoiding all morning.

“Three hours,” I say, looking back at her. Her eyes go wide in fear, her head drops between her knees, and I hear her breathing become very deep.

“It’s not enough time,” she says, shaking her head and reaching for her own cell phone. We slept most of the day away, and soon they will be here. Quinn told me not to go. That I should go with Cane and handle business.

I can’t do that.

Here’s where I’m meant to be.

At least for now.

She starts typing on her cell furiously. After about ten minutes she looks up to me. “What if I ran?”

“When they find you, because they will, it’s what they’re good at, they’ll keep you. All my bargaining will be off the table, and I’ll never be able to get you back.”

She shakes her head and the sheet drops, showing her beautiful breasts. “They can’t do that, it’s illegal.”

I laugh at her. “Everything I do is illegal. Do you think that would stop us?”

“It shouldn’t happen. You shouldn’t be that person.” She stands from the bed looking to me then points to the door. “I need you to leave, Ryken. Have Quinn take me tonight. You need to leave.”

I stand going to grab her, but she backs up, wrapping her hands around her waist.

“I want to get off this addiction. The first step to breaking it is admitting you have one.” Her dimly lit eyes find mine. “You’re my addiction... I need to break.”

“You don’t want me to go, Barbie. You need me here.”

She shakes her head. “I’ve done fine without you for a whole year, Ryken. Another one won’t harm me. At all. We don’t have normal anyway, Ryken. Our... whatever it is... is distorted.” Her eyes don’t move from mine as she continues to stand there naked.

Reaching for my trousers, I slide them on, then my shirt, leaving it unbuttoned as I stare at her. The last thing I want to do is leave her. But I can’t force myself into her life if she wants to spend her last bit of freedom by herself. Then I hear the doorbell ring. She reaches for a dress, slides it on, pushing her long blonde hair back then runs down the stairs. Putting on my shoes, I go to follow her to say goodbye, but as my foot hits the last step, I hear him and her.

“What are you talking about, Sass?” Stiles’ eyes lift from her then find mine. Anger flashes through them.

He still loves her.

She looks back to me, her eyes drop to the floor.


