Double Tap Read Online Lani Lynn Vale (Code 11-KPD SWAT #2)

Categories Genre: Contemporary, Erotic, Funny, Romance, Suspense Tags Authors: Series: Code 11-KPD SWAT Series by Lani Lynn Vale

Total pages in book: 57
Estimated words: 70630 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 353(@200wpm)___ 283(@250wpm)___ 235(@300wpm)

I snorted. That was the truth. My brothers had kind of taken over the little trailer made for a lot less people.

“The house will be done in another few weeks,” I admitted. “They planned on making the room next to mine into a nursery.”

The house had started slow at our property since nobody could agree on what it should look like and where it should go.

They’d settled on the same exact spot the old home had been, since there were still existing water and utility lines that they’d have to redo if they put it somewhere else.

However, that was where the similarities ended.

The old house had been a pier and beam foundation old farmhouse.

The new place was sleek and modern with everything eco-friendly this world had to offer.

I’d been the one to suggest that. Now, during the summer months there wouldn’t be an electric bill due to the new solar panels that’d been put in place.

His eyes darkened as I mentioned not living with him. “You’re my wife, you’ll live at my house.”

I moved my head from his neck and looked into his eyes. “And will my husband be there?”

His eyes became hooded. “You bet your sweet little ass that I will. That’s what that meeting was all about. Agent Lawrence just let me know that I was in the clear. He believes there’s still some worry about retaliation, but they’re minimal at best. The man who came into our wedding today, Andre, was disavowed from his family. He’d come down here in a vain attempt to start up something of his own. However, over time, he’s gotten nearly his whole organization killed by his actions of trying to get his daughter. The rest that weren’t killed are in prison. Agent Lawrence doesn’t believe I have anything to worry about, and I’m inclined to agree with him.”

“What was he saying about some kingpin?” I asked with worry.

“A kingpin is a man that is the head of an organization. That was what, in essence, Andre, was. He won’t be doing much of that anymore, either, since he was found dead in his cell about an hour ago,” Nico admitted.

I gasped. “What? He looked fine when he was pointing that gun at us.”

I’d been scared to death, but then my brother had come in there and knocked that guy to the ground with his surprise entrance, and all my fears had evaporated.

Even though I was still miffed at Darby, he just saved us a lot of heartache by walking through that door.

“What’d you think about Darby’s new look?” I asked, wrapping my arms around Nico’s neck and leaning down to give him a deep kiss.

When I let him up for air, he let his hands trail to my bottom and pulled me closer into his more than obvious erection. “He looked good. College agrees with him.”

I narrowed my eyes at him. “How did you know he’s in college?”

He smiled a cryptic smile. “Darby only needed a small push.”

I disentangled myself from his arms. “Oh really? And what kind of push did you give him?”

“Only a little tough love,” he said evasively.

I shook my head. “You were the one who beat the shit out of him, rented him an apartment, and got him enrolled, weren’t you?”

He shrugged. “He understood where I was coming from…eventually.”

I would’ve replied, but the wailing of babies coming down the hallway towards our room stopped my next comment.

Nico let me go so fast I felt my head spin, turning and grabbing the door open as he heard the cries of his children.

I shook my head. If this was anything to go by, he was going to be crazily devoted to these kids. And spoiling them, I’m sure.

The nurse pushed my two bellowing infants into the room with a laughing expression on her face. “These boys don’t like baths. At all.”

I snorted. “We witnessed that earlier when they were washing the goo off them.”

“Now, I put them in the outfits you sent with them, but they’re a little big. They were so cute, though, that I left them on anyway. Now they’ve been checked, poked, and prodded. I’m sure it’s time to eat. Can I get you anything else while I’m in here?” She asked nicely.

I shook my head, and Nico’s solid, “No,” was enough to send her from the room.

“Thank you!” I called to her back.

She tossed a smile over her shoulder and waved before closing the door all the way.

Nico wasted no time in lifting the babies from their prospective baskets and sitting down in the chair beside the bed.

They stopped crying nearly instantly.

Their eyes were open, and they were looking up at Nico with blinking eyes.

“Their eyes are going to be brown,” I observed as I took a seat on the bed.

I crossed my legs underneath of me, ignoring the pain that I felt between my legs, and stared at my three guys.

“Sorry, baby love. The Pena genes are dominant, as they should be,” he winked.

I shook my head and laughed. “You’re deplorable.”

He shrugged. “You wouldn’t have me any other way.”

I nodded my head in agreement. “No, I wouldn’t.”


Four hours later the horde started to arrive.

First it started with Michael.

He came bearing gifts, too.

“Oh, man. Those are the cutest fuckin’ shirts I’ve ever seen.” Michael laughed as he picked our firstborn son, Boothe Eden Pena, up from Nico’s arms.

I grinned.

“It called to me the moment I saw it,” I admitted.

The shirt was sweet, and the instant I saw it online, I ordered two.

Some heroes wear capes, mine wears Kevlar.

“It’s cute,” Michael confessed.

“Of course they’re cute. They’re my nephews,” Nikki said as she breezed in.

Michael narrowed his eyes at Nikki, and that had some sort of silent standoff that Nico and I both watched with avid attention.

“You know, you should really support his head with your arm. You don’t look very comfortable,” Nikki said as she saw Michael holding Boothe.

She immediately walked to Nico who was holding Bourne Foss Pena, and gently lifted him into her arms.

Nico gave Bourne up grudgingly, but you could tell that he was happy that his sister was just as in love with his kids as he was.


