Eden High Finale Read Online Jordan Silver

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 71
Estimated words: 66099 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 330(@200wpm)___ 264(@250wpm)___ 220(@300wpm)

It wasn’t looking too good for her, and by the time we got home and dropped into bed I didn’t care. As long as she was out of our lives I was happy. As long as her life wasn’t ended at Jace’s hands, I was even better.

* * *


* * *

Thanksgiving was here and we were all back together again. Mom had a host of people cooking and serving starting with breakfast and now we were hanging around the indoor pool. The girls were in the water while us guys stood watch from the lounging chairs.

“Did you hear?” Track spoke low enough that the guys could hear but his voice didn’t carry to the girls in the water.

“Hear what?”

“Mandy’s being held on suspicion of murder.”

“What? The principal?”

“Yeah. Apparently he tossed his phone and wallet somewhere and some lady found it.”

“She got a call from Mandy’s phone saying something like I told you what would happen if you told them. She doesn’t know Mandy of course, but she told the cops about the call when she turned in the phone and wallet. They matched the call to the number and, voila.”

“Of course the wallet goes back to the principal and you know the rest. She was caught driving his car. And there might be evidence that she moved the body. I don’t have anything on that yet but I can get it sooner if you’d like.”

“Stay away from those fucking cops you.”

“You think she did it?”

“Don’t know don’t care Alex. It’s her headache let her deal with it.” I was more prone to believe that he’d offed himself. But either way it was none of my concern.

I didn’t care if she rot for something she did or didn’t do, as long as she rots. I know that little show last night was to destroy Sian. Which means if we hadn’t shown up there she would’ve found a way to put on that show. A last showdown.

I tried to think where she could’ve been planning to pull that shit off and could only come up with the school. Whatever her plans, they’d been thwarted and it was done and over.



* * *

Mom came down with a tray of something in her hands instead of letting one of the servants do it.

“Hey mom, how come you’re doing this yourself?”

“I don’t know. We didn’t go to the shelter this year because we’ve invited everyone, so I guess I’m feeling a little bit guilty.”

“Didn’t you donate all the food this year? I’m sure they don’t mind us missing one year mom, we’ll go for Xmas, and make everyone that’s here today come with us.”

“Sounds good son. By the way, I’m going to let you off the hook for telling your dad before you told me.”

“Shit, mom…”

“It’s okay, he explained. By the way her parents know so you two don’t have to keep putting it off any longer.”


“Veronica is a mother son. We both figured something was going on that day in the hospital.”

“Well, that’s all good and well but Sian has decided she’s never telling her dad. She doesn’t want him to know she’s having sex.”

Mom thought that shit was hilarious but the rest of my crew, except for Track, were looking at me questioningly. They waited for mom to leave before digging in.

“”What’s going on?”

Of course it would be her brother who’d ask that.

“Sian’s pregnant.”

“Oh shit, dad know?”

“According to what mom just said he does.”

They responded like regular teenagers, with a million questions before the congratulations started. At least they had the good sense to know it was going to be a boy. We were all having boys it was decided.

* * *

Thanksgiving dinner was loud, busy and one of the best we’d ever had in the Saunders home. It was so good there was already talk about doing it again for the holidays.

I made sure Sian’s first Thanksgiving as a wife was spectacular by spoiling her ass all day. Not that there was anything different, just that the air was a little more festive than usual

I hadn’t spent too much time thinking about Mandy and what was going on with her. Dad was doing the follow up there, and by that he meant making sure she didn’t get bail. Not that there was anyone left to pay it. Her parents were conspicuously absent.

You see, if I’d killed her ass and buried her under a bridge, she wouldn’t face the shit that was headed her way. I hadn’t planned the principal’s end, but I didn’t feel any great loss there either. All in all she was in for a world of hurt in the coming days.

There were some pretty heavy hitters in that list of men she’d played and some of them were apparently making noise about recouping their losses.

I knew that when I contacted them. Knew that some of those men wouldn’t take kindly to being swindled. The funny thing is, some of them had only got close to her because she was dating me.


