Eden High: Series 1 Read Online Jordan Silver (Eden High #1-6)

Categories Genre: Contemporary, Erotic, New Adult Tags Authors: Series: Eden High Series by Jordan Silver

Total pages in book: 96
Estimated words: 112163 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 561(@200wpm)___ 449(@250wpm)___ 374(@300wpm)

No joke, mom and dad think it’s beneficial for us kids to have a handle on what’s going on in the world around us, since, as they put it, we’ll be the ones inheriting it.

Jared was being his usual teenage boy weird and kept giving me knowing looks, like he knew something that I didn’t. I wanted to punch his lights out at about the third time I caught him at it.

“You got tackled once too often at practice today or something?”

“Nope.” He had that stupid grin on his face that always made me want to smother him in his sleep. Was it only yesterday I was thinking he was great? I take it back he’s a pain.

I rushed up to my room after dinner to plan my sleepover party. There was a lot to be done to be the perfect hostess after all.

Like what snacks to get, what games, movies and most importantly, formulating plans for the attack that would most definitely be occurring on my annoying brother.

Speaking of which, I better tell mom to forbid him to invite any of his friends over that night.

The last time he did that, he all but spoiled my sleepover, because all the girls wanted to do was parade their new boy shorts in front of his stupid friends. Where was the fun in that for me, the dateless one?

Then again! No don’t even go there Sian. I had Jace Saunders on the brain. I don’t think I’d gone five minutes since that little meet yesterday without thinking about him in one way or another.

It was too early for bed so I decided to go down and watch a movie in the family room.

Everyone was usually doing their own thing by this time of the evening after homework and dinner was over with.

Maggie was in her room on her phone with one of her little friends gabbing away. Jared was talking to dad in the home office, probably about stupid pigskin.

“Hey Sian be a dear and take this out to the trash. Our men have hidden themselves away in the office.”

“No problem mom.” I took the bag of trash and went out the door to the trash bins on the side of the house.

One good thing about Cali was the weather. Here it was September and I was heading outside in shorts and a tank after dusk.

All in all I have to say the move hadn’t turned out too bad after all, though I wouldn’t be sharing that little tidbit with dad anytime soon.

I heard a car engine purring up the driveway and looked in that direction questioningly. Mom and dad hadn’t said anything about visitors.

Chapter 2


Talk about perfect fucking timing. She was putting something in the trash at the side of the house when I pulled into the driveway.

I took a second to enjoy the sight of her caught in my headlights wearing pajama shorts and a tank top.

Fuck she’s perfect. My heart did his little dance and other body parts were heard from as well, but he’d have to wait his turn.

I had a feeling this one was going to be a little different from the norm. I felt the rush in my blood yes, but there was also a sweet languidness that I’d never known before.

I was actually looking forward to the dance. After grilling her brother farther today I now had a better handle on her.

That, plus the fact that I had been watching her and forming my own opinion made me believe that she was going to be unlike anything I’d ever experienced before.

I stepped out of the car pleased that I’d followed my mind and got dressed for this first time on her turf.

Not overdressed mind you, but I’d foregone a tank and sweats for a Henley and jeans. I’d even taken extra care with my hair and shave to the delight of my nosy ass parents who wanted to know what I was up to.

I just told them I’d let them know soon enough if all went well. That too was another first. Girls had been to my home before of course, but I’ve never formally introduced anyone as mine and don’t recall ever wanting to.

I hadn’t even spoken to this one as yet and already I was mapping out our relationship.

I didn’t take my eyes off of her as I made my approach. She looked younger here on here home turf.

Her hair, that amazing fall of gold, was flowing freely down her back, the curls were gone. Somehow I liked this look better even though it made her look about twelve.

Since she seemed stuck in a trance at the sight of me I moved in on her.

The closer I got the more she tried to disappear into the wall behind her, but those eyes of hers never left mine.

I was going to kiss her, that was my first intention, almost a compulsion you could say, but I got caught up in her eyes.

There wasn’t much light out here as the sun was setting, but still I could see the pure dark blue of them, not black, blue.

“Beautiful.” I ran my finger down her cheek and her eyes stayed on mine as her breathing went shallow. Lowering my head I sniffed her hair, running my nose down the side of her face.

I wrapped one of my arms around her waist and pulled her into me. She fit perfectly, even though I dwarfed her with my six two frame. Perfect fucking fit!

I savored the feeling as she stood still as a block of wood in my arms. I was tempted to lift her legs around my hips and take her mouth but I left it too late.

Something snapped her out of her trance because the next thing I felt was a punch to the gut. I loosened my grip but didn’t let her go as I looked down at her in shock.

“Your girlfriend know you’re here sniffing around me?” So much attitude.

“What girlfriend?” I gritted the words out through my teeth; damn she packed a punch for such a little thing.


