Eden High: Series 1 Read Online Jordan Silver (Eden High #1-6)

Categories Genre: Contemporary, Erotic, New Adult Tags Authors: Series: Eden High Series by Jordan Silver

Total pages in book: 96
Estimated words: 112163 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 561(@200wpm)___ 449(@250wpm)___ 374(@300wpm)

By the time this one ended I was breathless and we had an audience. I forgot to be self-conscious when I saw the looks of envy on some of their faces.

Jared didn’t acknowledge anyone when he took my hand and pulled me along behind him back to where our friends still sat having lunch.

I didn’t know what to do with myself now. Do I look at him, talk to him, what?

He took the decision out of my hands when he wrapped one arm around the back of my chair and leaned over to say something to one of the guys.

It was a very natural move on his part, almost as if he’d been doing it everyday of his life. Oh to be that free and confident.

He must’ve felt the slight change that came over me when my mind, as was usual for me, started thinking up all the ways that this wouldn’t or couldn’t work.

First he squeezed my shoulder, before turning those eyes on me again. But when he leaned in and whispered in my ear, I thought for sure I was a goner.

“In case you missed it, the kiss was a warning shot. I’ve made my intentions known now it’s up to you to answer.

I’ll give you about a week to get over your shit and yes Belle, I know you have a lot of it, but I’m not doing that with you.

Before my sister was attacked, I would’ve gladly given you all the time in the world to adjust to the idea of you and me. But after living through that shit, I’m no longer willing to put my life on hold because you’ve got hang-ups that don’t have shit to do with me.”

I had no comeback for that one. That happens a lot with him, he seems to rob me of words and thoughts.

The sweet rush that went through me should be bottled and placed on a shelf for future use. How often in life do we get those kinds of feelings?

Like everything in your world was just perfect at that particular moment in time.

I could only look at his beautiful face and wonder. Could this really be happening to me? I so wanted to take that leap with him, but what if...?

No, he was right, maybe just this once I could close my eyes and jump into the deep end of the pool.

I’ve always wanted to; always wondered what it would feel like. And when he squeezed my hand under the table, it was as if he was agreeing with me.

I drew in my breath and looked across the table where Tammy was talking to Shane.

My friend had been coming out of her shell here lately. She still had a ways to go, but I could see a big change in the way she was around him in the last few days.

It’s been a while since we’ve had to have one of our pity parties; in fact these days, our conversations were upbeat and full of plans for the next year of high school.

So I squeezed his hand back and smiled when he looked at me. He grinned and leaned over, planting a kiss on my lips right there in front of everyone.

Oh well, I guess that’s that. Now we’ll see how well I do on this roller coaster ride.

Chapter 4


For two days she slept and I kept vigil. I left it up to our dads to keep on top of the investigation that was now in full swing.

Her mom and mine were in and out for those two days, as well as a limited number of our friends, namely her girls and my boys.

I hadn’t shared my thoughts with anyone else but Jared so far though, but I was pretty sure dad knew I was up to something, because he kept giving me looks, and I’m sure he told his team to keep an eye on me.

He needn’t have worried though, because I had no intentions on leaving her side until this was all over.

I had time enough to plan, to try to set my trap while she was laid up in that bed not moving.

So far nothing was adding up. Everyone claimed that Mandy had been on that bus and I couldn’t for the life of me place her in that alley, but neither could I shake the certainty that she was the cause of all this.

The way the investigation was going, they would have us believe that this was just a random act of violence, but somehow I couldn’t buy it.

I’ve been replaying every conversation we’d had in the last few days before I last saw her, and nothing. Except for the time that I called her because I knew that something was bothering her.

But I never did learn what that something was, because she brushed me off. That was not going to happen again. From now on I was going to make it my business to know even the littlest things about her life.

No wonder dad was nuts. I don’t know how often I’ve thought those words in the last few hours. But since meeting and falling in love with her, it was easy to see why he is the way he is. I will do no less for my princess, than he does for mom.

I hadn’t allowed myself to breathe easy yet. I won’t until after we got to the bottom of this.

Whenever I felt fear rise up in my chest I pushed it back. The cops had a man on her door just as a precaution, which went a long way to making me feel better, but I don’t think for as long as we live, I’d ever be comfortable letting her out of my sight alone again.

I played in her hair that my mom had just brushed. Her own mother had left for a little bit because there was still Maggie to take care of, and my mother had promised her that she’d look after my girl while she was gone.


