Educating Keryn Read Online Aria Cole

Categories Genre: Erotic, Insta-Love, Novella, Virgin Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 29
Estimated words: 26918 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 135(@200wpm)___ 108(@250wpm)___ 90(@300wpm)

But what choice do I have? If I don’t settle my father’s debt, next time there won’t be an ambulance.

There’ll be a hearse.

“Tell you what,” he says, “I’ll even sweeten the deal. We both know old holier-than-thou Winston isn’t going to suddenly stop playing cards or putting the church funds on the roll of a die. Next time he gets himself into debts he can’t cover, I’ll make sure you’re told about it first, give you a chance to settle up before it gets out of hand. I’ll even let you cut a check. Can’t say fairer than that, right?”

He stares at me with those bulging, toad eyes, expecting a response. Only I don’t have one. I’m in way over my head here and I can feel my lungs starting to burn. I thought I’d come in here, pay a few thousand dollars and go home. Clean up the house and then head back to the hospital to sit there the rest of the night.

None of this was part of the plan.


Just as I’m about to tell him I need time to think, there’s a commotion from the room behind me. Shouting, the sound of furniture shifting, tables being overturned.

“What the fuck is going on out there?” Dan stands from his desk and I step aside, hoping not to get caught up in whatever this is. “Give me a sec, would you?”

Something thumps heavily against the door and I yelp, shrinking back. I don’t belong in this sort of place. I don’t belong in this part of town. I hear muffled words as Dan slides open a drawer in his desk.

“Look at that, Leroy, you clumsy fuck,” I hear through the door, a deep voice that trembles every nerve in my body. “You’re not supposed to try to open the door with your head, buddy.”

“Please, this is my job, man. You’re making me look bad. Fuck—!” Another thump against the door and I see Dan pull out a gun. “Fuck, that hurts!”

“We should try the handle. Maybe it’s unlocked? No need for you to crack your skull open, Leroy.”

Dan raises the gun, pointing it at the doorway as the knob turns. I need to be away from here. I can’t be a witness to a gang murder, I just can’t. In one afternoon my life has been turned on its head.

Everything I’ve worked for…gone, just like that.

Leroy’s face comes inside first, and I see that he’s bent double. But it’s hard to believe that the man standing behind him, holding his arm twisted at an angle that looks like it’s about to snap, managed to overpower such a giant. Sure, he’s big. Built like a bull, shoulders so wide they look almost unnatural. But he can’t be more than a few inches taller than my 5’6”. With dressier heels, I bet I’d be almost at eye level with him.

He turns his face up to look at me, a cocky grin pulling at the corner of his lips, and my body’s reaction is instant. My mouth is dry, my hand going to the crucifix dangling on my chest like I need extra strength to resist this…this pull. Each breath is shallow, my eyes unblinking. A moment ago I was terrified for my life, but right now all I can see is him. I’m drawn to him. It’s all wrong, I hate the way my stomach clenches, hate the urge to bat my eyelids like some sort of cartoon bunny smitten by the cartoon wolf.

I’ve never had a reaction like this. Well, not since…

But that was a long time ago. I’m sensible, untouched. A good girl who was brought up right, went to Catholic school, got her law degree and works hard. I don’t go all gooey for men with tousled black hair and sun-roughened skin.

And I can’t help feeling like there’s something vaguely familiar about him too, like we knew each other in a past life or something. I’m aware that I’m gazing longingly into his dark eyes, wondering how his stubble would feel against my skin. How his infuriatingly sexy lips would feel when he kisses me.

Oh God, what is happening?

It’s just a crazy moment, I tell myself. I’m out of my depth, looking for anyone that seems friendly in this place. And not Dan, who’s friendly for all the wrong reasons.

“Oz, what the fuck, man?” Dan slams the gun down on the desk in front of him. “I could have fucking shot you. We’ve operated side by side for years, why you gonna manhandle my bouncer like that? Where’s that fucking hellhound of yours?”

“Not afraid of dogs are you, Dan? I’m just here for the girl. Any debt she owes you is settled, got it?”

Dan and I answer in unison: “What?”

“You two know each other?” Dan looks at me with his mouth hanging open, bug-eyes bulging. “Jesus, lady, why didn’t you just say so? Hey, I don’t want beef with the Volos family.”


