Eli’s Triumph Read online Joanna Wylde (Reapers MC #6.7)

Categories Genre: Biker, MC, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Reapers MC Series by Joanna Wylde

Total pages in book: 47
Estimated words: 45045 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 225(@200wpm)___ 180(@250wpm)___ 150(@300wpm)


She tilted the bottle upside down between us. Nothing came out.

“The tequila disappeared.”

“How did that happen?”

“Someone must’ve grabbed it while I was distracted. Then they drank all of if before putting it back in my hand, all without me ever noticing…”

I pictured Indiana Jones swapping out a bag of sand for treasure, and a snorting laugh escaped. McKayla shot me a dirty look. “Don’t make fun of me. It could’ve happened.”

“Yeah. Definitely the most likely explanation.”

She sniffed. “Doesn’t matter what happened to the booze. We need to focus on what’s actually important—finding another bottle. Fast. Otherwise, we’re at risk of sobering up. That’s not okay.”

“Once again, very hard to argue with your logic.”

“Exactly,” she said, nodding slowly. “Let’s go get more tequila.”

Standing up turned out to be a lot harder than I’d expected. My left leg had fallen asleep, and I’d been sitting on something sticky. Not only that, but by the time I completed the process, I couldn’t quite remember why I’d needed to get up in the first place.

Fortunately, the music was good, and people were starting to dance. Not only that, I loved dancing. Always had. And now there was a dance floor right in front of me when I needed it most.

Clearly, God wanted me to go shake my ass for a while.

Who was I to argue with God?

An hour later, Gus still hadn’t arrived.

The party was fantastic—even without the birthday boy—and I was having a blast. I’d danced with all kinds of people. Well, mostly women, but some of the younger guys, too. It seemed like half the state knew Gus, and they’d all shown up to party with him.

This included at least forty members of the Reapers Motorcycle Club, plus their old ladies. They’d come roaring into town earlier that day in groups, meeting up at the state park campground before forming a convoy to the Starkwood. Others had joined in behind them, and now there had to be at least a hundred motorcycles parked outside.

My ears were still ringing from the noise they’d made when they pulled into the lot. Or maybe they were ringing from the music. It was slowing down now, and people had started coupling up on the dance floor.

Seemed like a sign to me—time to rehydrate. Only water, though. I’d worked up a sweat. Winding my way through the crowd, I made for the bar.

That’s when I spotted Eli.

He sat on one of the stools, surveying the party as if we existed for his entertainment. To his right sat Tinker, and just past her was her man, Gage. I’d always liked both of them. My appreciation for McKayla was fading, though. She’d squeezed herself into the space between the stools to Eli’s left, resting her hand on his chest possessively.

Did it bother me? Absolutely not…although I couldn’t see them together for more than a night.

Eli needed someone smarter than McKayla.

Someone who could keep him in line.

None of my business, really, but I still needed water, and the best spot for flagging down the bartender was probably that gap between Eli and Gage’s old lady.

“Do you mind?” I asked Tinker, choosing not to acknowledge Eli’s presence.

“Not at all,” she said with a big smile, scooting over. “It’s a great party, Peaches. You did a good job planning it.”

Eli shifted, and his elbow caught me. Returning Tinker’s smile with one of my own, I elbowed him back.

“Thanks,” I said. “Although I didn’t actually do very much. Gus planned most of it himself. Said what he really wanted was to see the rest of us having fun. Although I did pick up the cake earlier today.”

Eli jostled me again, and I nearly fell into Tinker. Asshole.

“I’m getting some water,” I told her. “Do you want anything?”

“I’m good,” she said, raising her beer. Using my shoulder, I shoved Eli as I leaned into the bar, waving down the bartender, Ethan. I didn’t know him very well yet—he was new to the Starkwood—but he’d been doing an okay job so far.

“Hey! Can I get some water?”

He nodded, and I turned around again, catching Eli with my shoulder another time. He looked at me, then leaned in toward my ear.

“You trying to cock-block me?” he asked, jerking his head toward McKayla.

“Oh, I didn’t even notice you sitting there, Eli,” I said brightly. “And McKayla’s with you! Hi, McKayla!”

I gave her a little finger wave, and she finger-waved back, giggling. Then she stopped waving, and her hand dropped down to his stomach.

My eyes followed, noting how the faded jeans couldn’t quite hide his package. Easy to see, with his legs spread wide like that. Then her hand slipped lower, sliding down his hip to rest against his inner thigh.


“Got your water, Peaches!” Ethan said, his voice pitched loud enough to carry over the chaotic noise of the party. I turned back to him, thankful for the distraction.


