Enchanted Read online Lexi Blake (Masters and Mercenaries #18.5)

Categories Genre: BDSM, Erotic, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Masters and Mercenaries Series by Lexi Blake

Total pages in book: 68
Estimated words: 63970 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 320(@200wpm)___ 256(@250wpm)___ 213(@300wpm)

The Taggart wives all had guns. Well, Grace might not be carrying, but she made her point nonetheless.

She reached out for her sister’s hand. “What do I do about Jared?”

Kori laced their fingers together. “We sit down and have a lovely brunch and talk it out with some women who might know how to handle a man.”

“I know he’ll say he loves me, but he wants kids.”

“And he can have them,” Kori said. “You can have them. Maybe not the way you planned, but we’ll figure it out. Together.”

She took a deep breath because she didn’t have to do this alone.

She had her sisters.

* * * *

Jared glanced at the clock. Another few hours and he would see her again. He’d given her the night to cool off. He hadn’t wanted to, but Kai had talked him into it. Hell, he’d spent a good portion of the night talking Kai down. If Sarah worried she was an annoying third wheel in that relationship, she wouldn’t have if she’d seen how freaked his brother had been.

He turned his gaze back to the big TV monitor that dominated the Man Cave in Sanctum’s men’s locker room. A college football game was already playing, but he couldn’t have said who the teams were. It was on so he had something to stare at while he stewed.

And waited.

The doors came open and his brother walked in, carrying a big box of what was probably donuts. He wasn’t alone. It looked like most of McKay-Taggart was spending the day in the cave.

It was good because he needed to talk to the big guy. He probably didn’t have any right to screw up everyone else’s plans for the evening, but he was going to ask anyway.

“Hey, how you holding up?” Kai asked.

“I’m fine.” As fine as he could be when the woman he loved was having life-altering surgery in a few days. He’d spent much of the previous evening studying everything he could about ovarian cancer. Though it made him sick that she would be in pain, he also kind of wished the surgery was today because he wanted that time bomb out of her body. Like now.

“Some of the ladies are having brunch with Sarah this morning so the guys thought we would hang with you,” Kai explained.

“And watch football,” Big Tag corrected. “The ladies are brunching and very likely plotting and planning, but we’re guys and we’re going to watch football.”

“Unless Jared wants to talk about his feelings.” Kai sent Tag a look like they’d already discussed this topic. “Adam and Jake’s wife had a similar procedure, though for different reasons.”

“Serena’s good,” Jake offered. “Sarah’ll be good, too.”

“That’s all you’ve got?” Adam asked before turning to Jared. “It’s complex. I would be more than willing to talk about it, man.”

“I don’t need to talk about it.” He really didn’t. He was good.

Big Tag dropped down into the recliner next to Jared’s. “Seriously? Is this because you’re not going to pursue a relationship with her? Because she can’t have kids?”

“Of course not,” he shot back. “I love her. I don’t give a crap about anything right now except getting her through this and healthy on the other side. I don’t need to talk about my feelings because I know what I’m going to do about them.”

Tag’s lips curled up. “And what’s that?”

“First I’m going to take over your club, and then I’m going to trick her into coming and I’ll do exactly what I planned to do tonight. I’m going to chase her down, tie her up, and fuck her until she knows who her Master is.” He thought it was a good plan.

“Boys, we’re playing at the house tonight. Make arrangements.” Big Tag sat back, looking utterly content. “You’re my favorite, Johns. Now let’s watch this game.”

Kai shook his head but offered him a donut. “You always surprise me, brother. The set is already built and ready to be put together if you want the whole experience.”

“Absolutely.” He wasn’t holding anything back.

Kai nodded. “I’ll help you get everything ready.”

Jared took one of the chocolates and sat back.

It was good to have company. He settled in and though he watched the game, his mind was on one thing—her. After tonight, they wouldn’t be apart again.

Chapter Eleven

In which our heroine is chased by the big bad wolf and he takes a bite…

Sarah walked into Sanctum with a hole in her heart. It had been lovely to spend the morning with the ladies and she was so grateful to have them in her life. But she already missed Jared.

She was going to have to talk to him. That was what had come out of today’s long session with the women of Sanctum. Most of the women believed he would want to stand by her, but she couldn’t let him do that. He needed time to think about what it would mean. Although he hadn’t called, so it might be a moot point anyway.


