Falling for the Bully Read online Sam Crescent

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 40
Estimated words: 38908 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 195(@200wpm)___ 156(@250wpm)___ 130(@300wpm)

“I don’t know what to do.”

“What do you want to do?”

She lifted her head, staring into his eyes. “I want … to feel. I want to know what it’s like to be desired. To be wanted.”

He touched her arms, the tips of his fingers running down to her hands. The movement was so slow, but she liked it. She liked the way he touched her, held her. There were a lot of things in the past couple of months she had found she liked about Max.

He took her hand, and she gasped as he wrapped her fingers around his length. “You feel that? You feel what you do to me? I want to fuck you so bad, it aches. I was a dick to you in school, but all of that has changed now. I only want you. You make me fucking hungry for you.”

He worked her hand up and down his length. If it was even possible, he seemed to get harder beneath her touch.

“This is how you know I want you.”

She stared down at his length, marveling at the sheer strength of him.

“Do you want me to stop?”


“I’m going to touch you now, Aria. Tonight, this weekend, we’re not in a rush.”

His only demand of her a week ago was that he got the entire weekend with her. She was nervous, a little scared, but overall, she wanted this.

There had been many chances throughout the past week she could have told him no, told him she didn’t want to be with him. Instead, she’d kept her mouth shut and listened to him as he walked her to and from home every single day.

Now, they were here, and as his hands cupped her waist and slowly slid up her body, his thumbs grazed her nipples. She took a deep breath and caught his smile.

“Don’t stop moving,” he said.

She kept on moving her hand up and down his length, taking her time as he stroked her nipples. The touch was light at first, but then he pinched the hard buds. She couldn’t help but close her eyes at the intense pleasure that erupted inside of her from his touch alone.

“I’m going to kiss you now.”

“You don’t have to keep explaining what you’re going to do. I’m not afraid.”

“Maybe you should be.”

“You want me to be afraid of you?”

“No, I don’t.”

“I trust you,” she said.

This made him stop and pause. “You do?”

She nodded. “Yes.”

“Good because I won’t do anything to hurt you. I promise you.” He flicked his thumb back and forth across her nipple, and she gasped as the sensation went straight to her clit.

Max leaned in close, and as his lips brushed hers, she pressed against him, taking his kiss.

When he slid his tongue across her lips, she stroked his with her own, letting him kiss her back. Letting go of his cock, she wrapped her arm around the back of his neck and moaned as he deepened his kiss.

She couldn’t stop, nor did she want to.

He gripped her hips, moving her away from the door, turning her so that she was pressed against the bed. He moved her back, and she had no choice but to go down. Max moved her up the bed until her head was against the pillows. His lips were still on hers, kissing her, distracting her from what was going to happen.

Max wasn’t in any kind of rush as he kissed down her body. His tongue laved one nipple before sucking it into his mouth. She arched up, moaning at the pleasure from his touch. He didn’t linger too long, moving to her other breast, to dedicate the same amount of attention before kissing down her body.

She’d seen all of this.

With multiple men or just with one guy. Over and over, she’d watched them, wondering what it would be like to be the woman they were dedicating most of their time to. To feel their hard, rough bodies against her own. Max’s hands moved to her thighs, spreading her legs open, and she released a little gasp as he held her still. His gaze was on her as he licked from her entrance up to her clit.

She had no choice but to close her eyes as he continued to tease her body. She wasn’t her own person anymore. She belonged to him as he suckled her nub. The pleasure was intense, taking her completely by surprise in the sheer heat of it.

Nothing made any sense to her, and she didn’t want it to. This was Max, the guy she had promised herself to never be with, and yet here she was, spread open, naked, and his mouth was between her thighs.

She didn’t want him to stop as he teased her.

Her orgasm was growing nearer with every passing second. The strokes of his tongue made her moan. She cried his name as he sucked her clit into his mouth, and she was desperate for more.


