Feral Read online Renee Rose (Wolf Ranch #3)

Categories Genre: Fantasy/Sci-fi, Paranormal, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Wolf Ranch Series by Renee Rose

Total pages in book: 65
Estimated words: 61280 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 306(@200wpm)___ 245(@250wpm)___ 204(@300wpm)

I wasn’t a screamer, but I definitely let out a breath with sound when it bit down on my…shorts. And tugged. Then released them and tossed its head in the direction of the horse who was now contentedly grazing on the tall grass far enough away not to feel threatened any longer.

“Okay, I’m moving. You want me to get the horse? Put the fangs away, wolf.” Or did I mean, Put the fangs away, Wolf? I spoke cautiously, backing away in the direction of the horse standing a dozen yards away and keeping my gaze on both the wolf and the bull. The wolf faced the bull, as if standing guard in case it decided to charge me again. The bull looked at us, circling angrily, but not approaching.

I put Rob’s hat on my head and picked up the reins. The horse was huge, but I managed to get one foot in the stirrup and stand in it, aided by a hold on the horn on the saddle, and swung my other leg over.

From the saddle, I sat and watched Rob—in the shape of a giant, fucking wolf—chase the bull back farther and farther until it bellowed and crashed through the wood fence onto Markle’s land.

I kicked my heels into the horse’s flanks and tugged the reins to turn back to Natalie’s house. I hadn’t been on a horse in a while, but it was like riding a bicycle. I never really lost the touch. Rob’s animal was smart and knew exactly what I wanted him to do. When I got there, I dismounted and let the reins fall, giving the animal a quick pat on the neck. I went inside and grabbed my gun where I’d left it under the basket by the front door.

I walked back outside and aimed it at the wolf approaching the porch.



Well, shit.

Having my mate point a gun at my chest was getting to be all too familiar.

I lowered my head and shifted back to human form—right there in broad daylight on Natalie’s porch—something that went against every pack rule. Never show yourself to a human. Never let the secret out. She was pointing a gun at me and knew damned well how to use it. I needed to show her who I was before she shot me.

I hadn’t meant to shift back there. I’d planned to distract the damn bull, but when it got too close and my mate’s life was threatened, my wolf leapt to the surface without warning.

I hadn’t even considered shifting. My wolf had made the choice all on its own.

The gun in Natalie’s hand didn’t waver, and she didn’t look surprised to see me rise to my full height and stand there, buck naked, except for the tattered clothes hanging off my limbs.

“Hold it right there.” She sighted me over her left arm. She wasn’t fooling around. “You’re not coming any closer until you tell me exactly what you are.”

She looked sexy as hell in her little running shorts and snug tank top. Her skin glistened with sweat and her hair, while pulled back mostly in a ponytail, was wild about her head.

I held out my palms. My cock had the unfortunate idea to get hard at the sight of my mate, such a beautiful badass in her fighter’s stance and my hat on her head.

“Easy, angel.” I advanced slowly. “I think you already know what I am. And you should also know that I’m no danger to you. I told you before I’d never hurt you. I’ll always protect you from danger.”

“You’re a werewolf.”

Slowly, I shook my head. “We prefer the term shifter.”

Standing there silently, she studied me with those fierce green eyes. Considered. Finally, she glanced down at my boner and her lips twitched. She lowered the pistol and took my hat off with her right hand, then tossed it to me.

“Thanks.” I used the hat to cover my jutting erection. “Can we step inside? I don’t make it a practice to stand out in public with my dick swinging in the wind.”

“Oh, I didn’t see it swinging.” A smile formed on her face as she backed into her house and let me pass. “Looked pretty sturdy to me.”

“That’s all for you, angel.” I shut the door behind me and advanced on her.

She stopped retreating, letting me in close. She gripped my wrist and pulled the hat away from my crotch, guiding it up to my head instead. “Is this why you’re so big? Because you’re a wolf?”

“My dick?”

“All of you.”

I offered her a shrug and a small smile. I was reassured she hadn’t shot my ass, and I was inside, both good signs. I’d fucked up before. There was a chance I’d do so again. “Something like that.”

She peered up at me for a moment, then shook her head. “This is nuts. I don’t believe it.”


