Fierce Obsessions Read Online Suzanne Wright (Phoenix Pack #6)

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Funny, Paranormal Tags Authors: Series: The Phoenix Pack Series by Suzanne Wright

Total pages in book: 110
Estimated words: 104350 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 522(@200wpm)___ 417(@250wpm)___ 348(@300wpm)

“They like to have breakfast outside,” she told him.

Tao sighed inwardly at her flat tone. He’d hoped she’d have calmed down by now. From what he could tell, she was even more pissed about Cynthia’s stunt than he was. It had taken a good twenty minutes to convince her it wasn’t worth storming to Cynthia’s cabin and calling her on it.

His wolf rubbed up against Tao’s skin, wanting to soothe her. “What are you thinking?” he asked, sidestepping a berry bush.

“I’m thinking that I shouldn’t have let you talk me out of bitch-slapping Cynthia for ripping your clothes.” Riley swatted a gnat. “I’m also thinking that I don’t like that she saw us fucking.”

“Is she the type to gossip?”

“Depends on the topic. Why?”

“If she goes around telling people how big my dick is, you might find yourself with some competition, even if I am an asshole.” As he’d hoped, she laughed. It was a husky, from-the-heart laugh that made him smile.

“Your confidence issues concern me.”

“Don’t worry, I’ll get by.”

They made their way to the patio table, where Ethan stood to kiss her cheek. “Morning, sweetheart. Morning, Tao.”

“Morning,” Riley said with a smile. Tao just nodded in greeting.

Slumped in his chair, Max said, “I’d stand and kiss you if I trusted my balance.” It was clear by his pinched expression and disheveled appearance that he was feeling the aftereffects of the party.

Riley bent and kissed him on the cheek. Seeing there was a glass of Mountain Dew waiting for her, she grinned. “You guys are the best.”

Max eyed Riley and Tao as they took the seats opposite him and Ethan. “You don’t look at all hungover.”

“We only drank Coke,” said Riley, wasting no time in grabbing pancakes from the pile at the center of the table. “How’s your head?”

Max shrugged one shoulder. “It’s been worse. It’s also been fucking better.”

Ethan pushed a glass of water toward him. “Drink more.”

Dutifully, Max took a sip and then turned to Tao. “Well, Tao, tell me about yourself. I know you’re a Head Enforcer and you’ve marked my Riley, but that’s pretty much it.”

Tao sliced into his pancake. “There’s not much worth knowing.”

“Did you grow up in the Phoenix Pack?” asked Max.

“No,” replied Tao. “My childhood pack split when I was about fourteen. Some of those that left formed a new pack, the Phoenix Pack.”

“I heard some stories about your Alpha, Trey,” said Max. “Heard his wolf turns feral during battles, and that your Alpha female was latent until she mated Trey.” Tao nodded in confirmation. “I also heard they’re both pretty crazy,” Max added.

After chewing his pancake, Tao said, “It’s a fairly common belief.” It was also true.

Max put down his glass. “How long have you been Head Enforcer?”

Riley exhaled heavily. “Max, will you stop? He’s not actually interrogating you, Tao, he’s just terribly curious.”

“What else do you expect from a raven?” Max smiled. “I suppose we could talk about you instead, sweetheart. I have some pictures here he might be interested to see.”

“Max . . . ,” she growled. But it was too late. Her uncle dug out his wallet and showed Tao his collection of her childhood photographs, some of which were too embarrassing for words.

Studying one of her on her fifth birthday, Tao said, “You look . . . sweet. I can’t imagine you ever being sweet.”

Ethan chuckled. “She was sweet when she wanted something.”

“And so damn cute and funny,” said Max. “Remember her second Christmas with us, Ethan?”

Max ignored Riley’s groan and turned to Tao. “We asked her to write a list of the things she wanted so we could post it to Santa. She came to us later and it read, ‘A new bear, a bike, a Minnie Mouse dress, and a pair of tits.’”

Tao burst out laughing.

“Turned out she was trying to spell ‘tights,’ but it was still freaking funny.”

Riley shook her head at Max. “I can’t believe you pulled that out of the vault.” He smiled, not the least bit repentant.

Hearing his cell phone chime, Tao fished it out of his pocket. He frowned as the words “Private Number” flashed on the screen. “I’ll be back in a sec.” Standing, he moved a few feet away as he answered. “Hello.”

“You let me down, Mr. Lukas.”

Tao stilled. Motherfucker. How the hell had Ramón Veloz gotten his number? “Excuse me?”

“I told you to impress the seriousness of my situation upon your Alphas. You failed me in that.” The reprimand was sharp and held a note of betrayal, as if Tao were one of his minions.

“No,” said Tao, “you failed to hear me when I told you that my Alpha can’t heal fatal diseases. Maybe there are other healers who—”

“Do you have important people in your life, Mr. Lukas?”

He had plenty of important people in his life, but he didn’t see what the fuck that had to do with anything.


