Game On Read online Riley Hart, Devon McCormack (Fever Falls #5)

Categories Genre: Gay, GLBT, M-M Romance, Romance Tags Authors: , Series: Fever Falls Series by Devon McCormack
Series: Fever Falls Series by Riley Hart

Total pages in book: 96
Estimated words: 92704 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 464(@200wpm)___ 371(@250wpm)___ 309(@300wpm)

He quieted, taking a moment before saying softly, “Thank you.”

This was one of the aspects that confounded me about Sawyer. He had a way of being annoyed or pissed off but so damn polite all at once. Like so many things about him, it intrigued me.

He was a quiet type. Not timid, though. He’d say what was on his mind if he thought it was important, but he would say it when he knew it mattered. Unlike me, who oftentimes talked just to make people feel more comfortable.

He checked his phone, looking at the weather reports on his iPhone app. After the bartender set our drinks down, we continued in the same sort of silence we’d endured in the rental on the way through the mountains. The tension in the air was as thick as the Georgia humidity I’d grown accustomed to during the time I’d spent in the Falls, which was a big adjustment, considering I was more of an LA boy—dry, hot sun, beaches, and earthquakes were more my thing.

“You know, Saw,” I finally said after taking a sip of my martini, “I’ve always found that if there is something to discuss, it’s typically best to just get it out there in the open, so—”

“I can’t figure what we would need to talk about.”

“Maybe that night at Fever?”

“As I’ve already told you, there’s nothing to talk about there.”

It wasn’t the first time I’d brought it up since that night, but even though he’d similarly dismissed it each time, it was the event that had led from him treating me as a mild nuisance to straight up avoiding me. It wasn’t just bothering me as someone who liked Sawyer a bit more than Sawyer liked me, but also as a general people-pleaser. If there was one thing I knew how to do, it was to smooth things over, but I seemed to be seriously lacking in that department when it came to him.

“I’m obviously not interested in discussing it either,” I went on, “but something about that clearly bothered you, for some reason I can’t quite make sense of.”

“I’m here to have some fun, get my mind off my business for a week, and ski a bit. I don’t want to think about work or stress or—”

“So you’re admitting that fits into the stress department?”

“That’s not what I said. You didn’t let me finish.”

“Maybe because I get you, and you know I’m right.”

“The only thing I’m stressed out about right now is the drive and trying to make sure everyone gets here safely,” Sawyer replied. “Look, I get it. We have the same friends, and that’s great, but I think we both realize we’re not each other’s favorite people in the world. Some people don’t click that way, which is fine.”

“Ah, here’s the trouble I’m having with your theory: I say we do click, more than you’re willing to admit.”

He took a breath, seeming annoyed, but again, in that sexier way I was used to.

Unfortunately, it didn’t seem like we were going to make much progress about the-BJ-incident-that-should-not-be-named.

Fortunately, there was an easy, socially acceptable fallback to prevent us from enjoying a pleasant, civilized conversation with one another—our phones.

Once I finished my martini, the bartender approached. “You want another round? And your partner?”

“I’m not his partner,” Sawyer said so quickly, I couldn’t help but be insulted.

“Oh, sorry. I just assumed.”

The guy, with bright blue eyes and a short brown crew cut, wore a polo with the fox logo in the upper right-hand corner. The way his biceps stretched the sleeves, I was surprised the seams didn’t pop open.

He extended his hand to me. “My name’s Rex.” I introduced myself as we shook, and then he turned to shake Sawyer’s hand. “That’s a firm grip you’ve got there, Mr.…”


“Pleased to meet you as well, Mr. Sawyer.”



Cam stayed home instead of going to a sleepover, ’cuz he didn’t want to leave me without friends. I told him to go, but he didn’t. I hate that he misses out on stuff for me.

~ Sawyer’s Journal, 12 years old.

Rex grinned at me, and I felt a twist in my stomach. Because, of course, this was just what I needed. Carter already made me feel out of my element, like I didn’t know which way was up, and now we were here together with a sexy bartender who was eating Carter up with his eyes.

Okay…and maybe me too, but the difference was, I wouldn’t take him up on it. I wouldn’t know the first thing about flirting with him, even if I wanted to—which I didn’t—and Carter would. He’d also want to.

“You know I’m real good at multitasking. Care to join?”

Ugh. That had been more than a month ago. There was no reason I should still be thinking about that, but I was flustered. Damn Carter for getting to me that way. It really was time I got my shit together where he was concerned.


