Halligan To My Axe Read Online Lani Lynn Vale (Heroes of Dixie Wardens MC #2)

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Biker, MC, Romance, Suspense Tags Authors: Series: The Heroes of The Dixie Wardens MC Series by Lani Lynn Vale

Total pages in book: 67
Estimated words: 80391 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 402(@200wpm)___ 322(@250wpm)___ 268(@300wpm)

In short order, eight men out of the twenty nine members of the Benton Chapter, four from the fire department, and four cops, were hauling ass out of the door.

I knew it was something big. Something so big, that they needed every off duty cop and firefighter on the force there, and they needed them quickly.

I shuffled back to the table with Kettle’s fiddle in one hand and Blaise in the other, until I came to realize that Baylee was on the phone with someone, as was Silas and Dixie.

With no other option, I laid the instrument down on the table where there was a clean spot and went to the playpen in the corner that Baylee had set up when she’d arrived earlier in the day to cook and prepare.

The baby stirred slightly with the movement, but fell back to sleep promptly, allowing me to put the fiddle away and then started clearing the plates and trash.

I was a worrywart, and with nothing else left to do but that, I started cleaning to try to distract myself.

Minnie started helping as well and in no time, every single piece of trash and food was cleaned away, and we started guiding the men that were left to replace the furniture back to its previous position.

“Get him out! Get him out!” Silas yelled into his phone. “Don’t let him go into his place. Don’t let him. Take him out before he can get there...forget the motherfuckin’ snake! Don’t let him go in there.”

The sound of Silas’ voice sent shivers down my spine.

I knew they were talking about Kettle. How many snakes could there be in Benton? Certainly not many. And absolutely none that anybody would risk their life for.

“I’m not saying don’t send anybody in there. Just don’t let it be him. You do it. I think...” Silas said glancing in my direction. “I think the sister was in there when they doused it. I saw her go in and not come out when I went over the feed.”

I dropped the pretense of pretending to listen and walked slowly to the bar where he was sitting with his laptop open in front of him.

On the screen was a live video of what was happening.

From the location, they’d set up a camera on the light pole across the street from Kettle’s apartment.

Although the fire trucks were mostly obstructing my view, I could tell Kettle’s apartment, as well as the one directly above Kettle’s, was on fire. Something shooting out that much flame had to mean the place was toast.

“I’ve got eyes on the back, too. She didn’t come out.” Silas explained roughly.

Silas head dropped, and he ran his hand over the back of his neck.

“Trance, there’s no way she could be alive in that. I’m watching the feed as we speak. There’s no way.” Silas explained.

We both watched, for what felt like hours, as men worked to put the fire out.

At one point, one fire engine moved to allow another one to move in closer behind it, and my breath hissed out of my lungs at seeing the apartment just...gone. Right then they were attempting to save the apartment beside Kettle’s. They were trying to contain what was left of Kettle’s to keep it from spreading to any apartments beyond.

My heart sank.

“What happened?” I finally asked.

Silas hit a few buttons, and then suddenly I was watching the feed from about an hour before.

I watched in horror as Shannon parked her little Ford Focus in the spot in front of where I used to park, got out, and walked to the front door.

After knocking, she waited for exactly four minutes and fifteen seconds before pulling out her keys and unlocking the door, closing it softly behind her.

“Oh, no.” I moaned.

She stayed in there and didn’t come out.

“No, no, no, nooo,” I whimpered brokenly.

My heart was in my throat, and I could feel the movement of bile slowly rise and settle at the base of my tongue; I could taste the bitterness of it.

“Please, no.” I whimpered.

I hadn’t realized that tears were leaking out of my eyes until Silas put his big arm around me and pulled me deep into his chest, allowing my cheek to settle on his massive chest.

His big beard tickled my cheek, but I didn’t care.

I was too busy watching the devastation in front of me, horrified, as a Hummer that was sleek and beautiful pulled into our lot, turned around, and then stopped right outside the apartment.

One man got out with a giant gas can in his hand, walked up to the front walk and started pouring it out on the wooden paneling that lined the outside the apartment.

The man was of average height and build, dressed in an impeccable pair of slacks, pointy-toed shoes, and a red silk shirt.

His face was covered by a black ski mask, so any other identifying markers couldn’t be detected.

“Why isn’t anybody saying anything?” I asked in surprise. “They have to see what he’s doing, and who the hell wears ski masks anymore?”

I hadn’t meant to yell, but I couldn’t help it.

While Kettle and I were eating a Christmas meal, his sister was being burned alive.

I couldn’t keep my eyes open any longer. I knew he was about to torch the place. With Kettle’s sister inside. Oh, God. Oh, God.

“Oh, baby.” I said as I thought of Kettle. “Oh, Tiago. I’m so sorry.”

Silas’ hand came up and cradled my head in his big palm, stroking my hair as he watched the rest of the video.

A whimper behind me had me turning to find Baylee standing very close with Blaise in her arms. Minnie stood beside her, holding Baylee to her body. The rest of the MC stood behind them, all watching the scene unfold on the computer in front of me.

“Time to show our hand, Silas. You know exactly who it was.” Dixie said as he came up close to Silas’ free arm and watched a little more closely.

They were heading to a room at the back of the bar. A room that had a large table with chairs surrounding it. There was nothing else in it. Other than the large Dixie Wardens mural on the wall, nothing else decorated the room.


