Healing Aiden (Lords of Discord #5) Read Online Jocelynn Drake

Categories Genre: Fantasy/Sci-fi, M-M Romance, Magic, Paranormal, Romance, Vampires Tags Authors: Series: Lords of Discord Series by Jocelynn Drake

Total pages in book: 87
Estimated words: 80373 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 402(@200wpm)___ 321(@250wpm)___ 268(@300wpm)

Fully seated inside of Aiden, Ronan draped his wider body over his lover’s and wrapped one arm across his chest while pressing kisses to his shoulder. “You’re perfect. Every inch of you, every breath and sigh and laugh, is perfect.”

“Do you know what would make this more perfect?” Aiden asked in a low, dreamy voice.


“If you’d move.”

Ronan gave an evil chuckle as he pulled back, but instead of slamming into Aiden, he moved slowly, giving little thrusts. “What if I fucked you like this? Just deep and slow. Tiny thrusts to keep you balanced right on the edge.” Another whimper broke from Aiden’s lips, and his muscles tightened around Ronan’s cock as if Aiden’s body were trying to draw him deeper.

“Whatever you want,” Aiden growled. “Just don’t stop. Don’t want you to ever stop.”

“Never,” Ronan promised, not caring if their words were completely illogical. He didn’t want to ever be physically parted from Aiden again. They could just go on making love like this until their bones turned to dust.

“Promise…promise me…” Aiden said brokenly.

“What? Anything.”

“Promise me…no one else. Just us. No other women or men. I couldn’t—”

Ronan froze, and it was like Aiden gripped his heart in a vise. Did his lover truly not understand?

He carefully pulled out of Aiden completely, and his lover cried out an apology, but Ronan ignored it as he forced Aiden onto his back. He paused only long enough to smear more lube on his dick, and then he was pressing inside of Aiden before stretching out on top of him. Some of his earlier driving need returned, but his concern for Aiden and his heart was more pressing. Sliding his arms under Aiden, Ronan gripped his shoulders tightly, holding him completely captive.

“Aiden, look at me,” Ronan commanded roughly. Aiden blinked, gazing at him with beautiful amber eyes. The wariness that had haunted those eyes for so long was gone, and Aiden looked up at him with only love and trust. “There will never be anyone else. You’re everything to me. You’re all I’ve ever wanted. I fell for you as a human, and in the past few days, I’ve fallen all over again as I’ve discovered who you’ve become in the past centuries. And I plan to spend my remaining years proving that I’m worthy of you.”

“You’re mine,” Aiden whispered. His trembling fingers touched Ronan’s cheek and swept up to brush the sweaty hair from his eyes.

“My heart, body, and soul belong to you,” Ronan confirmed, thrusting deep inside.

Aiden moaned and bowed his back in pleasure. He wrapped his legs around Ronan’s hips. “Harder. Oh God, my love, harder please.”

Ronan could follow Aiden’s wishes. He’d give everything of himself to this man. His breath. His last drop of blood.

The room was filled with the sounds of slapping skin, broken pants, and cries of pleasure. His orgasm was building again, and he could feel Aiden’s leaking cock rubbing against his abdomen. His lover was so damn close. He needed to send Aiden over first.

“Bite me,” Aiden whispered. At first Ronan was sure he’d imagined it, but then he heard Aiden’s rough whisper again. “Please, Ronan. Bite me. Make me yours.”

There was no stopping his fangs from sliding down. The thought of tasting Aiden was too compelling. Slowing his thrusts, Ronan buried his face in Aiden’s neck and licked along the rapidly fluttering artery. He struck fast and Aiden shouted. The rich taste of Aiden was accompanied by a rush of pure joy. Aiden’s body clenched tightly around him while his cum painted both their stomachs and chests.

He allowed himself only a couple of swallows and lifted his mouth. His orgasm was teetering on the edge, but he didn’t want to go over just yet.

“Aiden, please,” he ground out between clenched teeth.

He didn’t need to say more. Strong arms wrapped around him a second before sharp fangs sank deep. The world exploded into brilliant white. All he could do was cling desperately to Aiden while he came deep inside of his welcoming body. Nothing had ever felt so perfect, so alive. Brain cells were fried to dust, and every nerve tingled as if he’d been struck by lightning.

When thought returned to his brain, he simply collapsed on top of Aiden. He couldn’t move. He was never, ever going to move again. He was probably crushing Aiden, though. He needed to move. But couldn’t.

With a little grunt, Aiden rolled them onto their sides and licked the freshly healed spot where he’d bitten Ronan, sending a shiver through his body.

“Biting…biting we’ve got to save…for special occasions,” Ronan panted.

Aiden breathlessly chuckled. “Definitely.”

Ronan opened his eyes and found himself staring into happy amber eyes. Old worries and aches faded with just one look from Aiden. He could feel Aiden’s heart pounding against his chest, the sweat and cum running along their flesh. The moment he’d dreamed of for so long was here, and it was real, and it was so much more than he’d hoped for.


