His Queen of Clubs Read online Renee Rose (Vegas Underground #6)

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, BDSM, Erotic, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Vegas Underground Series by Renee Rose

Total pages in book: 61
Estimated words: 59623 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 298(@200wpm)___ 238(@250wpm)___ 199(@300wpm)

When I end the video call, I’m suddenly famished. When I got back to the States, my family insisted on putting me on an insulin pump which continuously delivers the medicine, so I don’t have to do shots anymore and my blood sugar remains steady. I hate it—it makes me feel weak and fragile and I can’t stand having something attached to my body.

Maybe I just miss Vlad taking care of me.

The whole time I eat my dinner and get ready for bed, I’m thinking about the letter under my pillow. Finally, when I can’t stand it a moment longer, I pull it out and read it.

It’s written in longhand—funny that my tech-savvy Russian didn’t just send me an email. How very old-fashioned of him.

Dear Alessia,

I’m sorry.

For everything. For abducting you and bringing you to Russia. Keeping you from your family, whom you love so dearly. For not being there to check your blood sugar the night your kidney failed.

But especially for losing my temper outside Victor’s. Forgive me. I lumped you in with Sabina, but you two are nothing alike. She cares only for herself. You care for everyone around you. You bring love and joy everywhere you go, and I miss your beautiful face every day.

I make no claim on you. You are free, of course. I just wanted you to know I suffer everyday knowing I hurt you. If I could take it back, I would, zaika.

Please take good care of yourself.

You have my kidney, but also my heart.

I only beg that you do not hate me.



I wipe my wet cheeks. It’s perfect. Simple and direct. He said everything I needed to hear.

And he’s unwell.

I pick up my cell and call Nico.


“I’m going to Russia.”

I hear Nico sigh. “Not alone, you’re not.”

“Actually, yes.” I’ve thought it over. I remember what Vlad said. And I don’t think he would purposely hurt my brothers if they showed up in Russia, but he may still have orders in place from before. And I’m not planning on telling him I’m coming. “It’s not safe for you.”

“Oh, and it’s safe for you?” Nico demands.

“Completely.” I’m not sure it’s true. I know I’m safe with Vlad. I don’t know about the rest of the brotherhood, but I’m willing to bank on Vlad’s power getting me safe passage to him.

Nico curses in Italian—a long string of impressive profanity. Then he says, “Not without clearance from the nephrologist. You call him first. And if he does give you clearance, I need to hear from you twice a day or I’m coming out there to get you. Capiche?”

“I’m booking a ticket to Volgograd now,” I tell him. “I’ll text you the details.”

Chapter 20


I have a million worries in my mind, but it’s like my body didn’t get the message. It’s celebrating the whole trip to Volgograd. I just feel light. Happy. Fluttery.

Mika gave me the address and told me exactly what to say to the cab driver to get there. He also sent it in Russian text, and I printed it out to show the guy in case my accent sucked.

I get there in the afternoon. There are fewer guards than he had when I was there—I guess they were to keep me prisoner. I just see one guy outside when I pull up and he nods, like he recognizes me.

Mika comes running out, then stops and shoves his hands in his pockets, awkward-like.

“Come here and give me a hug,” I demand, and he shoots forward. “You grew.” I laugh, ruffling his hair.

It feels so good to be back. Everything about the estate feels good to me. Truthfully, I never felt like a prisoner here. Just a restricted guest. It’s even good to see Zoya’s dour face.

“Where’s Vlad?” I ask. Oh God, is he completely laid up in bed? How long has he been this way?

“He’s at the lake. You should go to him. Help him,” Mika says, taking my purse from me. Yegor has already taken my suitcase.

Grazie a Madonna. At least he’s not bed-ridden. I head off down the path I took with him so many times. My favorite part of every day I was there. The park bench is still there at the halfway mark. I stop and rest. I may be back to exercising, but I’m still weak. Does Vlad have to use it now?

I hurry forward, excitement and nervousness warring. When I get to the lake, I’m stunned to see Vlad’s muscled body cutting through the water.

He’s swimming. In the cold lake.

He’s beautiful. And perfectly healthy.

He climbs out and picks up a towel from the grass, drying his face. His body is muscled and fit. When he lowers the towel from his face, he sees me.

“Alessia!” His deep voice comes out as a shout.

My heart jumps up into my throat.

But then a leggy blonde stands up from the swing, and my stomach drops to my feet.


