His Queen of Clubs Read online Renee Rose (Vegas Underground #6)

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, BDSM, Erotic, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Vegas Underground Series by Renee Rose

Total pages in book: 61
Estimated words: 59623 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 298(@200wpm)___ 238(@250wpm)___ 199(@300wpm)

I hide my shock at her admission. Vlad was definitely right about her—she’s all about manipulation. Still, I believe her story. I guess because she isn’t trying to hide her flaws.

“Zima was away on business, so I seduced Vlad. I tricked him into getting me pregnant. I thought a baby would be enough to persuade him. Men go crazy over reproducing.”

She fumbles in her purse and pulls out a photo of a newborn. Her lips tremble when she hands it to me. “But Vlad was heartless. He refused to kill Zima. He wanted nothing to do with me. So I had to look elsewhere.” Her gaze travels in the direction of the office.

“Victor,” I guess.

She nods. “But Victor would not take me with a child, so I had to give her up. Put her in an orphanage.”

My stomach knots.

An orphanage.

God, no.

Vlad’s child is in a Russian orphanage? How is that possible? He brought me to one. He’s seen how understaffed they are. How sad the conditions are. Does he really hate this woman so much he would forsake his own child in one?

“Vlad knows this?” I choke out.

She nods, eyes brimming with tears. “I wrote him dozens of letters. Tried to visit yesterday. He won’t claim our child.”

My own eyes swim with tears. Can this be true?

Sabina grabs my wrist and squeezes. “You are kind. I knew I was right to help you.”

The sound of masculine voices comes through the door and she snatches the photo back and shoves it in her purse. “Say nothing,” she hisses.

I nod and stand on wobbly legs.

It feels like the whole world is tilting. Sliding and rearranging. I don’t know if I even know Vlad. I want this all to be untrue.

I need to get to the bottom of it immediately.

“Come, Alessia,” Vlad barks from the doorway.

His authoritative orders don’t turn me on right now. They seriously piss me off.

My mouth tightens and I toss my hair, but go to him. As soon as we’re in the elevator, he growls, “What in the hell was that about?”

I whirl on him, angry. “You tell me, Vlad. What do you know about Sabina’s baby?”

“There’s no fucking—” The elevator dings and he shuts his mouth, gripping my upper arm too tight. Mika trails behind us silently. As soon as we’re on the sidewalk outside, he says, “There’s no fucking baby. The woman is a bag of lies and you are stupid if you believe them.”

I’m a firm believer in the no name-calling rules in relationships.

I go ice cold and keep my voice low and dangerous. “Don’t call me stupid.”

Vlad shoves his fingers through his hair. “I don’t mean that. I’m sorry. But I know what is true.”

“Do you?” I demand. “She showed me a picture of your baby. The one she put in an orphanage because she couldn’t seduce Victor with her around.”

Vlad stares at me, color draining from his face. “No.”

“Da,” I say, as if throwing his own language back at him makes it stronger. “I saw the picture. She had no reason to lie to me, she was trying to save me from you. Look, she gave me a phone to call my brothers.” I wave it in the air like evidence.

Vlad’s face goes from pale to fiery.

I take a step back.

“I see. Now I see. Of course you two are plotting together,” he snarls. “That’s what women do—scheme and trick. Use your beauty and allure to manipulate men and destroy lives. Well, good. You should know, printsessa, that calling your brothers was a big mistake. You think your brothers can land in Moscow without bratva knowing? Without bratva slaying them before their feet touch solid ground? They don’t come here without my invitation. You’d better call back and tell them that.”

I feel like I’ve been punched in the gut. Tears burn my eyes. “Fuck you!” I shout. “Seriously, Vlad. Go fuck yourself.”

The childish words are the best I can do. The best expression of my hurt and rage.

I turn on my heel and march off down the sidewalk.

I’m certain Vlad will be on me in a moment. That he’ll grab me and force me back to the limo. I’m planning on kicking and screaming and biting the whole way, because I’ve had it with his shit.

But he doesn’t.

He doesn’t follow.

And I’m relieved at first.

Until I realize maybe there’s one thing worse.

Worse than being held prisoner by a man who thinks all women are manipulative bitches.

Being abandoned by him.


I watch Alessia’s back, her angry stride, with betrayal shredding through my center.

Another woman playing me for the fool.

Manipulating me. Doing whatever she has to to get what she wants.

Once more I’m the little boy being offered up to the bratva to secure my mother’s place as Victor’s lover.

Let her go, that wounded self screams. Never open your heart to a woman.


