House of Curses – Royal Houses Read Online K.A. Linde

Categories Genre: Fantasy/Sci-fi, Suspense Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 134
Estimated words: 127026 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 635(@200wpm)___ 508(@250wpm)___ 423(@300wpm)

“Because I’m good at this,” she said.

Helly didn’t argue.

Corinna shot her a terrified look. “I cannot fathom how this happened. We had guards stationed at all entrances and exits. No one should have been able to get past them.”

“Unless they let the person pass,” Kerrigan argued.

Corinna looked ready to disagree, but Helly spoke up. “The mountain is compromised.”

“Yes,” Kerrigan agreed.

Her eyes flicked to Kerrigan. “You already knew?”


“What else do you know that I don’t?” Helly asked imperiously.

Kerrigan managed a smile. “We’ll catch up.”

“Can someone explain what is going on?” Corinna demanded.

“We need to secure Prescott,” Fordham said hotly.

Corinna dropped into a bow, and Helly seemed to fight to keep from doing the same at the sound of his voice. It was the voice of a king. There was no arguing with that authority. Even Helly, who was hundreds of years older than Fordham, still seemed to shrink under the weight of his words. As if he were pressing everyone down with the sheer command.

“Yes,” Corinna said slowly, rising on unsteady legs. “I will take care of it.”

“No, I will send him back to the House of Shadows. It’s where he belongs,” Fordham said. “Find Delle in my quarters. Tell her to come retrieve Prescott and take him home.”

Corinna saluted and then jogged away at a tight clip.

Helly arched an eyebrow. “I see you’ve come into your own, Fordham Ollivier.”

“I will speak to my subject,” he said in answer and then stalked down the hall.

Kerrigan frowned. “He’s taking this hard. They’re his cousins.”

Helly just pursed her lips. “I’m glad he’s on our side.”

“As am I.”

Then, she followed him down the hallway.

Prescott lay upon his cot with his arms and legs tucked tight to his chest. Tears ran freely down his beautiful face. His hair was tousled and clothes dirty. He looked like a broken man.

“Pres,” Fordham said.

But Prescott didn’t look up. In fact, he didn’t look at anything. He was utterly unseeing.

“Prescott Ardenine Dupont,” Fordham said in the most powerful voice he possessed.

Even Kerrigan felt weak in the knees at the force of those words.

Prescott had no chance against them. His head snapped up, and those unseeing eyes locked on his cousin. “Fordham?”

“You are being remanded into my care.”

“They … they killed Arbor,” he managed through chapped lips.

“You will ride on Netta with Delle back to the House of Shadows. You will be kept there until justice can be decided for your crimes.”

“Her beautiful hair,” Prescott muttered. Not an ounce of joy or bounce left in him. “Her lips and skin and smile. Oh, her smile.”

“I will put you on suicide watch,” Fordham said. “Will you take your own life now that hers has been forfeited?”

“Forfeited?” Prescott said, suddenly furious at the words. He jumped unsteadily to his feet. “It was not forfeited. It was stolen.”

“She would have been hanged for treason, and you knew it.”

“But she wasn’t. She stood no trial. Two females slithered in here and cut her throat. They left her to drown in her own blood.”

“Two?” Kerrigan managed.

Prescott set his bright blue eyes on her. They were swollen and red-rimmed. “They were arguing. One had betrayed the other. And then she killed my sister.” Tears sprang to his eyes again. “My Arbor.”

Kerrigan shot Fordham a look. He must be talking about Isa and Valia. Who else could it have been? That confirmed everything they had been wondering about. Valia had been found out. Isa must have discovered Valia’s duplicity. Did that mean … Valia was dead? Had Isa killed her too?

No answers to those questions. More unanswered questions.

“You must avenge her,” Prescott said suddenly. “Kill the son of a bitch who did this.”

“And how would I do that?” Fordham pressed.

“It was the Red Masks. I told her not to spill their secrets, but she didn’t listen. She thought that she could curry favor with the Society.” Prescott scrubbed at his face. “It’s the Father. He did this. It doesn’t matter whose blade finished the job. He is the one who put the knife in her hand.”

“Do you know who the Father is?” Kerrigan asked, barely breathing with hope.

“No,” he admitted. “Arbor said she did, but she didn’t either. No one knows. I’ve met him. Terrifying man. But he never shows his face.”

“Were there plans to meet him again?” Fordham pushed.

“There’s a Red Mask meeting. Arbor and I planned to attend. His most dedicated are to be in attendance. It’s at an old warehouse between Central and the Dregs on the north side of town in three days’ time.”

“I know that warehouse,” Kerrigan confirmed.

Fordham shot her a look and pulled on the bond between them. She shook her head. There were no other questions.

Then, a set of footsteps rushed down the hall, and Delle appeared. She bowed low to Fordham. “Your Majesty requested my presence.”

“Did Corinna explain the circumstances?”


