Huge Games Read Online Stephanie Brother

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic, Insta-Love Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 87
Estimated words: 80197 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 401(@200wpm)___ 321(@250wpm)___ 267(@300wpm)

My mouth gapes with surprise and disgust. "You seriously watch that?"

Shrugging, he switches his position, resting his forearms on his knees and leaning forward. There is wickedness in the gleam of his eyes and the quick flash of a smile on his lips.

"What do you think?"

"I think you're annoying, Elias."

"But you like it, don't you, Celine? So what does that say about you?"

Sparks fly between us because he's right. I like that he pushes boundaries. I like that his confidence rumbles off him like the after-effects of an earthquake. Everything from his bigness to his dark hair and slow, purposeful movements makes me hot.

"Fine." Tossing my clothes onto my bed, I drop my towel to the floor. I don't bother looking in Elias's direction and focus instead on the corner of my room as I tug up my panties and hook my bra together. Once my shirt and jeans are on, I stomp over to my desk. "I'll get my books, and you can tell me where we should start."

I don't reach my bookshelf before Elias's big arm scoops me around the waist and tugs me onto his knee. I swat at him, annoyed, and when he tries to kiss me, I press both my hands to his chest and shove him back.

"I don't think so."

His cock is an iron bar beneath my butt, and wriggling against it only seems to make it bigger.

He presses his face into my neck and inhales. "Jesus, you smell good. Like strawberry pop tarts."

"Are you seriously comparing me to sugary, plastic breakfast food?"

He laughs, and it feels like it comes from somewhere deep inside him that he doesn't show very often. His hand slides up my side and cups my breast. "Nothing plastic about you."

I stifle a smile as my whole body flushes hot with arousal.

This shouldn't feel good. Elias is an arrogant douche who finds joy in pushing my buttons. Still, I can't help enjoying his metaphorical and literal button-pushing.

I take his hand from my boob and rest it on my thigh. "I need to study."

He takes an exaggerated breath and blows it out like an enraged bull, but he's smiling at the same time.

"You could have this…" He thrusts upwards to let me feel his boner. "But you want this." He taps the side of his head.

"Both would be nice, but this first." I touch his temple, and he snatches a kiss, then taps my ass, urging me to get up.

"Get your books, Celine. My cock won't wait forever."



We spend two hours going over Celine's understanding of the topic and the parts of the course that she struggles with the most. By the end, her eyes are wide, and her pen is practically tearing lines in the paper she's writing so fast. "Oh my god, I can't believe I didn't get this."

"I can't believe it either."

"Professor Callihan is a terrible teacher."

I shrug because I only half agree. He points us in the right direction for all the information we need to be successful. There's a lot of external reading that Celine obviously hasn't done. "I think he gives us what we need, but we can't just rely on the lectures. You've gotta spend time with the study texts."

Her frown deepens, and she clicks the end of her pen over and over.

"How much do you study, Elias?"

"A lot."

"But you have practice."

"That takes up time, but…"

But I need to make every second count while I'm here because I don't have Mommy’s and Daddy’s money to fall back on. I need to prove that I'm not the idiot my father told me over and over that I am. I need to show the world the man I want to be because the man I am isn't that great.

Fuck. I don't tell her any of that.


"But you have to make time for what's important."

Celine places her pen on her notepad and slides off the edge of the bed. When she's in front of me, she stops between my legs and runs her fingers through my hair. My eyelids lower, the sensation over my scalp sending a pulse of awareness down my spine and between my legs. I think about her mismatched underwear and how badly I want to strip it from her body and sink inside her. How badly I want the bite of her fingernails into my skin.

Pulling her to me, I press my face into her belly and rest there while she pets me. Her fingers run down the back of my tense neck and graze my bunched shoulders. Even though our team physio deals with our aches and pains, I'm still tense from all the benching and drills and the rest of life's stresses.

"You're so big," she whispers. "So big and hard and…"

"...and?" I wait for the thought that dried on her tongue.

"...a quandary."


