In the Arms of a Highland Warrior (Highland Myths Trilogy #1) Read Online Donna Fletcher

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Dark, Historical Fiction, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Highland Myths Trilogy Series by Donna Fletcher

Total pages in book: 111
Estimated words: 102573 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 513(@200wpm)___ 410(@250wpm)___ 342(@300wpm)

Bhric recalled the deafening roars and snarls of his men as they charged into battle. Rage blazed in their eyes ready to kill which was not much different than an animal who attacked.

“Battle holds its own distinct nature,” Bhric said.

Seeing Hume’s eyes round with concern at her made Tavia realize that it was not wise of her to question her husband in front of others, and she acquiesced. “That it does, my lord.”

Bhric found himself disappointed when his wife did not continue the debate. He liked that she got him thinking, questioning things. It made for better understanding and possibly different decisions in the future.

“Is Hertha inside with Lath?” Tavia asked.

“Aye,” Hume said with a nod. “She is seeing to his care before his mum arrives with his breakfast.”

“I will only be a moment,” Tavia said with a quick glance at her husband and repeated it with a quick glance to Fen before entering the cottage.

“Is Lady Tavia safe with the hound, my lord?’ Hume asked with concern.

Bhric’s unexpected laugh surprised him. “The better question would be… is anyone safe around my wife with Fen nearby?”

“He protects her?” Hume asked, amazed by what Lord Bhric suggested.

“It would seem that way, though we shall see since he spends the day with Lady Tavia and me.”

“Many say Lady Tavia has not only a healing touch but a commanding one as well,” Hume said.

Bhric was curious and asked, “Have you seen this with your own eyes before now?”

Hume hesitated, then shook his head. “I cannot say I have, my lord. Though I have known her to speak up for others.”


“Flora, her cousin, and—” Hume stopped abruptly as if he had thought better of what he was about to say.

“Say what you will,” Bhric ordered.

Hume hesitated but a scowl from Lord Bhric had him speaking up, though reluctantly. “The witch. Lady Tavia defended the witch.”

“You thought it wrong of her?”

“The witch cut open a heart that had been torn out of a man to peer into it. Why? What did she want to see there? Or what strength did she wish to gain from it?” Hume shuddered at the thought.

Torin had sent a message about the incident and how the witch had been caught with the heart. He had no idea what evil magic the witch could do, and it had been the reason he told Newlin to give the witch to Lord Varrick, the legendary warrior. If anyone could command the witch Lord Varrick could.

However, if others heard of his wife’s defense of the witch, gossip could start from it that might not bode well for her.

“Lady Tavia can be too kind at times, my lord, and suffers for it,” Hume said.

Tavia stepped out of the cottage leaving Bhric to wonder what Hume meant. How had her kindness caused her suffering?


Fen remained by Tavia’s side as they walked through the village, his massive body reaching to her hip, his head held high, and his eyes alert to all around him. Most everyone looked at her strangely and Fen fearfully. Few people approached her, and she did not blame them. Fen’s size alone could intimidate, but so could her husband’s.

“We go eat now,” Bhric said, hungry with their morning meal having been delayed and he took hold of her hand as they walked.

“I am hungry,” she admitted, her hand closing around his now out of habit.

“As am I,” he said. “Once done we will talk in my solar.”

Startled, she asked, “Have I done something wrong, my lord, that I am summoned to your solar?”

“Nay,” Bhric hastened to say. “My solar is warm and a good place for us to talk on this cold day.”

She wondered what he wished to discuss and thought to ask him, but Sven came upon them before she could.

“Something that needs your attention, and it cannot wait,” Sven said.

“I will wait in the Great Hall for you,” Tavia said.

“Keep Fen with you,” Bhric said to his wife and Sven’s surprise.

Tavia stared after her husband when he turned with Sven and walked away. She was pleased that he had allowed Fen to stay with her and unsettled that he had left her. She could not quite explain the unexpected feeling, it was odd… an emptiness of sorts as if something inside her was suddenly missing. Had she grown accustomed to spending time with him, talking, sharing a rare smile or two? Had she grown to care for him without realizing it?

“My lady.”

The soft voice caught her attention and she turned to see Glenna.

“If I may trouble you, my lady,” Glenna said.

“Is something wrong, Glenna?” Tavia asked, seeing the worry in the woman’s eyes.

“William, my husband, he insists he must do his share for us to keep sheltered here. If you could speak to him and assure him he needs only to rest and that when he heals, he can then repay your kindness to us.”


