Jealous Alpha Read Online Jordan Silver

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 64
Estimated words: 59913 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 300(@200wpm)___ 240(@250wpm)___ 200(@300wpm)

I shook my head to clear it and made my excuses as I headed for the door.

I didn’t linger around outside this time, I’d had enough for the day. If I saw any more evidence of how much I affected her I might not be able to control myself.

I went back to my office and thought of that little show of fire from her today. Lately she’s been showing more and more of her true spirit and it won’t be long now before she told me off.

I needed her to do that so that I’m sure she’s not just falling into my bed to keep her job. I don’t believe for a second that she would, but it’s better to be certain.

How long has it been now since she came into my life? A little over two and a half months. I don’t think I’ve ever spent this much time working on a woman before.

Especially one who made it plain at every turn that she had no interest in me. But the more she resisted, the more she put up that front of disinterest the more I wanted her.

That alone was enough to tell me what it was, that I was beginning to feel for her. That and the fact that she stays on my mind constantly these days.

Even my mother has been singing her praises thanks to Gavin who’s always gushing about her like a love sick puppy, the little shit.

Mom is not the easiest woman to impress. As much as she wants grandchildren she’s very meticulous about the type of women who should bear them.

As her eldest son she has high expectations for the woman I will marry some day. And though she had high regard for Giavanna because of her work ethic, there was no guarantee that she’d accept her as my woman.

I didn’t care about that, once my mind is made up nothing can change it. And I’m pretty sure that I’d made up my mind to make her mine completely.

When you think of it, a couple months wasn’t really that long and knowing her she’s going to make me work longer and harder. I’m ready for her though, as long as I can keep my dick on a leash.


“Where is she, why isn’t she here?” It was our usual day and time for the weekly meeting. I’d been on tenterhooks all day waiting for her, but instead my brother showed up alone, looking worried.

“That’s what I came to tell you. She had a last minute emergency.” I didn’t like the look of misery on his face.

“What kind of emergency, is she sick?”

“Not her, her child is.” I felt a knife slice down the center of my heart.

“Child, she has a child? Is she married?” I felt like I was suffocating, like the walls were caving in on me. This can’t be happening, she’s mine. I know she is.

“She’s a widow, geez Evan where’ve you been? Everybody knows this.”

“I don’t listen to office gossip.” She’d been married. She’d loved someone else enough to want to spend the rest of her life with him; she’d borne him a child. It hurt like fuck.

The feeling of betrayal made no sense, how had I not known this? Because I’d refused to look into her past I’d left myself open to this hurt.

At least she was no longer married, but still I felt jealousy like a live thing in my chest. I’d fallen in love with a woman who had a child and a past with another man. How the fuck did this happen?

I got ahold of myself enough not to show anything in front of my brother. “How’s the child, what’s wrong with it?”

“It, is a girl and she has severe asthma, I think she had an attack.” So that’s why she leaves early every day, she has a sick child at home.

“Okay, leave this let’s go to the hospital and see what’s going on.”

“Huh? You’re coming with me?” I didn’t bother to answer him as I grabbed my jacket and headed out the door.

We drove separate cars and I followed him to the children’s hospital. I had to put my selfish feelings aside for now and concentrate on her.

If her child was in danger it’s obvious that she’d be upset. I’ll overcome my anger enough to take care of her, but later I’ll deal with her for deceiving me.

I didn’t stop to think that none of this was her fault; that she had no idea that I was in love with her. My mind hasn’t been right since I met her.

I let Gavin ask at the desk which room the child was in and followed him onto the elevator. “Is her family here with her?”

“She’s an orphan her only family is her daughter. If you remember she moved here for the job with us so she doesn’t really know anyone here.”


