Josie’s Daddy – Littleworld Read Online Paige Michaels

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 36
Estimated words: 34052 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 170(@200wpm)___ 136(@250wpm)___ 114(@300wpm)

Melissa chuckles.

“Daddy’s family is going to come visit us in a few months. Even his sister who is like me. I haven’t met them, but they’re going to love me because Daddy says so.”

Both Daddy and Melissa laugh.

“Of course, they will. When do you go back to Regression Island?” Melissa asks.

“Sunday!” I squeal. I glance at Daddy. He’s smiling indulgently.

Melissa chuckles. “I guess you’re looking forward to that.”

I nod rapidly. “I can’t wait. I’m going to make friends there. Not just Petra but other Little girls who live there. I’ll be able to have playdates and stuff with others who like to live regressed lifestyles. And you know what else?” I ask her excitedly.

She’s smiling so big I know she’s happy. “What else, Josie?”

“When Daddy is working, I get to go to the daycare center. I’ll make all kinds of friends there. It’s going to be so much fun.” I know this is huge. I’ve always had trouble interacting with other people. It took a lot of coaxing from Melissa to get me to go to the Dungeon and make friends. Somehow it’s different on the island. I have fewer triggers. I feel more relaxed. I still have sensory issues, but I can manage them better on the island. I don’t get overwhelmed and bombarded.

Melissa leans forward. “I think you’re doing great, Josie.”

I freeze. My face drops. “I still need you,” I murmur softly, afraid she will say I don’t need to see her anymore.”

She smiles. “That’s fine. How about once a month? You can check in. It will help make sure you don’t slip up.” She winks at Daddy, and I know it’s to reassure him she’s humoring me. She knows Daddy is not going to let me stop my life lessons.

“Okay. Once a month,” I say softly. I know I lean on her more than I should, but she’s more than my counselor. She’s a friend I can confide in. “Maybe sometimes I won’t bring Daddy.”

“I think that’s a good idea,” Melissa agrees. “Sometimes you might need to talk about relationship issues. It’s all sunny and roses right now, but everyone stumbles sometimes, even in healthy relationships.”

I can’t imagine Daddy and I having a fight, but if the idea is enough for Melissa to want to see me once a month, I’ll take it.

Melissa stands. “Have a great time at Littleworld next week. I’ll see you next month.” She shakes Daddy’s hand and then opens her arms.

I run into her embrace and hug her tight. She’s been the best counselor ever. Without her, I never would have met Daddy.

Chapter Fifteen

One week later…

“Three more bites, Baby girl,” Daddy encourages.

I whimper and kick my feet out. I’m sitting in my high chair in the kitchen of our townhouse on the island. Daddy has decided to graduate me to baby food when we’re here. I don’t always like it, and this one is kind of yucky. It’s just rice cereal, but it’s boring and bland, and I’m stalling because I know as soon as I finish it, we’re going to the clinic for my first enema.

I twist my head to one side petulantly. “Don’t want more, Daddy.” This is as much as I can move because not only am I wearing a strap across my waist and up between my legs, but Daddy also cuffs my wrists to my sides under the tray when he feeds me on the island, so my hands don’t get in the way. The straps are covered in a protective material, and the cuffs are as soft as fluffy cotton.

Restraints are new for us. He still doesn’t use them on the changing table, but he bought some. They’re sitting in a box on the shelf. I know he will add them soon. Every time Daddy restrains me in this highchair, my nipples harden. I breathe heavily the entire time he feeds me. I love the total submission so much it’s hard to contain myself.

“Who decides what you eat and how much, Baby girl?”

I pout dramatically, dropping my shoulders. I’ve added an aspect to my personality. I’m a bit defiant at times. I think I like it. I know Daddy does. He grins when I push back at his orders.

I think it’s my way of reassuring myself that he will not back down. I love submitting to him. I even secretly love eating my rice cereal because Daddy insists. It’s our dynamic. It’s so perfect, and I’m so happy.

“Do you want to go to the doctor with a red, hot bottom, princess? Everyone will see that you were naughty while you lie naked on your side and the doctor fills your tummy with the cleaning solution.”

I clench my knees together, which isn’t saying much since my diaper is in the way. I think about his suggestion. Though I like it when Daddy spanks me, and I make sure he does so often, I don’t think I need the added stress of a stinging bottom during my first enema.


