Kage Unmasked Read Online Maris Black (Kage Trilogy #3)

Categories Genre: Action, Alpha Male, Angst, BDSM, College, Erotic, Gay, GLBT, M-M Romance, Romance, Young Adult Tags Authors: Series: Kage Trilogy Series by Maris Black

Total pages in book: 69
Estimated words: 64366 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 322(@200wpm)___ 257(@250wpm)___ 215(@300wpm)

When I let go of him, his expression was panic stricken. He flipped down the visor to examine himself, running a finger lightly over the wicked purple mark just beneath his jaw.

“Look where you put that thing,” he said accusingly. “There’s no way I’ll be able to hide it. Even a turtle neck wouldn’t help.”

I grinned and sat forward in my seat again, flipping the band of my pants back up to cover my throbbing erection. “That’s what you get for challenging me. Now I don’t want the blow job anymore. But tonight, I’m going to fuck you so hard, you might wish you had just chosen to shut up and suck my dick.”

“You’re a confusing bastard,” he said. But a side glance revealed him touching the mark on his throat, his chest heaving with excitement.

Chapter 4


AFTER I showed Kage around the Georgia State campus, or at least the places that were significant to me, we headed back to the condo. We skipped the clothes shopping, deciding that Kage could handle another day in my clothes, and we’d stop by the mall on the way to my parents’ house after class the next day. After the excitement and the arguing, we were both ready to get home and regroup. I was nervous about my friends finding out that I had a brand new vehicle in the parking lot, and even more apprehensive about the glaring mark on my throat. I mean, how in the hell was I going to explain leaving the house with Kage and coming back with a hickey?

We entered to the familiar sound of Braden and Trey trying to kill things on some video game.

“Finally, you guys are back!” Braden looked up long enough to acknowledge us, and then went back to pounding frantically on the controller, his tongue stuck out and his brows nearly touching in the center. Miranda lounged beside him with her legs stretched across his lap, reading one of her e-books. She watched us suspiciously as we crossed the room, as did Layla, who was curled up beside Trey like a lazy kitten, her blond head resting on his lap.

We popped into my room for a few minutes to check our phones. As Kage had suspected, the battery power had diminished on both devices.

He leaned down to speak close to my ear. “Do you have your important things backed up? Pictures, videos…”

I nodded.

“Then let’s just forget about keeping these things around. Now that I know they’re listening in, I just want to get as far away from them as possible. Is that okay with you?”


Kage gathered them up and took them outside. He put them on the ground in the parking lot and ran over them with our new SUV, and then he dropped them in the trash can for the city to pick up.

When we entered the house for the second time, I felt lighter knowing that the phones were gone. Now we had our privacy back, or at least some of it.

I sat down in the comfy gray corduroy armchair Trey had brought from his parents’ house, and Kage dropped down onto the floor in front of me, settling back into the space between my legs. He appeared relaxed, propping an arm up on my knee. I, on the other hand, was ramrod stiff, my neck canted at an odd angle to keep from displaying the aching love bite at my jaw. I considered asking Layla to put some makeup on it for me, but then I remembered how she’d treated Kage at breakfast. I didn’t want to get a row started between them again, so I just kept quiet and prayed that my little problem would somehow go unnoticed.

The afternoon passed by in a haze of video games and meaningless chatter. The girls barely spoke to us, though I caught them staring at us often. My paranoia suggested that Layla had spilled our secret to Miranda. I had no proof, but Miranda had always been talkative around me before, and now she seemed awkward. I was glad when the girls finally got up to leave.

“Got a report due Monday,” Miranda explained to Braden. “I haven’t even started on it, so I’ll be busy all day tomorrow.”

“But I’m getting used to you staying over,” Braden whined, setting down his game controller and grabbing her wrist as she tried to make her escape. “I won’t know what to do without you sleeping in my bed until lunchtime tomorrow.”

Braden sandwiched her cheeks between his palms and devoured her mouth in a kiss that probably should have been reserved for the bedroom. She leaned into it, and after a minute she was giggling quietly. “Okay, I’ll try to stop by tomorrow. I know you can’t go without it for twenty-four hours.”

Braden growled and reached around to grab her ass. “Don’t forget me.”


