Keeping What’s His: Tate Read Online Jamie Begley (Porter Brothers #1)

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Bad Boy, Biker, Dark, Erotic, MC, New Adult, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Porter Brothers Trilogy Series by Jamie Begley

Total pages in book: 74
Estimated words: 70934 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 355(@200wpm)___ 284(@250wpm)___ 236(@300wpm)

“Me, too.”

“You okay? You sound funny.”

Sutton cleared her throat. “I’m fine. Just have a small cold. I’ll see you at school tomorrow.”

“See you then.”

“Goodnight, Cash.” Sutton hung up the phone, any chance she had of a future with Tate now eliminated.

Chapter 4

“Did you see anything while you were out?”

“No. Why?” Tate asked, looking up from his plate at Greer.

“You’re not eating your dinner.” Greer nodded at his still-full plate, and Dustin was watching him just as curiously.

“Guess I’m not hungry.” Tate shoved his chair back from the table and stood up.

He went outside, staring at the mountains that surrounded his home. Leaning on the railing, he picked up a pack of cigarettes and took one out. Pulling the lighter from his pocket, he lit the tube and sucked in a deep breath.

“What’s going on, Tate?” Dustin came to his side, leaning against the banister.

Tate glanced at the worried frown on his youngest brother’s face. Dustin had matured fast over the last few years with the responsibility of a child. Tate was proud of the way he had stepped up to make a living for his son. Dustin had worked hard to become an accountant despite everyone not taking him seriously. He still fought an uphill battle; he had only five clients. The people in town were more worried he would steal their money than keep an accurate count. To the people in Treepoint, Porters would always be trash.

“When I went to the field, I heard a car at Pap’s house.” Tate kept his voice low. He didn’t want Dustin worried unnecessarily for Logan’s safety.

“Really? Shit. That’s the first time in years anyone’s been in that junk heap. Did you see who it was?”

“Sutton Creech.”

Dustin gave him a sharp look. “What’s she doing back in town?”

“Didn’t ask. I don’t imagine she’ll stay long. Probably here to see that property.”

“Shit. The Hayeses aren’t going to be happy about that.”

“No, they’re not. They’ve been using that property for the last three years to grow their weed. They think it’s funny as shit that the judge’s father’s land is being used to grow weed under his nose.”

“Damn, you think they’ll mess with her?”

“I don’t know. It depends on how long she stays and if she stays away from the back part of the property. The Hayeses probably already dug up this year’s supply, so she should be fine until spring. She won’t be hanging around that long, anyway.”

“What if she decides to sell?”

“Who’s going to be stupid enough to buy it, knowing they’ll have to deal with the Hayeses?”

“You going to tell her?” Dustin lifted a brow.

“Fuck no. I’m not sticking my nose where it’s none of my fucking business. Asher and Holt are mean fuckers, but if Sutton doesn’t go snooping, they’ll leave her alone.”

“What if they don’t? You going to do anything?”

Tate snorted. “Sutton doesn’t need me to fight her battles. She can take care of herself.”

He would never forget the day Sutton showed him exactly what he meant to her. After chasing her all senior year, he saw she was spending the summer with her pap, and used the opportunity to his advantage. They saw each other all that summer, getting to know each other better.

Most of the boys in the school had chased after the beautiful girl. She had smiled at some and dated a few, ignoring the rest. He and Cash Adams were two she had ignored. The rivalry between them over the girls in town was becoming heated by that point, neither worrying about stepping on the other’s toes. Looking back now, Tate realized it had been stupid and childish.

When Cash went out with a girl Tate liked, he would retaliate by going out with one Cash liked. The girls became a game to them, neither of them caring about the broken hearts they left behind … until Sutton.

He grew close to her during that summer. When she began making plans to go off to college together, he didn’t tell her no, though he often changed the subject when he could. She stood beside him during the worst time of his life when his parents died. He leaned on her for help with Rachel, and she came through, helping her with her homework and holding her when Rachel would break down in tears that he didn’t know how to deal with.

As her prom drew closer, he wanted to make it up to her for all the help she had given him, so he decided to make the night special for her. They hadn’t made love yet, since Sutton was too shy to let him go further than kissing her other than the few times she let him brush her breast with his hand. It had been a frustrating time in his life because he was already used to girls putting out when he wanted. Sutton was refreshing and sweet, driving him insane.


