King of Diamonds Read Online Renee Rose (Vegas Underground #1)

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, BDSM, Dark, Erotic, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Vegas Underground Series by Renee Rose

Total pages in book: 58
Estimated words: 55984 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 280(@200wpm)___ 224(@250wpm)___ 187(@300wpm)

“I-I don’t want to marry you. No offense.”

His lips quirk. “None taken. Does your father know you’re here?”

My shoulders sag. “Yes, but he sent me to pin you down on dates. He still wants us to go through with it.”

Tacone drags a hand through his thick hair. “I haven’t spoken to mine, either. I probably need to fly out and have a face to face with him. Make sure I can smooth it over. Giuseppe won’t budge?”

I gnaw on my lip. “No, but maybe if he knew your family was canceling—”

Tacone sighs, defeat creeping into his expression. Yeah. We’re right back to where we were as children, with our parents’ contract firm, and our opinions inconsequential.

I suck in a breath, my heart hammering at what I’m about to say. “I could disappear for a while. I mean, I want to disappear. I’ll send a letter saying I’m not going through with it. Send it to both our fathers and you. And then disappear. No one is to blame but me.”

He rubs his jaw, his gaze astute. “Ah. And you’re here running this plan by me because you need money to disappear?”

My stomach knots. I know mafia men. Better to come clean. Own it all. Put the cards on the table and let them decide what to do with you. “Yes. And I wanted to make sure you wouldn’t be angry. I don’t want to start a war.”

He’s quiet a long moment, simply regarding me. My father would be doing something with his hands—lighting a cigar or smoking it. Not Nico Tacone. It’s hard not to squirm under his direct regard. Finally, he says, “Nor do I.” He stands up and walks to a safe. “Yeah, I’ll bankroll your disappearance. I got no problem with that. Bring me the letters first, and I’ll set you up with whatever you need.”

The sensation of wings taking flight in my chest is like nothing I’ve ever experienced. It’s more than relief. It’s freedom.

My life will be mine to live.

Mine, alone.

I dig in my purse and pull out three envelopes, already addressed and stamped but not sealed. I push them across the desk.

Tacone’s lips quirk when he takes them and reads them one by one. They’re identical, typed up but hand-signed.

“You need a new ID? Passport? Credit cards?”

I’m soaring. This is all too easy.

“Yes, please.”

He nods and rises from the desk. “Okay. I’ll have Tony set you up. He’ll give you enough cash to get started, too. Whatever you need. But, Jenna?”

I look up at him. His expression goes stern. “Don’t come back here. Don’t contact me. You need something, you get in touch with Tony. He’ll help you out. Capiche? And make sure he can get word to you, too. I’ll let you know when the contract is dissolved.”

I stand. I seriously want to kiss the guy’s ring right now and swear my undying fealty. I just don’t want to swear my life over to his marriage bed.

“Thank you, Mr. Tacone—Nico. Thanks for being so understanding and generous.”

“Same.” We give each other cheek-kisses and he opens the door and speaks in an undertone to Tony who nods and motions for me to come forward.

I step forward, into my future. My freedom.

The mafia princess sheds the crown.

Chapter 13


“Good morning, Ms. Simonson,” the security guy nods at me as I step out of the elevator. I get this preferential treatment all over the casino now. Word is out that I’m Nico’s girl. I get waved to the front of the Starbuck’s line, my favorite drink already prepared for me.

When I step out on the curb, the valet attendant already has Nico’s Mercedes waiting for me. I take the keys and pretend driving a Mercedes is a totally normal thing for me.

It’s hard not to eat it all up. It’s hard not to let myself enjoy all that it means to be Nico Tacone’s girlfriend.

But it’s a total fantasy world. If I were going to stay here long-term, I’d need to get out and make friends, be in nature, build my own life.

For the moment, though, I’m letting myself enjoy it. Nico stuffed a wad of cash in my purse this morning and told me to go clothes shopping. His cousin Sal is getting married this afternoon and we’re invited. When I asked what to wear, he told me to buy a dozen outfits and let him pick.

Silly man. Silly, adorable, controlling man.

I’ve met Sal—he’s one of the guys with a suite on the same floor as Nico—but we haven’t talked. I know nothing about him. This will be the first time I get to engage with Nico’s family, which I know he didn’t want.

But if I’m really his girlfriend, and not some kept woman, I should bridge this gap. Figure out if I really could handle being permanently attached to a man born into a crime family.


