Lawless Princes (Black Hollow Isle #1) Read Online Dani Rene

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Dark, Mafia Tags Authors: Series: Black Hollow Isle Series by Dani Rene

Total pages in book: 72
Estimated words: 66980 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 335(@200wpm)___ 268(@250wpm)___ 223(@300wpm)

His fingers dig into my flesh as he pulls me up against him. No one around us bothers helping, they don’t seem concerned that this arsehole has a fierce hold on me.

“Your little boyfriend isn’t here to protect you now, princess,” he sneers down at me.

The bastard thinks I need a bodyguard to keep me safe. But when I told Judah I can take care of myself, I meant it. I’m not a helpless child.

I recall my classes of self-defence. When I turned thirteen, I was sent to learn how to protect myself from any attack. Papa always made sure I knew how to fight off anyone who wanted to hurt me. He knew I would be in danger when people learnt my identity. He said, should anything happen to me, I would have the skills to defend myself. He knew, deep down, I might need it one day because of who I am.

I spin around, taking the arm of this bastard with me. Then pulling him closer, so his front is slammed against my back, I step backwards with one of my heeled boots and make contact with his trainer. Before I tug his forearm over my shoulder and jerk his hand down. The groan from behind me makes me smile, and I apply more pressure to his arm. It doesn’t break, but I almost wish it did.

When I finally release him, I turn around and pin him with a glare.

“Don’t ever think I need a man to stand up for me or to protect me.” My words cause his eyes to widen in shock. “I may be a princess, but I’m not weak.” I turn and leave him nursing his arm.

“That was amazing,” a female voice catches my attention and I turn to see one of the girls from my history class. “I’m Emilia,” she tells me with a small smile, holding out her hand.

I take it, and we shake as I introduce myself.

“Brielle,” I tell her. “He’s just an arsehole who thinks he can scare women because he’s taller, stronger, and a man.”

“As do most of the men on this island. That’s why they’re here, to learn how to exert their dominance,” she tells me as we make our way to the parking lot. “You’re new here?”

“Yes, I arrived a couple of weeks ago,” I tell her with a nod. I’m living at—”

“The Venier manor,” she finishes. “I know. Everyone’s heard about the new girl on the island.”

I can’t help but groan at that piece of information, even though I know it’s true. The guys told me I’d be the talk of the campus.

“I honestly don’t want to bring any attention to myself. I just want to study.”

“Unfortunately, now that you’re with Judah Venier, there’s no hiding, especially on this island,” she tells me with a shrug of her shoulders.

We stop at a sleek, black Porsche that has a matte finish, shiny silver rims, and the windows tinted so dark I can’t see inside.

“I’m not really with him,” I say, but she laughs.

I know it sounds like a lie because I am his fiancée. Soon, I’ll be saying my vows and agreeing to be his wife. But we haven’t ever been intimate, and he hasn’t kissed me yet. So, it doesn’t feel like I’m truly with him.

“Oh, trust me, you are.” Emilia laughs as she opens the door. “Need a ride home?”

“She already has one.”

I didn’t expect to find Judah standing behind me, but his voice is clear, and when I do glance over my shoulder, I’m knocked breathless. He’s not in his usual attire. He’s in a deep green polo shirt with a pair of black jeans.

“Right,” Emilia says. “I’ll see you tomorrow, Brielle.”

Emilia doesn’t wait for me to respond. Instead, she slips into the driver’s seat, starts the engine, and reverses out of the parking bay before speeding away, causing the tyres to squeal against the tar.

I spin around to glare at Judah.

“I could have gone home with her, you didn’t need to play the knight in shining armour.”

Judah leans in close, and to the outside observer, it may look like he’s being sweet, as if he’s going to kiss my cheek, but I know better. His voice is a low whisper.

“I got a call you had an issue, I’m here to sort it out.” He straightens, and smirks down at me as he regards me with those hazel eyes.

“The issue,” I say, holding up my fingers as if adding quotation marks to the word, “has been dealt with. Like I told you, I’m capable of taking care of myself.”

“Fair enough,” he appeases, surprising me for a moment. “But I’m still here to drive you home. Kai is waiting for you.”


He doesn’t respond, but instead, he opens the passenger door of his Maserati, and I slip obediently inside because I know he won’t answer me until I’m safely tucked away in his car.


