Learning to Run – The Education of the Heart Read Online M.A. Innes

Categories Genre: GLBT Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 78
Estimated words: 74916 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 375(@200wpm)___ 300(@250wpm)___ 250(@300wpm)

Gareth was still beaming and actually sighed. “You’re so cute.”

I loved the way he saw life.

“Come here. I haven’t gotten enough cuddles today.” It was my turn to be dramatic but it was a wonderful distraction, and Cashel even quickly stripped off his pants before climbing up with us. “That’s much better. I haven’t been cuddled in hours.”

That had both of them snickering but neither called me out on my bullshit, so I rewarded each of them with a kiss as they snuggled up on either side of me. “Perfect and I have Jude to thank because otherwise, I don’t think you’d have slept over.”

No pants late-night cuddles definitely meant no one was leaving, so I wasn’t surprised when Gareth nodded and Cashel groaned.

Our sexy drama queen covered his face with his hands and shook his head. “I’m going to be doing the walk of shame in cum-covered pants. God, someone just needs to shoot me.”

“Would you feel any better wearing some of Bates’s clothes?” Gareth might’ve been trying to be legitimately helpful, but the image he put in our heads was so bad Cashel started groaning again.

“I think the size difference might make it more noticeable.” They were right. Both of my boys needed a few things over at my place so Cashel wouldn’t have to keep meeting the neighbors in his pajamas…or in this case…cum-covered pants.

“I could do some laundry?” I was serious but Cashel immediately shook his head.

“No, it’ll be fine. The guy just smiles and waves now. He won’t be shocked.” Cashel was still in a huff about it, but I just saw it as our neighbors being helpful and nonjudgmental…besides, Cashel was sexy when he was in a snit.

“I’ll go up and get you clothes in the morning if you make out with Bates.” Gareth’s slightly sleepy-sounding bribe had both Cashel and me going still, which Gareth didn’t seem to notice as he yawned. “I…I want to watch and you haven’t come.”

Seemed like a fair trade to me, but I waited to see what Cashel would say to the adorable manipulation.

He snorted.

“You can’t bribe people like that. It’s rude.” Cashel’s offended tone made Gareth grin, looking even more tired somehow.

“No, it’s a trade. That’s polite. It’s like saying I’ll do your chores if you do mine.” He shrugged, ignoring Cashel’s sigh. “And I got spanked, so I should get whatever I want. I didn’t ask anyone to make me dessert or buy me new toys. I just want to see my boyfriends have…hmm…is it having sex if you’re just making out and orgasming?”



Our conflicting answers had Gareth giggling again and Cashel looked over at me curious. Shrugging, I explained my thoughts. “It’s about the intent and the connection. We have both of those, so it doesn’t matter if Tab A isn’t going into Slot B.”

Back to looking punch-drunk, my explanation made Gareth snicker. “I want Tab B going into Slot A and Tab A going into Slot C.”

I lost complete track of what he actually wanted to see and experience, but whatever Cashel thought he’d heard made him blush…and Gareth was back to giggling.

“No Tabs in Slots.” Cashel managed a cheeky response even though his face was still pink. “You’re a menace.”

No, he was just hoping for a good show and to push his boyfriends along a bit.

It was understandable but all I was willing to do at the moment was the show portion of his fantasies because I could make that happen without Tabs going into Slots.

“He’s still on a high.” I leaned over to Gareth and gave him a kiss, winking and hoping he’d know to behave. “But I think he’s right about one thing, I’m severely deficient in Cashel cuddles.”

That got an eye roll from Cashel but he didn’t protest when I turned toward him and stretched out over him. We both ignored Gareth’s pleased sigh. He was definitely happy he’d gotten at least part of his wish list but now was not the time to give him attention.

“Gareth got all your loves today.” Pouting and making him fight off a smile, I sighed. “I didn’t even get kisses for all the hard work I did spanking him.”

That earned me another eye roll, but he wrapped his arms around me and sighed. “I guess you have a point.”

So much sass.

“But…I didn’t get nearly enough attention for slaving away in the kitchen.” He was just looking for a reason to get a reward and confusion flashed over his face when I made a Gareth-level sigh because it was just so sweet.

“No one has ever cooked in my kitchen for me before.” Giving him a quick peck as his eyes went wide, I shrugged. “Even when I was living on my own after my bachelor's, guys wanted to be taken out for dinner or for me to cook for them. No one ever took care of me like that before.”


