Listen, Pitch Read Online Lani Lynn Vale (There’s No Crying in Baseball #3)

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Romance, Sports, Suspense Tags Authors: Series: There's No Crying in Baseball Series by Lani Lynn Vale

Total pages in book: 64
Estimated words: 64352 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 322(@200wpm)___ 257(@250wpm)___ 215(@300wpm)

Sometimes we would go out to eat, while others he would lay down on the couch with me and watch Netflix all day long. Periodically, he’d lay down on the ground and do sit-ups, or sometimes he did push-ups. Hell, just last week he’d gotten a pull-up bar and hung it up in the door frame that led from the hallway to the living room. Now, he did pull-ups, too.

I literally didn’t think I’d be able to do it much longer—keep my attraction to him a secret.

It was becoming like an itch underneath my skin, and I was on the verge of jumping him like a horny fangirl—though it wasn’t due to his fame or super athletic star status that I wanted him. I was just plain in love with Rhys Rivera.

I pushed through the empty living room, then led him to my bedroom.

I could feel him close at my heels, practically feel his heat radiating off of my back with how near he was.

I led him into my room, then pointed to the bed where the transmitter had fallen.

“I’m just going to warn you now, this bitch weighs like nine hundred pounds, and I can’t lift it for nothin’,” I informed him as I turned to look at his face.

His lips twitched. “You’re tiny, honey. I don’t see you capable of lifting a toddler bed.”

I flipped him off, then walked around the bed and out of his way.

“Which side?” he asked, making sure to maintain eye contact with me so that I could see what he was saying.

I smiled. “Left side. Near the wall.”

The bed was made out of metal, and now I could see why it’d already been in the room when we’d moved into the place. It was physically impossible to move it anywhere.

Seriously, I doubted it’d been cleaned behind since it was placed in that very spot.

There was no telling what was behind it.

Rhys bent down and reached for the base of the bed, then gave it an experimental tug.

He frowned, surprised, I was sure, by the weight of it.

“Solid fucking bed,” he muttered, turning to me once again.

I nodded in agreement. “It was here when I moved in.”

He grunted something, but he’d turned back around, so all I could see was his body jerk slightly with whatever he’d said or grunted.

I bit my lip as I watched his shirtless form move.

He was sweaty, and the tattoos on his back looked like they were shimmering.

Every single tattoo he had was black or shades of gray. There was not a single piece of color on his body.

And still, the tattoos were vibrant and beautiful. Though, that might have to do with the man that the ink was on, and not the tattoos themselves.

He grunted, and suddenly the bed slid about four inches away from the wall.

“Holy shit!” I cried, likely a little too loudly. “I tried to do that when we first moved in because I lost a phone charger back there and couldn’t budge it.”

“This one?” he asked, grinning up at me while tossing something black over his shoulder.

I looked at the charger. “Yeah, that one.”

“You got a flashlight?” he asked, eyes meeting mine.

I walked to my nightstand, opened it up, and immediately slammed it shut again.

Then I bit my lip and opened it back up once more.

After retrieving the flashlight, I closed it with a soft click and then turned it on before handing it to him.

“Thanks,” he looked at me and said, then started to laugh.

“What?” I asked.

He laid down on his belly, then shoved the nightstand over with his shoulder before reaching far behind the bed.

Then he came out with…

“What the fuck is that?” I questioned when I saw what he was holding.

He set the chains down on the ground by my feet and came back with even more.

This time handcuffs, followed by a long pole like thing with a leather handle and…feathers?

The ‘toys’ just kept coming before finally he came out with a pink dildo.

The pink dildo caused my cheeks to redden in embarrassment.

There was one other thing I’d lost behind there…

“All right,” he said as he came back out with my transmitter, a smile on his beautiful face. “There’s nothing else back there. Here you go.”

I immediately took it and situated it, and then sighed when hearing once again returned to my world.

One had no idea just how depriving it was until it they experienced it.

It was like a sudden storm overtaking the sky. One second, everything was normal, and the next everything you once knew about the world was utterly different.

Or like going to a different country where everything was unfamiliar. You could navigate, but could you function as well if you were in your own world?


And without actually being deaf, one would never know just how hard it was.

“Well, whoever had your room before is definitely a kinky son of a bitch. Now I can see why they left the bed, though. Something all metal like this would be a Dom’s playground,” he said.


