Married to a Beast Read Online Marian Tee

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Angst, Insta-Love Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 55
Estimated words: 51094 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 255(@200wpm)___ 204(@250wpm)___ 170(@300wpm)

Taking her phone out, she was about to dial Aluin's number when everything went completely dark.

SCREAMS AND CRIES OF terror rose amidst the unmistakably violent noise of a well-planned ambush - the scrambling sound of people trying to escape, the heavy thud of bodies falling to the ground, the swish of metal slicing into flesh. And above it all, another sound rose—-


The twins tore off towards the sound of the princess' voice, unstoppable and cold-blooded in their pursuit even as they had to fight their way past what seemed like dozens of mercenaries. Heads rolled down and lifeless bodies crumpled in the twins' wake, but despite the impressive speed in which they had disposed of their enemies, by the time they finally found the princess, an armored truck had rammed the steel gates open, and masked abductors had already managed to shove Estrella halfway inside it.

Gunfire exploded as the princess' attackers tried to hold the twins off, and the two men disappeared from view in an instant. Invisibility was their race's most precious skill, but as it also consumed huge amounts of power, time was of the essence, and both men knew they had to find a way to get the princess to safety before they completely exhausted their powers.

Almost there. Aluin focused on dodging bullets. Almost—-

A powerful growl rose in the distance.

What the hell?

Another roar followed. Louder this time. Nearer. Fiercer.

Estrella heard it, too, and just like the twins, she found herself turning immobile with shock, all thoughts of struggling free forgotten.

That sound...

There was something about that sound...

Almost as if...

"WHAAAAAT THE FUUUUU—-" One of her abductors let out a scream of terror as he suddenly went flying in the air, almost as if someone had flung him away like he was no heavier or better than a piece of carcass. And it happened again and again, with Estrella only managing a startled gasp as the same fate befell the rest of her attackers.

A moment later, she saw the twins shed their invisibility, and she started to call out...when she realized it wasn't just them who was in the process of materializing.

Oh my God.

In front of her, another creature was revealing itself inch by inch - a beast that stood over twelve feet tall, with thick sharp horns and fangs and claws as sharp as blades. Its fur was as thick and rich as sable, and with the beast able to hold itself upright, one would be forgiven for imagining the beast might be the Minotaur coming to life.

But it wasn't.

Her heart started to race, and her feet began moving on its own. She saw the twins tense the moment she moved, and she shook her head at them even as her gaze remained at the beast.

Reinforcements came to arrive, but they were too late, and the twins sharply signaled for the men to keep their distance.

As Estrella came to stand just a few feet away from the beast, it slowly turned its head to look at her.


Its eyes were violet.

And she would know those eyes anywhere.

Oh God.

Estrella's body started to shake.


Chapter Two

She was a young slip of a girl, slender and dark-haired, with a face that held the promise of stunning beauty. Almost like a pearl still cocooned in a shell of insecurities, he mused absently. And her meekness and innocence, it was like her second skin, a juvenile fragrance that didn't attract but didn't quite repel either.

Regardless, she was not the type of girl that appealed to him. He wouldn't even have noticed her, much less given her the time of the day...if not for his first glimpse of her, hair perfectly coiffed even as she seemed hell-bent on escaping today's soirée by climbing down from the clubhouse's second-story terrace.

Interesting, Lysander thought, and he called out to her on impulse. "Do you need any help, milady?"

The girl, startled by his words, lost her footing, and let out a cry as she started to fall.

But Lysander, of course, was more than ready to catch her, and he only grunted as she landed in his arms with a gasp. Green eyes gazed up at him, her gaze admonishing and shy, and it was quite the enchanting combination. "You s-startled me!"

"My deepest apologies for that." Lysander's voice was a velvety murmur as he gently lowered the girl to her feet.

The girl nodded stiffly. "Who are you?" She was making a show of dusting the skirts of her gown, but her green eyes completely gave her away. She was visibly struggling not to stare, but her gaze kept coming back to him and lingered especially on the locks of his hair, which gleamed violet under the moonlight.


Lysander found himself smiling at the way she crossed her arms protectively over her chest. The look on her face told him she was choosing to play it safe, even if she found him fascinating, which she obviously did.


