Mess Me Up Read Online Lani Lynn Vale (Bear Bottom Guardians MC #1)

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Biker, MC, Romance, Suspense Tags Authors: Series: Bear Bottom Guardians MC Series by Lani Lynn Vale

Total pages in book: 73
Estimated words: 72655 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 363(@200wpm)___ 291(@250wpm)___ 242(@300wpm)

I looked over at Izzy to see her giving me wide eyes.

I sent her a wink. “Hold my stuff.”

She held out her hand, and I started emptying my pockets. Handing her first my wallet, then my phone and keys, followed shortly by my watch.

“What have you been doing on your phone over the last hour?” I asked. “You seemed pretty intent on whatever it was you were doing.”

She shrugged. “Reading something online.”

My brows rose.

I’d tried to catch her attention quite a few times, but her eyes had been avidly focused on whatever it was she was looking at, which inevitably made me curious.

“Show me,” I demanded.

She rolled her eyes, then turned her phone around.

All I saw was writing on a page, but one word caught my eye. “Cock?”

She shrugged. “I was reading a good book, so sue me. Y’all are boring just standing around.”

My lips twitched. “That we are. If I get tackled and break myself, don’t laugh at me later, okay?”

Her eyes went serious. “I’d never laugh if you were hurt, Rome.”

I swallowed at the look in her eyes, which cleared just as quickly as they flared.

“Good,” I said softly. “Do you need anything? I think I have a bag of peanuts and a protein bar in my truck.”

She rolled her eyes. “I was just messing with ol’ Joe Blow. He gave me this sob story, so I had to lay it on just as thick.”

I winked at her. “Atta girl.”

Something changed in her eyes then. “Don’t get hurt, Rome. I have plans for your body later.”

The smirk that lit my face at her statement was nothing less than lecherous. “Good. I have plans for yours, too. Getting hurt in any way will fuck with that, and seeing you in those shorts since this morning is making me less than yielding.”

With that, I turned on my heels and barely caught the cleats that were tossed at my face in time. “You remember how to put these on, don’t you?”

I flipped Linc off. “Fuck you.”

“Don’t hurt him, Lincoln,” Izzy ordered.

Lincoln held up his hand in the Boy Scout’s sign and said, “Scout’s honor.”

Izzy looked at him. “Were you a Boy Scout, Lincoln?”

Linc’s lips twitched. “I was for about a week and a half until they figured out that I was walking two miles to the meetings by myself because my dad worked swing shift and couldn’t take me. When they found out, they tried to pick me up, and I didn’t like the sad looks they were giving me.”

Izzy’s gaze was intense on Linc as she saw something else working there behind his usual easy-going nature.

I’d noticed it myself a time or two.

Though Linc was quite outgoing and funny as well as approachable, he was also a lot older than his years. He didn’t act like any mid-twenties man that I knew.

“You’re trouble, Lincoln,” Izzy said softly. “You’ll come to dinner with us after the game?”

Linc looked a little startled. “Uhh, yeah.” He paused. “I guess.”

My mouth turned up in a smile. “You’re screwed. Just say yes.”

Linc shrugged. “Yes.”

Izzy’s smile was brilliant. “You don’t get hurt, either.”

With that, Linc’s easy grin was back. “My body is worth millions. If I break it, I don’t play. Trust me when I say it’s never my intention to get hurt. Plus, we’re just playing flag football, so no touching at all.”

Izzy narrowed her eyes. “I know boys, Linc. Trust me when I say that it’ll get out of hand.”

“Never,” Linc disagreed.

Let’s just say, she didn’t hesitate to say “I told you so” when it did, in fact, get out of hand.


I was laying on the ground, my balls screaming for me to do something, but there was nothing I could do.

I felt someone nudge my side, and I opened my clenched-shut eyes to see Izzy standing over me.

Her eyes were heated, and she was running that gaze of hers up and down the length of my shirtless body.

“You okay?” she asked.

I had one hand on my balls, and the other one clenched into a fist at my side.

I couldn’t manage anything but a short, jerky nod.

She looked over at Joe, then at Linc, who were watching sheepishly.

“You know,” she said softly to them both. “I had plans for those tonight.”

Joe snickered as Linc’s eyes widened. “He’ll be okay.”

“Maybe.” She tilted her head and leveled them both with an angry look. “But I told you not to let him get hurt, didn’t I?”

Linc winced. “It was an accident.”

“It most assuredly was not an accident,” she countered. “He gave you the slip, and you retaliated by diving at him. Your big, fat head hit his junk. It wasn’t nice.”

Linc look chagrined. “If he hadn’t said what he said, I would’ve left him alone.”

She turned her eyes back down to me. “What’d you say?”

I didn’t dare open my mouth, not when she looked so pissed.


